etherbrian “So where’s the app for this, YOU STUPID GEEK?!” she screamed, grabbing him by the lapels, shaking him as zombies clawed at the front door.
@stillawake Everybody needs a montage! (Ta. x)
@KellySibson Indeed not. I retweeted because I recognised that particular trait in myself. Being a bit drunk doesn’t help. Sorry.
Boats & balloo#Bristolstol @ The Grain Barge…
@ToM_BaL Tick.
In The Old Fish Market. Bit pished :)
@MissEmmeline 30 a day. But I’m guessing the cups were smaller back then!
@paulahillier No, sorry; Heather’s leaving do. In the Old Fish Market, a bit pissed :). Also, can’t see what that is, as don’t have FB pass!
pearcafe Someone’s commented on @jteramsden’s LoveFood post that ‘restaurants [are] legally obliged to post an outside menu with full pricing’. True?
@the3rdgirl Careful. I did that once. It lasted about a decade.
@nyssapod Thanks!
Self-validating Wikipedia quote of the week: #coffee #voltaire @MissEmmeline
teacherdude Greek parliament swathed in tear gas. Syntagma Square, Athens #greekrevolution
@mattgemmell Time to “round ‘em up”?
@rabidbee Morning!
@hayles I think you were probably right the first time.
New running bloggity whinge about feeling fat and rubbish :( “Everybody Needs A Montage”:
@sitepointdotcom Just a heads-up: all the images on… seem to be 404.
@ahnlak Probably best read in colour anyway. Especially the chapter on colour :D
@ahnlak Hah! But had you actually *read* it?
@ahnlak Also, having just flicked through them both again, I’d probably recommend Principles… as the better choice for you.
@ahnlak Both of those are really quite “designery”, mind. But in a good way, I think :)
@ahnlak Ah, yes. Try 1) A Practical Guide to Designing for the Web (Boulton) 2) The Principles of Beautiful Web Design (Beaird)
@mikeotaylor I still like my Jimi. Buy new one roughly every two years, and I can live with that.
Damn it. My Jimi wallet has died. *rushes to Amazon for replacement*
@MissEmmeline I take it you were waiting for the 3AM phone call of blame? I decided to let you off the hook.
RT @MissEmmeline: Matt, I wa slein awake in bed thinking about you last night, hahahhahahahhaahah” <- Raises eyebrow, Roger Moore stylee.
RT @MissEmmeline: overslept after suffering coffee induced insomnia <- I am unsurprised, you latte-making fiend! Me too!
Think I just heard the hoot of the lesser-spotted @rabidbee
Morning, Bristol. @ The Fountains…
I know nothing about Mardy Fish. But if I were Wimbledon umpire he’d be in. “Mardy Fish wins by two sets and THE BEST NAME EVAH SO THERE.”
@BlackDogDays *bzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz* *wild eyes* (Also, hope that result’s a good one. *hug*)
I MaYhAVE hadtOo mUCHCofFEE.
@BlackDogDays @stillawake Next to and just round corner from Primrose. You pass Amoeba garden if you use side entrance to Arcade.
@stillawake @BlackDogDays I like the Coffee #1 there, too. Amoeba’s garden is nice, and have heard good things about 194F.
@hayles She plans to get through quite a lot of practice:…
Emmeline is practicing :) @ St Nicholas Market…
Anyone else near St Nick’s Market at the mo? :)
@ahnlak It might be if I want to sleep tonight.
Off for free coffee. This could be a bad idea.
NickMotown The reason there is often a storm in a teacup is because they’re quite muggy.
@hayles Mmmm. Matador!
@meemalee Susan Blackmore (who wrote “The Meme Machine”) pronounced it “meem” when I went to a reading, so I’m going with that.
@MissEmmeline Yes, I particularly like the union jack wellies…
@BlackDogDays @stillawake Will try it again at some point. But so many nice places in Clifton Village, easy to get put off one if not great.
Fab Big Picture shots of Glasto:…
@boagworld Have you been telling Marcus about your mother?
@BenPark Sounds very much like it.
@stillawake @BlackDogDays Not sure what happened, but it was previously “Bar Chocolat”.
@BlackDogDays @stillawake Even since the… rebrand? Change of ownership? …have avoided it because service used to be so dreadful.
Feeling good! That’ll be the codeine, sadly. #headache
Aww. #lostinthestreet @ Pump House Ferry Landing Stage…
@hayles Is there any company who’s got better after a rebrand?
@hayles Or maybe not. But yes, mine arrived in the window and I was very impressed. It’s like the anti-Home Delivery Network.
@hayles Free pizza!
@Nose_in_a_book Ooh, me and @ahnlak were talking about that on Saturday. We couldn’t tell from the blurb what it actually *was*…
Isn’t there meant to be some tennis on? Who’s this twonk? #wimbledon #bbc
Just in time for the last boat home.…
simonblackwell For anyone relatively new to Twitter who might be confused by Twitter slang, “It’s raining” means “It’s raining in West London”.
Damn it. Someone in the office has stolen my Graze box. Must remember to move the delivery when I’m taking a day off.
I think there’s some sort of seagull rave going on in Recliffe. #squawksquawksquawksquawksquawksquawk #noisybuggers
@adamcheasley That sounds like the anguish of a man who’s never had to use Oracle. Try it sometime; it’ll make you appreciate MSSQL…
RT @postsecret: Photos Shot by Camera That Was Mailed Through Postal System:… <— Hah! Great idea.
@BlackDogDays Typical bloody Capricorn reaction, that. (Also: apparently Aquarians are prone to making obvious jokes.)
chrismarquardt Yea! A Portal reference! Road signs: out of frame
@BlackDogDays @Jorence Banana cake’s probably good for serotonin, right? *passes plateful*
@BlackDogDays :(
@parryphernalia Ouch. Still, at least with Maplin you stand some chance of getting through to someone helpful in the end.
@danielpunkass “Hey, I’m sure we could make this ’249 New Features!’ headline a little snappier…”
@MatStace Seems odd, especially when dropping the trailing slash can sometimes lead to a different page…
@kmakice Have you considered an exorcism?
@kmakice Ah well, just a thought. Never had YouTube do anything like that myself…
@kmakice Got any iDevices plugged in, or any dashboard widgets that might be prodding it?
@Killdozer Because “changing the currency sign” is the traditional method of tech price conversion? See also: Adobe. :(
@Playleimagery Oh, cool! Yes, it’s only about fifteen minutes from me — and I just walked past most of the first photos on that page!
Urp. Right, yes, have been out and see what everyone means. Now back in basement drinking cool things. #swelter #melt
1860s billiard table with electronic pushbutton scoreboard! #gadget…
Just posted a photo…
Main entrance. @ Tyntesfield…
@BlackDogDays Bah. Well, Tyntesfield has quite a lot of indoors, apparently. Off anyway :) Will send moody instagram pic of rainy mansion.
@talkie_tim Well, if you’re handing your Green badge in, you could get dolphinskin seats. I hear they’re cooler.
@BlackDogDays Ooop. Tyntesfield may not be that great an idea, then. On plus side, will be getting there in air-conditioned box…
@Algardav Grrrr.
@becskr I’d say go for a sub. Good service, good books, not hard to cancel. I subscribed when I had a long commute; it was great for that.
@BenPark “You’re the last person in the street who’s not signed up to our fab deal!” “You’re from Npower, right?” “Erm. Yes.” *slam*.
@becskr Also, I cancelled my subscription years back, and still have access to my account/downloads/books , which is nice.
@becskr The subscription plans are good, though. Guess they prefer a steady income. Service very good, to, in my experience.
@BenPark I just said “no thank you”, and closed the door.
@BenPark Well, at least it was only Jehovah’s Witnesses, then. Npower far worse. They don’t even believe in what they’re selling.
@Jorence ? Is it that bad out there? I haven’t been outside yet, but I was planning to head for Tyntesfield.
@talkie_tim Wha? They’re closing Google Health? I only just signed up to that. Bah.
Woken up on my day off by a pair of Jehovah’s Witnesses trying to give me a “global invitation” to something. (Annoyedville, perhaps?)
@hayles @talkie_tim I believe you can do that online with Google Shameful Confessions. Or am I bluffing?
@talkie_tim Google what?
@DreyaT Last time I was in Exeter, I saw the Infadels at the Phoenix, which was fab, so that might be worth a look.
Blue sky.…
I can massively recommend @RedemptionBrew beer, and I am *not* just saying that because I’ve had three various pints :) #crouchend #London
@chris_j_hughes Yur. Flying visit with Kavey + Pete (Pete == Ganders; year above at Warwick…)
Currently in Devonshire House, Crouch End, with @ahnlak and @KaveyF. Anyone around? Redemption beer fest… :) @sowerbyandluff @missmcq
@KaveyF @faerietalefoody *waves*
Just posted a photo @ Gelupo…
Albion @ Foxcroft & Ginger…
Being force-fed banana cake in Soho. It’s a hard life.
Latte. @ Foxcroft & Ginger…
Just had probably the best burger of my life. Cool. @byronhamburgers
Just posted a photo @ Byron at the Intrepid Fox…
Male tonic.…
@hayles Oh! Hello! *waves from Finchley*
In That London with @KaveyF and @ahnlak.…
@getrunningapp @helencave @benjohnbarnes Hurrah!
Oh, Peter Falk. I shall honour you for the rest of my life with my wrinkled clothes and apparent forgetfulness.
@BenPark :)
___Nina_____ Average color of the New York sky updated evey 5 minutes via @mikebodge
Fooling around in Lightroom.…
@BenPark Just delivered!
@LegalWeasel Yes, and @ahnlak, too, from what I remember.
Now *these* guys are pleasantly different from the Home Delivery Network……
@RamonYouseph Nooooo!
@BlackDogDays Oh, no you won’t. :D
@BlackDogDays Yur. Alarm clock thing that wakes you up at a point of light sleep in a half-hour window :)
There’s a Flickr group for photos of scenes containing cafe sugar packets? Some people are really quite “niche”…
@LegalWeasel @dietjustice Only through here, I believe. So it’s quite likely us knowing each other is All Your Fault :)
@dietjustice Your dashboard -> reading list -> manage -> settings for that blog -> “stop following”
@MrGreenGus Please feel free to keep it as long as you want. #wackawackawackawackawacka #annoying
Our fire alarm went off at a crucial moment in #wimbledon. I’m thinking someone just burned their dinner while distracted by Lisicki and Li.
@csoanes Very probably.
Got my ADSL back and checked the news. Wish I hadn’t. England seems to be exceptionally depressing today :(
@runnerbeany @BlackDogDays Must’ve been bad for it still to be closed. Anyone hurt? (My ADSL’s dead at the mo; can’t easily check the news!)
@BlackDogDays Maybe there just wasn’t quite enough noise and chaos.
@BlackDogDays Ah! Ta! No, seems I was sleeping like a baby, at 5 at least! :)…
Okay, what *is* going on in my neck of the woods? RTA, I’m guessing. #bristol…
The police helicopter seems to have followed the ferry to Hotwells. Honest, we haven’t done anything!
@lavietidhar @librarythingtim Surely that would only lead to their secretaries having to print out more of that pesky email?
Humph. Have a feeling the last 36 snaps I took went onto the back of the camera rather than any film.
Lunch at the lovely @SourdoughCafe :) @ St Nicholas Market…
@RamonYouseph Have also been rubbish. We should go for a jog together — physically or virtually! @emmafurious
@floyduk I had money earmarked for a splurge. From FCPX debate I’ve heard so far, quite lucky that all I know is a bit of iMovie!
@ravsitar Hurrah! I’m about to get killed, a million miles from nowhere, with a gung-ho iguana who tells me to relax!
@floyduk Hah. I decided to celebrate… er… “something”. And I have bought FCPX.
Ah, there’s nothing like William Hague’s voice for making me turn off the telly and do something useful instead.
davepell I don’t allow comments in real life. So why would I allow them on my blog?
Feeling vindicated on my liking for the car seat! #apprentice
Poor inventy-boy has been completely screwed by his team, hasn’t he? #apprentice
That coffee thing and the kid’s car seat. Think that’s what I’d go for. #apprentice
@BlackDogDays *applause*
@libbymiller …about films I’ve not seen and actors I couldn’t pick out of a line up… Know it’s a fab thing, but it’s not my fab thing!
@libbymiller Mostly because I’m just not that into films, sadly.
Heading up the hill.…
BinaryBad What’s a really good Chinese restaurant in central Lobdon?
@tapbots Any chance of adding username of tweeter, or tweet URL, to the Instapaper “selection” text when saving to Instapaper? Ta!
@ahnlak Yeah; we just had a committee from Atlantis turn up to discuss the twinning ceremony…
@danfairs @ChattyBelle @iainclaridge Yeah, I heard about the concept a while back. *Love* to know what the price will be…
@PhotoRadar No, I’m still saving up for the coffee table.
@bexxi Ugh. I hate windowless rooms.
@Easybourne My safety check for DIY jobs is to see if I start humming the theme music while I’m working.
_Casualty_ are meant to be filming round here today. Hope they wanted a rainy day scene.
@rabidbee Sorry. I just sourced some Ilford 3200. Thus sky must be for me.
@mattbrown01 In my defence, I normally only tweet like that when I’m hungover.
@JonathanTaphous Glad it’s not just me that has to force himself to use colour!
@JasonEscape @FuckAwayOff Nipple gyroscopes?
@headfirstonly Well, I would reply here with an opinion, but… Oh well. At least I’m not angry.
SelmaChalabi Are you from a mixed Welsh English family? I’m making a programme for @BBCRadioWales on national identity. Would love to hear from you.
*pokes tumblr with a stick*
@Jorence It was… okay. Pretty much okay in all respects.
@MediaBen Don’t forget your fascinator.
kevindente Oh look, Google ported VB5 to the browser.
@sueperkins We aim to please.
@sueperkins It’ll go away of its own accord as long as you didn’t use a permanent marker.
@codepo8 And I tend to choose services based on an API where I get to do my own backups. At least I can restore my lewdness in emergency :)
@codepo8 Well, could be worse, I guess.
@codepo8 Well, this no-list blogger is fond of delicious. Any recent news on that particular future? Not checked recently :/
@codepo8 Was that what they were? I didn’t use ‘em, just remembered the disaster.
@codepo8 Yeah, but at least they have multiple good DB backups, apparently. Remember magnolia?
@NivenJ1 Erm. The button with the small “A” and the big “A”, from memory…
@danfairs Apparently so!
@codepo8 Well it’s a good testament to their engineering that they’re carrying on okay without the main DB server, at least…
Should’ve gone to Specsavers… #Bristol…
@stillawake Ah! Ta!
In My Burrito. Gone for chipotle. May be a mistake.
People congregating with sackful of water pistols. Hmm. @ Millennium Square…
Off to see John Cleese.
@technex Awesome!
@floyduk Still a bit too much for me to pay for the “just mucking about” that I do, sadly. Ah well.
@technex Someone needs to design a seagull-tracking mini-antiaircraft gun. And I want the “nano” edition for mosquitos, too.
@floyduk Having tried Premiere Elements the other day, I’d be excited about any product that actually worked. How much is FCE now?
@technex Allowed, yes. Effective against something that happily splashes about in gales on the arctic ocean? Probably not.
bigmediumjosh “We all know someone whose lack of social graces is overcompensated for by vast knowledge in a field most people couldn’t care less about.”
I am taking Monday off (do-dah, do-dah!) #camptowntweet
@joshuatopolsky Flip iPhone!
@Mouse_House Cool. Well, I suppose time does move slower in Post Offices. The carpet tiles are probably still from 1989, too.
@6sync Well, no rush. Just don’t have any more outages until you’ve done it. Simple! :D (Also, please add timezone to the times when you do)
@6sync One thing for future improvement: would it be good to have time as well as date on the status site entries?
@brooke_nolan Yeah, but that average was £350 *before* the royal wedding ;)
@Mouse_House Good plan. When I were a lad, you got a form from the counter, filled it in and gave it to them, but the world has changed!
@Mouse_House Well, I’d *imagine* so, but you might want to ask someone who’s done it more recently than 1989 before you take the chance!
RT @Dan_Martin: Bristol Harbour in all its glory <— View from the M Shed balcony! Cool!