@MediaBen Is that, like, the modern version of “lost a pound and found a penny”?
@Thehappyfatgirl I actually quite enjoy giving those. Ask @KaveyF! But am ensconced with beer & _The Professionals_, so must decline. :)
@hayles Ouch.
I miss the days when things were “four hundred and twenty nine pounds”, rather than “four two nine.” #grumpyoldman #advertising
@hayles @richardjfoster It’s worth catching an episode or two. #flumps
Watching _Ideal_.
@hayles @stillawake “Flump!”
RT @hayles: Flump is such an oddly satisfying word to say. And tweet <— Flump. Flump flump flump flump FLUMP. Flump. #flump
@charlie_cat_esq @technex Amen. I need to find a partner who’ll make sure I get to bed at a sensible time. #surrogateparenting
@andybeebristol Cool. Appear to have been not far from you, @jukesie and @RamonYouseph tonight yet failed to say hi in person. #inept
@technex You appear to have turned into my dad :) @charlie_cat_esq
@technex It was a damn cheap deal, actually. I have friends in the right places. #nom http://lockerz.com/s/111…
@bertyc Know what you mean. Am on 3GS myself. Have Praktica round neck if I want to take a fast photo. Developing takes a while, though :)
@bertyc Ta. That one was instagram. This latest one was Hipstamatic. Am camera app flirt. http://lockerz.com/s/111…
Ugh. It’s just this kind of evening. #rain @ The Habourside http://instagr.am/p/F4mE…
@kshack22 M Shed is @mshedbristol — what used to be Industrial Museum, opened anew. Might get inside at some point :)
@RamonYouseph Separated by the harbour! Probably heading home before I get wetter. :(
@charlie_cat_esq ah, rain doesn’t matter. It’s still cool :)
Watching something at M Shed. In the rain. @ Lloyds TSB Cannon House http://instagr.am/p/F4fc…
@technex Intravenous praline, baby. It’s the best.
Headin’ home. @ The Fountains http://instagr.am/p/F4dy…
@hayles I HAZ CHEEZCAKE. There is nothing wrong with me at all now :)
Just been dealt an experimental cheesecake from the back of a car in an NCP. I love my life :)
@jukesie Kewl! We are right of bar from entrance, at table below huge oil paintingy mural.
BOOOZ! @ Old Fish Market http://instagr.am/p/F4QX…
@indiaknight *Think* I’ll carry on using a waterproof case, even with that encouraging report…
Steam crane @ M Shed http://instagr.am/p/F3fD…
andymalt Find me a better job title than this, Twitter. I bet you some biscuits you can’t: bit.ly/kq8t5W (via @ereuben)
@mattgemmell Personally, am using beta disk clone software *as well*. But in an “isolation ward”, and for good reasons!
@mattgemmell Heard there may be issues between SD and [SOMETHING], by the way. Might want to check with the SD guys if going to combine.
@goatgirl74 Thanks! I’m also snapping some of these views on actual film, so it’ll be interesting to see how/if they come out…
Busy Baristas. #Bristol http://instagr.am/p/F3GO…
M-shed (opening today, right?) http://instagr.am/p/F3DC…
@mistymaria Am around for chunks of the time; Sunday more likely than Saturday, I think…