Someday, someone will rent the whole ad break and play their commercial at 1/32nd speed, and I’ll actually see it.
@Nose_in_a_book I hate it when that happens. Still, is opportunity for nice new mug.
RAC utterly splendid, by the way. Got to me in 25 minutes, car fixed in 20, friendly as ever.
@Lillput Yup, they were, but not for the full £50-off web price, which is fair enough. Calling me Monday to let me know if they can get one.
@hayles Watershed or Cube?
@hayles I would look at what’s on myself, but am about 1% of way through Migration Assistant transfer between Macs :D
@hayles Clearly only some kind of Internet gossip flirt would do something like that.
@hayles Very possibly. But hey, it has been four whole years.
In a queue in Moti, waiting for shoe fitting.
Sitting in view of car, waiting for someone to bring me coffee & lemon polenta. There really are worse places to break down!
@hayles the entire experience that accompanies seeing a film at a mainstream cinema is the main reason I see about three films a year. :(
Speaking of films, though, think I may finally get around to watching Mulholland Drive this evening.
Right. Settling in for some David Lynch.
@tsunimee It sort of worked for me today. Mostly it felt like I was throwing my to-do list at the world and seeing which bits stuck.
Okay, lots to do to day. Morning Pages done, now it’s time for Clifton Village chores, a physio appointment, and running shoe shopping.
So much for ploughing through my todo list. Car just broke down. Abandoning it to go to physio appointment before I call RAC. :(
@andybeebristol Mustn’t grumble! Have broken down next to cafés in Clifton Village in plenty of time to walk where I was going!
Hmm. Jacobs prepared to meet in middle on web price, but don’t have the lens in stock.