Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

December 20th, 2011

@tsunimee Hang on. Doesn’t that mean you’ll be going to bed on the same day you woke up? Is that some kind of time travel?

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@hayles Pair 1 worked best for me (and that was before I saw you saying you liked them, too!)

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@utterben Goodness. *blushes*. Thank you.

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A moment of exchange. Snap from lunchtime at the Sourdough Cafe.

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@KaveyF I just assume you’re hanging poised over the keyboard to answer my culinary queries like batman in a chef’s hat.

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@KaveyF Fab! In fact, fabber than fab, because 3 medium-sized very ripe bananas is *exactly* what I want to use up.

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@KaveyF Got a bananabread recipe? Only this one I’ve found need 2 1/3 cups mashed bananas, and I have no idea how much that is! :D

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@betty_watson One shouty incident per two hours? That’s a better rate than my local library. Definitely have to try BTP :D

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Royal Mail online postage tells me I need a customs form for this non-EU destination. Is there some news about Greece I’ve not heard?

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@betty_watson I will have to try a Monday breakfast-followed-by-working morning there to try to kickstart one of my weeks.

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@betty_watson I really need to get there early one day and see what it’s like to work there.

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@archidave It probably means I should get more sleep :)

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@MandinaM I’m running on BTP Columbian right now. Ground at home, thank goodness; I’m still in my dressing gown!

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@stillawake Most of the dreams I remember are that odd. Strange place, my unconscious.

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@dave_buxton Sadly, I have little talent for plot, and the dream started in the middle of things, so I’ve no clue why I was doing all that!

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Woke from dream where I was on my second try rescuing robot from sinister hospital. Had just discovered consultants’ secret prostitute wing.

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@philsherry Odd. I’ve Lion, an iMac, a magic mouse, and a trackpad, and no BT probs at all.

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@thesafetybat I need a garden first, but I definitely agree :)

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