Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

February 16th, 2010

@johnfbraun You not telling me that’s _real_, are you? Surely that’s a parody site.

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Heh. Googling “Congratulations! you have found the hidden” finds many hidden pages. Wonder if any of them are interesting…

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As is traditional, I get better and better at making pancakes until I’m brilliant. Then I spend a year forgetting how to do it again.

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Hmm. The tweets are putting me off switching it on in the first place.

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Have just switched on the Brits. Is the sound out of sync for everyone else? And who’s the club circuit comedian bloke?

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@davidpatrick The music doesn’t sound much worse than it did in my youth — I couldn’t stand 90% of it back then, either…

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@Nomme1 No. And by the looks of it so far, you can keep him to yourselves.

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That’s more like it. Pop stars should dress insanely and have a definite air of instability.

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Okay, not heard of this one, either, but that was a fab entrance.

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Hmm. See what people mean about the amount of autotune around these days. It’s like the musical equivalent of overdone HDR.

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Who _are_ all these people?

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Well, at least I’ve heard of Robbie Williams. But I don’t think he was American the last time I heard him.

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Goodness. And he’s still going. Maybe I’ll make a cup of tea.

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@hayles Oh, I forgot; you’ve met me. For some unfathomable reason people who’ve met me rarely cower in fear when I threaten them.

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RT @johnfbraun: I don’t know what’s more frightening, the website design or the candidate <— Very, very scary.

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@hayles I don’t think I’ve watched them live since the Fleetwood/Fox debacle. Will I have heard of anyone, do you think?

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@majicDave It’s pleading with me to install Silverlight. Which is at least consistent with every other Microsoft site I trip over.

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@hayles You know me better than I do, apparently. Cool. When’s it on?

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Reading Excel formulas that other people have written is like reading Perl that other people have written. Only not as rewarding.

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@Lillput @talkie_tim Can we not just shoot anyone who extracts megs of data from DB servers and then does relational ops on then in Excel?

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@Lillput whereas I am a hardcore SQL ninja. ([](-<

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@Lillput and I respond very well to coffee, so we’re probably both onto a winner.

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Just deleted Paul Reading from my phonebook, purely to stop my sodding iPhone “correcting” “reading” to “Reading”.

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If any of the rest of you are common verbs or nouns, bear in mind you may be off the Christmas list too.

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@foxc Oh, you’re right! I guess they stuck in all the cities without thinking about it too hard. D’oh!

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@hayles Yup. Preferences -> Expose & Spaces, add iTunes under Application Assignments list.

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@hayles Hmph! Any more of that talk, young lady, and I may have to assign you to a space in the middle of next week.

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