@bexxi @ahnlak @richardjfoster I bet you got carbon, though. #girlsbestfriend
@ExpSeminars Just wanted to say thanks for a great seminar on Sunday. Nina was fab. Really changed the way I think about using the camera.
@PeteWilliams @utterben Don’t make me jealous. New iPhone a bit out of my price-range still, even on an upgrade :(
@utterben @PeteWilliams Yur. My tiny camera needs to be tiny enough to jog with in a pocket, so they’re never the top-of-the range tinies!
@utterben *noise, even.
@utterben They emphasised it a lot on Sunday’s course. Tutor (ex-Canon) big advocate of “nose is better than camera shake. Turn it up.”
Pinboard Posted a rant called ‘Don’t Be A Free User’ bit.ly/tht4mZ
@PeteWilliams @utterben Yeah, pretty amazing. The 60D is definitely a good step up from my old 400D when it comes to low light.
@utterben Yeah, the lighting was mostly natural, and pretty dark, but at least in the right places.
Today’s @BristolJelly was good for productivity, and had nice people. If you’re a cabin-feverish freelancer like me, I recommend trying it!
@utterben Thank you. Trying to put some lessons from Sunday’s camera seminar to use. Wouldn’t normally have tried ISO 6400 for that shot!
Snappity snap. I am trying to get more unedited, direct-from-the-camera pictures. Here’s one from today. flic.kr/p/aRwrka
@NoWireHangers Erm. I may need some context for that.
Oh, so *that’s* what I’ve been doing wrong with this code. #momentofrevelation
BristolJelly Bristol Jelly is happening now and it’s a goodun! Here with @MaffRigby @realbenwheeler @gothick and @betty_watson
Nice sky today, #bristol. Carry on. instagr.am/p/Xoe2E/
@hayles @BristolJelly Yes. But the Cabot Tower jelly is quite hard to carry to the event, apparently.
Right. Off to @BristolJelly.