@psidnell I think I used to know that, a long time ago.
@soffes It has rather felt like I’ve been randomly arranging my init stuff until it happens to compile :(
*sings* I’m a secret lemonade drinker! #adsofmyyouth
That sinking feeling when you realise that what you downloaded is not the software you wanted but a downloader for the software you wanted.
@lukeredpath Freaky. Maybe it’s a particular webrick version, or something. Seem to be using 1.3.1 here.
@lukeredpath (And have you tried temporarily disabling any Safari extensions you’ve got installed? I found a couple would cause oddities.)

Currently doing development with that exact setup & Safari. Working fine. Is it just sometimes? Or all the time? pic.twitter.com/OH5oenCD1y
@lukeredpath ? I’ve done all my local Rails dev in Safari and not noticed that. Is there a specific circumstance?

Giffity: Entrance Lock’s tidal range. #bristol tumblr.gothick.org.uk/post/946352626… pic.twitter.com/LKuZz2fkf4
Back from a slow 10K. Convinced there’s a mile of the Portway around Sea Mills that goes uphill in both directions.
*snigger* #bristol #crocodile instagram.com/p/ro1aEvpCzo/
Madness. instagram.com/p/ro0IUaJCx9/
Sea Mills instagram.com/p/rowIP7JC-d/
@ashfurrow Be careful. Don’t create any wormholes to another dimension. I hear that can happen.
@dangusset It’s not so much the 7:40am, as the “come at 3 in the afternoon for a decade, then give the contract to lark-people”.
Really, bin men, 7:40am? *Listens to sounds of panicking residents dashing around in bathrobes with bin bags*