@Narshada I think keeping a Windows XP box around for visitors would be hands-down insulting to most :D
The downside of my trackpad & “natural” scrolling? When ordinary humans use my computer, they immediately want to throw it through a window.
@KaveyF @ahnlak Oh, yeah, that reminds me: bit.ly/sZdCrN
@roundonefight I… don’t… [goes all high and breathy] knoooooooooow!
@jukesie Well, I’m with you on the hair, to be fair. But I let them have a go anyway. *one minute of buzzing* “Eyebrows, sir?”
Today I am wearing a nice new jacket for no particular reason, and have just had a haircut. I feel very dapper.
GaryDelaney Just been to a hospital in Middle Earth. #orcward
@hayles Echofon must love my cheese. I had a different pic for months before today’s change, honest!
@hayles The cheese pic went in the summer!
Last month, the owners of portable music players collectively wasted 34.7 million hours untangling their headphone cables. @madeupstats
@Cookwitch Holy fluff!
LeeBinding Here we go. December. Most people now have a sink clogged with moustache hair and a half-finished novel they can’t stand.
@BlackDogDays Oh, good reminder. *goes to find Berocca*
@hayles Annoyingly, there’s no easy way for a developer to bundle iOS & Mac App Store apps!
@wood5y “the charge will help cut congestion”? What, by making sure less public transport can visit a public transport hub?
@hayles Interesting idea, but I’ve not seen anything that’ll do it. CLOUD FAILURE.
@hayles Think I got MacGourmet 3 cheap as part of a bundle. Love its “easily grab recipe from random web page” features.
@hayles Hrm. Dunno. The ones I’ve used (MacGourmet and Sous Chef) are Mac apps where you can push your recipes to a “companion” iOS app.