Oh. With near-perfect timing, only just heard about this #lightsout thing.
I had a @Carbonite free trial in 2009. Just got two different-looking emails telling me it’s about to expire and I should re-sub. Phishing?
danielwcarlson 31 years ago, there was no such thing as “Ghostbusters.” Somebody had to make it up. Movies can actually do that, you know. Invent stuff.
trillingual Stop retweeting that “BBC has removed Jeremy Bowen from Gaza” link. Just because someone put it on a jpeg doesn’t make it true.
@rachelandrew They’re probably used to Joomla.

@olebegemann I was disappointed not to find your Swift String article with this search :) pic.twitter.com/2rK9CnxhiP
@jukesie But last time I was stuck in Cabot, it was Carluccios. Was good for breakfast, but a bit posher than I’d like for lunch.
@jukesie Ah, shame. Can’t think of much Cabot way. Other side of Broadmead is fine: Roll for the Soul, Small St Espresso, etc. etc.
@jukesie (Also: garden should be really nice today.)
@jukesie Best place I can think of is @VolunteerTavern. Not a long walk.
@philsturgeon Simply can’t remember, I’m afraid. This would have been many years ago, and I probably wasn’t in a position to judge PHP code.
@philsturgeon C) I think I remember using it at some early point when I was learning PHP. Haven’t really noticed it since.
engadget Hitchbot thumbs rides across Canada, makes human friends engt.co/US6ZMz