Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

February 2010

@hayles Sack of New potatoes, then? Tube of Pringles? Oh, hang on, I’d never leave the bed.

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@hayles Clearly you need a sack of potatoes the size and weight of t’other half to act as ballast when he’s not there.

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Thank you, Seagate FreeAgent Pro, for your “usb or firewire” replaceable plug-in modules of joy.

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@rabidbee That’s where I normally bugger something up, end up with 110,000 pictures, and clean duplicates all weekend…

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@tweeny4 Good. Being you is a fab idea. Well, for you. :)

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@laurashav Wait roughly 20 years. It’ll get old in the end.

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Damn you, MacJournal! Every time I do anything which involves MobileMe synching, you lose data. That’s this morning’s Morning Pages gone.

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Okay, 7K run. Quick shower, then it’s time for a few hours of spring cleaning. Feeling disgustingly virtuous today.

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Okay, think I should probably go for a run while it’s not actually tipping it down.

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@davidpatrick Very odd, especially as Apps have virtually no effect on the phone when they’re not running. Oh well.

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Very impressed by first brush with Migration Assistant. Apart from deep system stuff, e.g. where I’ve installed MySQL, this _is_ my old Mac.

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@davidpatrick None, never seen that with mine unless there really was no service. Erm. Tried taking the SIM out and putting it in again?

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@davidpatrick Oh, cancel that, I’m reading back a few tweets.

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@dressjunkie Wow — you got the Full Narcissist Edition of Twitter? That’s quite an upgrade…

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Migration Assistant has worked so well I’m wondering what twisty little problem it is I’ve yet to encounter.

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Note to self: Not only is “klutziness” a fantastic word, it’s also in the OS X spelling dictionary. Win!

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@chris_j_hughes Thank you! I did. It was great. But I may now have to watch it a few more times to figure out what the heck it was about.

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Curse you, Apple. Please let developers have access to do plugin-y things in the 64-bit framework. I want iGlasses in 64-bit.

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Sitting in view of car, waiting for someone to bring me coffee & lemon polenta. There really are worse places to break down!

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Hmm. Jacobs prepared to meet in middle on web price, but don’t have the lens in stock.

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@andybeebristol Mustn’t grumble! Have broken down next to cafés in Clifton Village in plenty of time to walk where I was going!

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So much for ploughing through my todo list. Car just broke down. Abandoning it to go to physio appointment before I call RAC. :(

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Okay, lots to do to day. Morning Pages done, now it’s time for Clifton Village chores, a physio appointment, and running shoe shopping.

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@tsunimee It sort of worked for me today. Mostly it felt like I was throwing my to-do list at the world and seeing which bits stuck.

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Right. Settling in for some David Lynch.

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Speaking of films, though, think I may finally get around to watching Mulholland Drive this evening.

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@hayles the entire experience that accompanies seeing a film at a mainstream cinema is the main reason I see about three films a year. :(

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Someday, someone will rent the whole ad break and play their commercial at 1/32nd speed, and I’ll actually see it.

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In a queue in Moti, waiting for shoe fitting.

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@hayles Very possibly. But hey, it has been four whole years.

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@hayles Clearly only some kind of Internet gossip flirt would do something like that.

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@hayles I would look at what’s on myself, but am about 1% of way through Migration Assistant transfer between Macs :D

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@Lillput Yup, they were, but not for the full £50-off web price, which is fair enough. Calling me Monday to let me know if they can get one.

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RAC utterly splendid, by the way. Got to me in 25 minutes, car fixed in 20, friendly as ever.

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@Nose_in_a_book I hate it when that happens. Still, is opportunity for nice new mug.

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@KaveyF Cool. Thinking of checking it out in Jacobs, then ordering from them online — have £50 off at the moment, I think only online *grr*

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@jemimakiss Works for me. Think I remember it being updated very recently - checked for updates?

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@rabidbee oooh, nice one! They have a discount code for Jacobs, which was on my shortlist already. Bookmarked, ta.

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If I see another bad progress bar today, I’ll find the coder, beat 99% of them to a pulp very quickly, then spend an hour finishing the job.

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@ahnlak Cool, ta! Re:lens, it’s either that or the 24-70 2.8L. But: ow! My wallet!

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@Scriblit Yup! When I redesign (the first active site I ever put together!) it’ll be Twitter-aware!

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Plus, any reason I shouldn’t go for the Canon EF-S 17-55 2.8 IS? Keep hearing good things about it, and have no plans to go full-frame.

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@Swishrelic Heh. Sorry, mum was a proof-reader. Think it’s genetic!

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Where do my UK photographer friends buy their (new) lenses, web-wise?

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@Scriblit That is probably one of the shortest unique sentences in the history of English.

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@Swishrelic That’s “emanating”, you know… *ducks*

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@rhodri @KaveyF The scary thing is, I’m now actually tempted to buy it. Kill me now.

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@rhodri I wonder if is available?

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@Scriblit Except, presumably, that ninjas rarely phone in advance, as that kind of showing-off is frowned upon in stealth assassin circles.

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@talkie_tim Don’t know. Can’t remember if my cluster map exeriment is still working - try ?

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Heh. Got the heatmapping working quite well on…

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@dressjunkie Mmm, yeah, it probably only works for me because I know this view’s been done to death in nice bright colour :)

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Hmm. Think I have a draw for my two favourite photos from yesterday. This: or this:

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Yes, I bought The Sun today. Note to self: always think through the implications of having someone sell your work.

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@mjh53 There is pretty much nothing that can’t be bought as a USB stick these days, it seems.

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@MrsPBoutique Maybe it was just too bloody dark. Spring often renews interesting in snapping…

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Bleh. Morning all! *rubs eyes*

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@benjohnbarnes Not sure. But it’s been six months, and the hip ache I’m getting reminds me of how I felt before I bought these.

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@KaveyF @ahnlak oooh, yes, forgot to say: Welcome back!

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@csoanes Heh. I may have to buy a few copies tomorrow.

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Hmm. Think it’s possible I need new running shoes.

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@KaveyF Yup, split between me and the agency. Still don’t know the figure yet, though!

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@Narshada Definitely credited, don’t know the payment yet but it went through a pukka agency, so should get some dosh.

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Well, that was quick. My flashmob photo made The Sun:

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@benjohnbarnes There’s far fewer free songs, and far more alternative sources for them…

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You know, I actually quite like Bing.

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…they seem perfectly legit; just wondering.

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Anyone out there had a Flickr enquiry in the past from South West News Service offering to market pics?

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@daraobriain Moon or District 9, depending on your mood. Probably District 9.

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Profiling some PHP code. I iz l337 haxxor.

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@ianmcshane “It’s not my fault! I was just cleaning GoDaddy, and it went off!”

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@leigh Just look her straight in the eye and tell her: “IJW!”

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@tsunimee I thought it sounded French. The word, I mean, not necessarily the action :D

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@asic69 It’s an electomagnetic guitar bow. It’s a bit odd. Erm. Hang on. Showing’s easier than describing: :)

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@hannahnicklin Reset days are fab. And knowing when to take them is a highly underrated skill.

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Playing with my new EBow :)

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You seem to be buying a pint of milk. Would you like to install Microsoft Silverlight?

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Sitting on ferry earwigging on people discussing my postcards :) Yay! They’re buying some!

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Just popped a few photos from the shopping centre lightsabre flashmob into my photostream :)…

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@benjohnbarnes Cool. Really must get one of those things to attach it to my laces at some point, so I can give it a proper go.

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@benjohnbarnes Not that I remember. But I found it while I was tidying up yesterday, if you want me to experiment in any way…

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@asic69 Which is for telling which string the field’s directed against, so unusually non-pointless, as blue gadget light go :)

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@Lillput You must have fallen through some kind of hole in the fabric of space/time.

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@Barb_G “Muffin-burgler” sounds like one of those phrases I normally have to look up on Urban Dictionary.

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@Lillput Cool. When you go client-side, Firefox/Firebug will help.

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@Lillput Do it one bit at a time. You can get the javascript side of stuff with Google Maps going all locally without worrying about hosting

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@AndyCarolan Well, domains are cheap. Unless Andyca Rolan has already bought the non-hyphenated one :)

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Okay, maybe before I go out, I’ll wait for the Amazon mp3 download of The Fame Monster. £3 for 1 1/2 hours of good running music! Bargain!

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Time to get out and jog to Clifton Village for lunch & coffee. Think I’ll take it nice and easy today, my hip is aching a bit.

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@Lillput Cool. Was eyeing up sexy coffee makers in John Lewis last time I was there, but can’t really justify it for my one cup a day!

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@Lillput On the other hand, once I’d made that decision, I’d attempt to drill out the stripped screw :)

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@Lillput There are lots more astoundingly cheap coffee machines out there now than there were 10 years ago.

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So. Midday. Probably time to stop slobbing around in pyjamas, then. Two out of four things on today’s “to-do” list underway or done, anyway.

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@Lillput …a bit like choosing a body because you already know people with lots of lenses :)

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@Lillput Any of these platforms/languages will work fine. You may just want to pick based on who you know you can borrow help/code from.

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@TheLloydClan Don’t know. But if it’s any help, I’m here with you. Personally, am going to try Horlicks.

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@Lillput On the other hand, if you’re coupling it with SQL Server, I know that even better than MySQL…

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@Lillput “never _done_”, that should read.

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@Lillput Ah. That makes it rather more difficult for me to help you out. Never down Microsoft web stuff.

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Leaving lovely cocktail party just before they start on the espresso martinis. Sounds just a tad too dangerous. ;)

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Hmm. Facebook just told me I didn’t have permission to add a comment. To a post I made. While I’m logged in. Who broke what?

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@Lillput Sounds doable. PHP on the server side?

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@Lillput If it’s any help, the e-books (PDF) are generally very good. Anything in particular you need/want to do?

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Twitter has done to stop people putting two spaces after a full stop than _The Mac is Not a Typewriter_ ever did.

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Final svn commit log: “Removed extraneous comment to make the code exactly 200 lines long. Because I could.”

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All right. Now have an RSS feed for my tumblr dashboard. All my feeds are belong to… er, me.

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Today I tried to find some colour to offset some of last night’s bleak black and white set.

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@Jorence h, At that Emmeline, she’s a pusher, she is. Had me doing straight espresso shots last time I was there. Dangerous woman.

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@Jorence May have to try that next time I’m there!

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@shezza_t I have the disturbing impression that you may be right.

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In Clifton Village BTP, having avocado and olive thingy.

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Oh, *dental* hospital. The next table’s conversation was more worrying when I though they were talking about biting in *mental* hospitals.

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@benjohnbarnes Think I have a Nike+ thingy somewhere, but I’ve never given it a go.

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…presumably, though, Pritt R&D couldn’t find a way of making it less phallic, so they had to settle for a simple pink conversion.

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I never realised Pritt Stick was so terribly masculine that it warranted a Just 4 Girls version.

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Right. Morning Pages time. While it’s still, like, _morning_.

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Hacking myself up an RSS feed for my Tumblr dashboard.

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Wow! Stargate Studios’ green-screen work showcase: (via @carsonified’s blog…)

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@tsunimee Shame. I was going to ask you to DM me with some examples. :p

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@tsunimee There’s really nothing that private or sensational among my DMs. Why? Are yours really salacious? ;)

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@rabidbee Ah, you’ve been a victim of “keming” ;)

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Circular ripples/
Hard sunlight on frosted wood/
The dock gently steams

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@rabidbee @tweeny4 I’ll feel bad enough in the morning as it is :(

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@tweeny4 Likewise. Personally am going for Horlicks (yes, am clearly now elderly.)

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Bah. So much for an early night. Worrying about work. Think I may need a new job.

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@Playleimagery Thanks Mark! Just trying to get some decent shots before I run out of February!

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@jbrownridge Yes indeedy. It’s probably my favourite lens.

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This evening, I was mostly trying to use lines in my photography. This is my favourite result, I think:

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I am going to bed. Yes, it’s only 10:30. I don’t care.

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Another beautiful spring day in Bristol.

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I think I may be becoming dependent on coffee again. Must buy more green tea this lunchtime.

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Apparently the procedure to connect to work’s VPN under Windows is “keep saying ‘yes’ to every single one of the 34,387 security warnings.”

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Gah! My @Runkeeper voice prompts became WAY TOO LOUD BY DEFAULT WITH THAT LAST UPDATE. My ears hurt. Turned down now.

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Right. I’m off for a jog. See you in 5K!

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@bestform It was Firefox that was showing me a blank page! IE just gave an error message. I’m pretty sure it’s proxy weirdness.

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Strikes me that if I spend the extra money on a waterproof camera, that will guarantee I never accidentally run it through the wash.

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Never mind. At least I got Evernote working again. Now I just have to remember this oddity for the next time it happens.

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@Narshada Except that DNS resolves both names to the same IP address.

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@OpinionatedGeek @lbpirat Yeah, I’m starting to suspect the work proxy, but I don’t get why it’s only that breaks.

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@lbpirat …because it looks like it’s a simple htaccess redirect from non-www to www, and it works fine everywhere else.

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@lbpirat Yeah, I understand that. I just don’t understand how it’s different on my work network from the way it works at home.

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Weird. Why does bring up a blank page, but work, but only on my work PC? IP address is the same…

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@ArryMatt You’re going to arm-wrestle everyone, one by one?

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@ArryMatt I know you’re going to be carting suitcases around lots, but artificially boosting your shoulder muscles is going a bit far!

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Having gyp upgrading Evernote. Grr.

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Turns out the Lumix FP8 is now so cheap it’s not worth the insurance claim. But FP1/2/3 soon to be released, with sliding lens cover. Yay!

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@hannahnicklin “Open your mouth and say ‘ah’.”

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@hayles Oooh, ta. That was the bit I actually wanted to see, but missed because I was still watching _Dexter_ on DVD…

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Ahh, the excellent XKCD is excellent.

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@hayles That would make a good chorus, I think.

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@hayles Oh, I forgot; you’ve met me. For some unfathomable reason people who’ve met me rarely cower in fear when I threaten them.

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@hayles Hmph! Any more of that talk, young lady, and I may have to assign you to a space in the middle of next week.

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@hayles Yup. Preferences -> Expose & Spaces, add iTunes under Application Assignments list.

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@foxc Oh, you’re right! I guess they stuck in all the cities without thinking about it too hard. D’oh!

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If any of the rest of you are common verbs or nouns, bear in mind you may be off the Christmas list too.

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Just deleted Paul Reading from my phonebook, purely to stop my sodding iPhone “correcting” “reading” to “Reading”.

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@Lillput and I respond very well to coffee, so we’re probably both onto a winner.

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@Lillput whereas I am a hardcore SQL ninja. ([](-<

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@Lillput @talkie_tim Can we not just shoot anyone who extracts megs of data from DB servers and then does relational ops on then in Excel?

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Reading Excel formulas that other people have written is like reading Perl that other people have written. Only not as rewarding.

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@hayles You know me better than I do, apparently. Cool. When’s it on?

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@majicDave It’s pleading with me to install Silverlight. Which is at least consistent with every other Microsoft site I trip over.

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@hayles I don’t think I’ve watched them live since the Fleetwood/Fox debacle. Will I have heard of anyone, do you think?

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RT @johnfbraun: I don’t know what’s more frightening, the website design or the candidate <— Very, very scary.

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@johnfbraun You not telling me that’s _real_, are you? Surely that’s a parody site.

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Goodness. And he’s still going. Maybe I’ll make a cup of tea.

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Well, at least I’ve heard of Robbie Williams. But I don’t think he was American the last time I heard him.

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Who _are_ all these people?

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Hmm. See what people mean about the amount of autotune around these days. It’s like the musical equivalent of overdone HDR.

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Okay, not heard of this one, either, but that was a fab entrance.

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That’s more like it. Pop stars should dress insanely and have a definite air of instability.

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@Nomme1 No. And by the looks of it so far, you can keep him to yourselves.

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@davidpatrick The music doesn’t sound much worse than it did in my youth — I couldn’t stand 90% of it back then, either…

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Have just switched on the Brits. Is the sound out of sync for everyone else? And who’s the club circuit comedian bloke?

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Hmm. The tweets are putting me off switching it on in the first place.

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As is traditional, I get better and better at making pancakes until I’m brilliant. Then I spend a year forgetting how to do it again.

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Heh. Googling “Congratulations! you have found the hidden” finds many hidden pages. Wonder if any of them are interesting…

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@Swishrelic if it helps, those empty follicles are a perfect 0.2mm hexagonal grid.

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@csoanes One of my friends switched recently; the main drawback for me was that she doesn’t sound so sexy in the new voicemail message :)

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@csoanes Maybe they’re trying to induce a pang of regret :)

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