Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

December 13th, 2011

@Cookwitch Good luck! (PS: Are they normally putting the “n” in “restaurateur” these days? I was always told off for that when I was a kid.)

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A short slice of my morning.

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Gee thanks, Final Cut “Pro”.…

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@theagilmore Good. Here, have an extra Bristol *hug* to push us even further in the right direction :) Thanks for last night!

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@StJamesPT @BlackDogDays Well, it was tempting sunny about, what, eight seconds ago?

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This may be my favourite ever product photo on Amazon. Black muslin photo backdrop:…

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Eclipse is a bit like Emacs, in that it’s a nice place to live, but you wouldn’t want to visit there.

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Urgh. It has been a very slow start so far today. Making a strong coffee.

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Wow, that was proper dramatic thunder, that was. Hope one of you lot had just delivered a portentous one-liner.

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@theagilmore Rude folks? I must’ve missed them. Unless I *was* them. *looks nervous*. What happened?

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