@stillawake Sadly, I don’t seem to get it :( Ah well.
@overheardatmoo Way ahead of you there :) #maplinkitsFTW http://www.youtube.com/w…
@KaveyF Erm. Sounds like some kind of torture to me. Did someone do that to you and tell you it was a “spa treatment”? #youvebeenhad
@domwakeling Luckily, it seems I planned ahead. *phew*
Argh! Did I record Luther?
*s/side/size/ (It’s the wine. Sorry.)
I just had that moment where you look at a new device and realise you just bought 2TB of storage the side of a paperback for 80 quid. Cool.
@madeupstats I’ll get my social networking guru right on that.
madeupstats 15,000 Twitter bios feature the words ‘serial entrepreneur’.
We must hunt these people down and we must show no pity when we find them.
@fakebaldur On the plus side, publishing companies’ lawyers fought less over whether you were allowed to buy them or not.
@guriben Fair point. Chances are fairly good, based on the available evidence, that I won’t :)
One day, I’ll decide on a web browser and stick with it for a while.
@mattgemmell …but it does fit through the cable hole in the stand without much awkwardness when locking/unlocking, at least.
@mattgemmell I use a “Kensington Microsaver for Notebooks”, apparently. No one’s tried to nick it, though, so I can’t rate its security!
@tsunimee Erm. Not heard that one. Unless the speaker was from the East End and addressing someone called Vic.
mattgemmell Attempts to move files between my iMac 24”+24” Samsung and my iMac 27” are seriously hampered by pretending to be on the Enterprise bridge.
@ahnlak If I do, I’m buying one that’s about 3ft tall and training it to gore tall people.
@Lesism On the plus side, it’s great publicity for the Exhibition. I’d not heard of it before.
@MizzWorthy Yes, most of the nurses I know are hugely deferent. #goingforsecondplace
Might finally get around to watching _The Hudsucker Proxy_.
@bexxi Let me know if you want me to send you one. Live quite near one of those little kitchens shops that sells *everything*.
@bexxi Errr. Yes. It appears to be DuraClear brand, but I don’t know details as was pressie. http://lockerz.com/s/110…
Lesism BBC: “Great Exhibition ‘faces London 2012 legal action’” - tinyurl.com/5th4eyo - So, we can’t put the year on next year’s calendars?
@stillawake Cheers! http://lockerz.com/s/110…
That Speech Debelle song works surprisingly well in the trailer for an Alan Titchmarsh show. #contrasts
RT @tom_watson: Happy 50th birthday @BoyGeorge. My god, are you really 50? I must be 44 then. <— I feel very old now. Happy birthday BG!
Jeeves & Wooster, red wine, pasta. Sorted.
@vowe I agree. Also, from now on, I’d like to be known as Sylvester.
@Mouse_House I think you may have worked out the sordid secret of 99% of Twitter users. Anyway. I’m going to have a sandwich.
@michellepauli No cats here. Just makes me feel astoundingly under-read.
@richardjfoster Heh. Sadly, this was what first alerted me. Doesn’t sound great: http://daringfireball.ne…
@sarahw Hrm. Certainly doesn’t fit my image of Reacher.
@LisaGreensill I hate that.
B247Martin RT @southwestscreen Fixed gear riders needed for Bristol documentary. tinyurl.com/4xtfn5z <— Meet in Millennium Square, 6pm on Sunday.
.@psidnell I hear that at the centre of a Dyson fan sphere, there’s no gravity, but it’s *really* windy.
I need funding to answer an important question: can I make a circle of Dyson fans that will perpetually circulate a paper aeroplane?
@scottejames The Holy Trinity!
@emma_cossey Send them over. I’ll look after them for you.
Enjoying the fact that the Bristol World Naked Bike Ride starts at the Full Moon pub.