Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

August 2014

@IndianaTux @FozzTexx Gosh. When I were a lad we’d just rummage through the big box of scrap bits for that kind of thing.

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@FozzTexx Cool. Hope it holds together. My similar botch is still going strong.

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@FozzTexx (Last time I *just* managed to countersink the hole on inside & got enough thread to poke through… Doesn’t look doable w/ those.)

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@FozzTexx It is really sodding annoying when that happens. Designed for thin sheet metal?

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Not sure The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai was a good choice for this evening.

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WeAreKit The new video from @RachaelDadd and @HeinzJunkins - beautifully shot, ace costumes and great track of course…

via Twitter Web Client (retweeted on 3:59 PM, Aug 29th, 2014 via Tweetbot for iΟS)

@_pigeons_ And all your letters in 11d are correct.

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@_pigeons_ “He’s an **** fan of…”

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@_pigeons_ Also, 14d is RETRACT, which makes 20a more obvious.

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@_pigeons_ Or possibly more: 1d: MOOD, 7a: LOSS, 2d: INSPIRE ?

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@24hoursBristol Ta. I managed to work around it by disabling Javascript-looks like the page won’t accept entries for very first timeslot.

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@JohnLRiceJLR @hawklord2112 Yup. Second one in a fortnight. Both about the same age. I’m generally careful with them, too.

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@24hoursBristol Hi! I can’t upload image—site says my hour slot (00:00 - 01:00) is invalid. Sent question about that but not heard back?

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chudders Should you sell your DSLR and get a fuji/ mirrorless camera? Nice summary from @dougchinnery…

via Twitter Web Client (retweeted on 11:36 AM, Aug 28th, 2014 via Tweetbot for iΟS)

@scorpion1966 Bah. Second time I’ve been up the thing and the view both times was ten feet of rock and some greyness.

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@scorpion1966 I was up there the day after. Apparently a slightly wetter, mistier experience, but still very glad I did it ;)

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That was a long long weekend. Back to work properly today. (Worth it. First time I’ve climbed Snowdon, though I got the train back down!)

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Apparently, they’re called “Lightning” cables because of the rate you get through them.

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Shonette The masterful @AhhToots has made a proper Bristol cake - cider, hot air balloons, the works!…

via Twitter Web Client (retweeted on 1:42 PM, Aug 27th, 2014 via Echofon)

@Lillput I’m glad we walked up Snowdon *before* the pub, let’s put it like that. Also glad I wussed out and got the train down.

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Morning all. I and my hangover and my blisters are in Snowdonia.

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@chubbybannister You’d have to post-process. RAW is everything the sensor sees, so camera settings like B&W only affect JPEG in camera.

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This is the view from the top of Snowdon. Other views may be available in better weather.

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@guriben Congratulations. At least you lived through the night.

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@johnfbraun Yup. Traditional accompaniment to fish & chips, especially in northern England, and apparently Wales…

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@chubbybannister Don’t know much about Elements. Were you shooting raw? Normally with raw choosing B&W on camera only affects the preview.

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@MsMottram But yes, it is something of a shibboleth.

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@MsMottram “Sorry. I’m a southerner *shrug*” seemed to be accepted well enough here in Wales…

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@mnowster So bloody good. Neil Maskell especially fine.

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@OpinionatedGeek You have my sympathy. I don’t travel well, either.

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@guriben Then who *is* that upstairs? *Twilight Zone music*

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mrjimBob Only 68 ice bucket days until Movember.

via Twitter Web Client (retweeted on 8:41 PM, Aug 24th, 2014 via Tweetbot for iΟS)

@hayles Bit of a mixed bag, but the pier’s lovely and the natives seem friendly. On the whole, Would Visit Again.

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@hayles It’s north Wales, too. Twice as bad.

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Just been gently teased by the waitress for choosing the non-mushy peas. This tends to happen above a certain latitude.

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Just passed a combined DVD rental and sunbed studio next to a Bargain Booze. *raises eyebrow*

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Didn’t we have a lovely time…

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At Stafford, my favourite motorway services. Not saying much, I know, but: Pond! Ducks! Fountain!

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Facebook suggested events for me today: a lingerie fitting, and G-A-Y’s “Camp Attack!”. Maybe I should just go with the flow…

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On the plus side, picture of the Plough and a teeny glimpse of a shooting star. So maybe it was worth being up late.…

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Ugh. Teensy bit* tired.

* May be an understatement.

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Ahh, Matt Berninger. I love the way the second syllable of a word can arrive two or three bars later…

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Actors fear playing the Doctor will overshadow their career. In my imagination, I hear, “Well, at least it’s not Malcolm fucking Tucker…”

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@jsnell I have no way of telling whether that’s a real dream, sarcasm, or the actual content of the latest episode.

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@libbymiller So I’ve heard. From what I’ve seen that appears to be a Wheatley hallmark…

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@libbymiller Still not seen that yet. I’m not much of a film watcher, really.

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@libbymiller Oh! Had to look up who he was. Was recently remembering how good Kill List was, after Neil Maskell’s performance in Utopia.

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Jesus. Just woken up by what sounds like @NPAS_Filton hovering over my bedroom. Headache.

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Trying to wrench myself away from the possibility of a second lunchtime beer.

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@Mouse_House It’s one of the sites at Bangor Uni. Not sure what it actually means.

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On the plus side of the Galley being closed, there’s the Grain Barge.

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@chubbybannister I am, but I’ve been too busy to plan a shot. Got the midnight to 1am time slot.

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Damn it. Seems like half the time I try to go to the Galley, they’re closed.

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Thanks, folks. Pronunciation sorted.

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@guriben Ah! I’m using Bangor Uni as a cheaparse hotel while I’m in the area, and I’ll be on the Ffriddoedd site, apparently…

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“Ffriddoedd”. I’m guessing something like “Frithith”, Welsh people?

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@MResponsively I’ll answer that question, but you have to sign up to my newsletter first.

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@xabl It’s going to be fun when the self-driving cars start doing that…

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@StiffPigeon Well, indeed. It’s hard enough to walk up bloody Snowdon without swimming the Atlantic first…

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No, Google Maps, if I am asking for a route from Bangor to Snowdon, it is not that likely that I meant to start in Bangor, Maine.

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@Kavey @SousChefTweet As if. Here we go: plum crumble with yuzu ice cream :D Thanks!

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@Kavey @SousChefTweet Good, thanks. I’ll tweet you a pic once the plum crumble is done :)

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What? It’s gone 5? Bugger. I accidentally worked all day. That’s not meant to happen.

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Was that my imagination, or did a fighter jet just fly over Baldwin Street?

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@talithahg What kind of a useless octopus can only play *one* ukelele?

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Peculiar Readers of mysteries on Kindle absorb fewer details than paper-readers -

via Twitter Web Client (retweeted on 9:12 AM, Aug 20th, 2014 via Tweetbot for iΟS)

Mornin’ all. I have a headache. How are you?

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petapixel Google’s 360º panorama app ‘Photo Sphere’ now available on iOS:

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@panic Ah! Thanks - solved by email. Was WebKit crashing building preview icon.

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@Kavey Seems to be. Sitting in the freezer right now.

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Currently making Yuzu ice cream:… Thanks for the recipe and the yuzacha, @Kavey :D

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@ttscoff Woah. I’m not sure I’ve seen “SUPER” before…

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@Cookwitch @Kavey (Incidentally, if you want to see Chris Tarrant looking *very* young:… )

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@Kavey (Not sure if it’s too health-conscious or just low demand. It was a pretty unusual item even back when Tiswas popularised it :D)

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@Cookwitch @Kavey One of the Co-Ops I tried had space for it, but no stock. Tracked it down in a local indie convenience store in the end…

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@Kavey Condensed milk has clearly fallen from fashion since my youth. Had to try four shops!

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RedLightBristol Bacon washed @Beefeaterdrygin for tonight with @FlavourSmith at the @runciblespoon1 and we still have 2 places left?!

via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 1:01 PM, Aug 19th, 2014 via Echofon)

@chrisphin Maybe a couple of months of A-B testing would give you a good article for netmag, anyway…

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@chrisphin …do you get enough tinfoilhattery to get a statistically significant sample? :D

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@chrisphin I’d love to know if changing the address itself to chris.phin at macformat would make a difference…

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@chrisphin Where do people get the email address? Is there a way you can make it even more obvious that there’s a human being behind it?

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Eating the same lunch I used to have regularly as a student in 1991, except with organic smoked salmon instead of a tin of Tesco Value Tuna.

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@bananza They can be recalcitrant little buggers at times.

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@jdriscoll As I understand it, you can force it to install, but it only builds for iOS 8; can’t do 7. Maybe best wait until tomorrow.

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@jdriscoll I managed to download it before it was pulled, and the download wouldn’t install—said it was corrupt. Guess it was a dud?

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XCode 6 beta 6 is out.

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@panic Coda 2 hangs when opening any project. Any hints or tips? Thanks!

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@laurakalbag They will end up in the same circle of hell as the voice actors who record the messages for robot sales calls.

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@MillieBooLewis @BristolBUTTR Oooh! Didn’t expect there to be a local anti-chafing supplier! I’ll try it when I’ve exhausted my lanacane :)

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@MillieBooLewis Lanacane anti-chafing gel (bigger Superdrug stores) or Bodyglide (running shops) are great for avoiding that kind of thing.

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@charwarz I once saw one that used United Kingdom but had it under G in the alphabetical list. Special.

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@Kavey Ah! Rapadura is the name of that sugar I was trying to remember.

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Waiter! This isn’t “well-done”.

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Snap of me by @Kavey on the Northern Line earlier today :D…

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@faerietalefoody Was it you I saw talking about Noble Espresso t’other day? Just enjoying a cortado…

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I have a good feeling about this.

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I approve of ice cream with an ABV.

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Starting my day with a mojito on a stick from Ice Kitchen. Tastes amazing.

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Ice cream boat. Bonus. @ St Pancras Lock, Regents Canal

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Kavey Off to Kerb with @ahnlak and @gothick for ice cream!

via Hootsuite (retweeted on 10:25 AM, Aug 16th, 2014 via Tweetbot for iΟS)

@liveindetail I’m going here: for a nice cream related event of some kind. Hurrah!

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@liveindetail You coming down here too? *Waves from Finchley*

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theloop Tips from 25 guitarists on playing better -

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Working on my friend @nickisellars’ website. Her novel Colour Me In is 99p on Kindle at the moment……

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benhorsleyco This train carriage smells of loveless marriages and failed Windows Service Pack updates.

via Twitter Web Client (retweeted on 9:25 AM, Aug 15th, 2014 via Echofon)

@MillieBooLewis I’m in a quiet, calm, leafy, inner-city environment, but sadly that means a detached house would cost millions.

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BBCNews Phone firm @EE charging 50p to jump hotline queue

via SocialFlow (retweeted on 6:06 PM, Aug 14th, 2014 via Echofon)

@SelfishMom Law & Order would be a more ironic choice for the day, I reckon.

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@technicalfault It’s got curl as standard if you can substitute it.

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wearesorryfor This is lovely. Glowing resin inlay in chestnut:…

via Twitter Web Client (retweeted on 2:51 PM, Aug 14th, 2014 via Tweetbot for iΟS)

BristolCouncil Lord Mayor to run Bristol Half Marathon in his robes

via twitterfeed (retweeted on 1:59 PM, Aug 14th, 2014 via Echofon)

@guriben Well, there was always the tiny chance you were having a brain fart and actually trying to use bash.rc…

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@caitlinmoran It’s a good reason to keep the Mail around, though. We can jettison it if we run out of space. A turdbag of internet ballast.

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@snorewell Hang on a sec, I’m just loading my witty reply mortar.

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@psidnell I think I used to know that, a long time ago.

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@soffes It has rather felt like I’ve been randomly arranging my init stuff until it happens to compile :(

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*sings* I’m a secret lemonade drinker!

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That sinking feeling when you realise that what you downloaded is not the software you wanted but a downloader for the software you wanted.

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@lukeredpath Freaky. Maybe it’s a particular webrick version, or something. Seem to be using 1.3.1 here.

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@lukeredpath (And have you tried temporarily disabling any Safari extensions you’ve got installed? I found a couple would cause oddities.)

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Currently doing development with that exact setup & Safari. Working fine. Is it just sometimes? Or all the time?

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@lukeredpath ? I’ve done all my local Rails dev in Safari and not noticed that. Is there a specific circumstance?

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Back from a slow 10K. Convinced there’s a mile of the Portway around Sea Mills that goes uphill in both directions.

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@ashfurrow Be careful. Don’t create any wormholes to another dimension. I hear that can happen.

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@dangusset It’s not so much the 7:40am, as the “come at 3 in the afternoon for a decade, then give the contract to lark-people”.

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Really, bin men, 7:40am? *Listens to sounds of panicking residents dashing around in bathrobes with bin bags*

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@chubbybannister @jakepjohnson You would have needed the wellies. I was lucky my walking shoes are waterproof. Still got my socks a bit wet.

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You know you’re doing long exposures when you resort to the minute hand on your watch for timing.

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@hecsentric @MrGreenGus Erm. I was born in London. And I chatter on Twitter. And I live locally. Is it my fault the spring tide is high?

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Yeah, okay, that’s a pretty high tide.

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@chubbybannister @corylus I can walk there in ten minutes and let you know, if you want.

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BristolCouncil Temporary closure of Avon Cres (8-11pm) and Cumberland Rd (9-10pm) to protect against possible flooding. Please RT

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DavidClappPhoto To live here you want not. RT @lazaroumterror: Yoda is selling houses in Bridgewater.

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Rained so hard last night it blew the end off our drainpipe. Not seen that before.

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@LouisTrapani Fair enough. I remember the cold war era well enough to get the references and the mood, so it’s worth a try…

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Maybe I’ll rewatch _The World According to Garp_ today.

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@Swishrelic @garycasamojo And then pretty much every other five minutes, it seems. Now where did I put that dinghy…

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Woah. That would be hail so hard that it’s setting off car alarms, then.

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@Bristol52 @jakepjohnson @Saralimback You might think that. I and my other personalities couldn’t possibly comment.

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@Bristol52 @jakepjohnson @Saralimback I was speaking entirely hypothetically :D

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@Bristol52 @jakepjohnson @Saralimback The difference in looks between apps helps my brain remember who I am. Tweetcaster’s a good one.

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@jakepjohnson @Saralimback @Bristol52 I find it can help separate things if you use a different Twitter app for each account.

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Today I have mostly been working on a login screen.

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10 mins to get an OAUTH ssh connection working, half a day to get the background graphic showing on login screen. Such is mobile dev.

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@Malarkey It’s great that you stand a real chance of achieving your dreams.

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Hrm. Think I may just put that jog off until tomorrow.

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@ahnlak I should probably buy the Kindle one as well. This isn’t going to survive another reading. But I’m never going to get rid of it :D

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The XX is a good soundtrack for today’s weather, it seems. *Turns on more lights* *Turns up the music*

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@ChinaShopBull I think of all the acid reflux I’m missing, and it balances out. My doctor says I really shouldn’t even have the one…

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Bloggity: The Balloon Fiesta is my Christmas.…

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@ChinaShopBull Trying not to go down that vicious circle. I normally survive okay on one a day…

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