@CoWorkingWest Will do. And let me know if you do any evenings; 4:30-9:30 would be more my thing!
@BBCBristol Shame he was found out so early. I’m pretty sure he was desperate to give someone the third degree.
Hmm. I mostly approve of the Urban Dictionary definitions of “Matt” http://bit.ly/bjnvow #meme
Thanks. So now I know that as well as being rained on today in Millennium Square, I’ll be rained on tomorrow, too. http://twitpic.com/115cj6
@tsunimee “doppelgänger”, I think it’s spelled. You’ll have to ask a German follower to be sure :)
Hmm. Think the battery in my MacBook is dead. What time’s the Apple Store open til, again?
@foxc Have leather case which bulks it up a bit, but is OK. For jogging I just shove it in a pocket and try not to put keys in there too :)
@foxc It’s not a bad camera, but unless you really need something light & thin there’s probably better options.
Imagining a dark anti-Twitter, made up only of blocked users. 10,000,000 bikini-clad girls follow 10,000,000 auto-DMing SEO gurus.
@hayles Clearly there’s an opening for an Application Rejection Executive at that place. You should apply.
Just saw a rower misjudge his clearance past Tony Bullimore’s catamaran. Swoosh… Glide… Swoosh… Glide… Sw*CLONK* *OW!*
@CoWorkingWest Sounds like a lovely idea, but unfortunately my day job would get in the way :(
Good: Swung past Hotel Chocolat after buying new MacBook battery. Bad: promised self I wouldn’t indulge until I’ve been for a run. #damn
@CoWorkingWest @CodeClub Cool, have been meaning to find new ways of socialising this year.
@TheLloydClan Wouldn’t work with me :) Anyway. Must get off arse and go for run so I can justify these pralines. Sorry. Will shut up now.
@benjohnbarnes “And on the third of February, 2010, Twitter achieved… a complete lack of self-awareness.”
@TheLloydClan That is indeed true, as it is of most lardy joggers :)
@CoWorkingWest I honestly don’t know. There must be _some_ other people who have day jobs & spare-time work they’d prefer to do in company.
@CoWorkingWest But no idea how many. And you don’t want to work evenings like that so often, or you wear yourself out.
If anyone’s feeling generous, @teacherdude’s fund for replacing his stolen camera gear is here: http://bit.ly/dkF6zi
@BatteryGenius Just died, basically. Was in use lots for three years, and had done 500+ cycles, and I didn’t treat it well. Can’t complain!
Assisted suicide seems to be in the news recently, so here’s my take: if I ever stop hating the ads on commercial TV, please kill me.
@hayles Why not? Love and kittens, Matt x
@hayles I worry more about the people who start forum comments with “Dear Sir/Madam”.
@seengee I seem to remember someone likening that review timing to asking Mrs Lincoln if she’d enjoyed the play.
@seengee Aha. Yes, it was the illustrious @hotdogsladies, of course. http://bit.ly/aWjjhQ