‘kay, then, I have given in to the meme: Formspring me up. http://www.formspring.me…
@CodeClub No, managed to rescuer Firefox. Sometimes it reports a slow-running script. On its own plugin-updating window…
@CodeClub …and today that error box ended up hidden behind other windows and refused to come to the front. *sigh*
@floyduk I paid someone £60 to do it for me. Am wuss.
@floyduk Are you fast enough that that’s really worth your hours? Bear in mind mine’s a totally different model :)
What’s the difference between paella rice and risotto rice?
@bananza Moderate drool, but no jealousy yet. Just about to nip out for a 5K run, so I’d better not eat until later!
@evelet Ta!
Just back from my evening jog to a river of tweets. You folk really know a lot about rice! Thanks!
@hayles I could use an emergency slanket for when I’m ill. Taste is suspended when you’re ill, which is why daytime TV become attractive.
@hayles I don’t actually know who he is. #elderly #outoftouch
@hayles *shrugs helplessly*
Hmm. Should I do the formspring thing? Would anyone ask me anything? Will not let it auto-tweet, whatever happens, as that might be annoying
@hannahnicklin What’s the old phrase? “Never underestimate the bandwidth of a postman carrying a CD”, right?
Oh, bloody great. Firefox is refusing to start this morning, so I’m reduced to looking for fixes with IE bloody 6.
@tsunimee I’m guessing either Wave or Buzz. But the list appears to be getting longer by the day, yes…
@caffeinebomb Which ones have you got? Was looking for a pair recently, but need a recommendation.
@caffeinebomb Ta!
@tsunimee Wave was so yesterday. Now it’s Buzz. Which I don’t think I’ll try until it’s at the stage where friends are pestering me to.
@caffeinebomb Will take a look next time I’m there. It’s where I buy my running gear, as running shops don’t sell clothes for fat people.
@tweeny4 @Squonk See? Just the _idea_ is already weakening the knees of strong women. I’m definitely onto something.
@LouisTrapani Did you go out drinking last night? #lateralthinking #bugreportinterpretation
*Fiddles about with D and D sus chords* *sings* …here comes the sun… *hums*
@asic69 okay. Deep breaths. Now, think through your resources: do you have access to chocolate?
iPhone snap from the boat http://twitpic.com/12d1hu
@hayles I’ll take the chance. I’m guessing I’m safe from you as long as I always carry a teabag and never stray too far from a kettle.
@AndyCarolan Heh. Today, I’m playing with angles. Trying to work on one bit of photography at a time :)