Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

October 2016

DoktorAndy Isaac Asimov’s critique of the “ugly girl with glasses becoming popular” from 1956 is spectacular.

via Twitter for Android (retweeted on 2:46 PM, Oct 31st, 2016 via Twitter Web Client)

@ciphergoth @SimonLandmine For extra points, link it to an obsolete maps website, and hide the entire site behind a Flash intro.

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Web Design Rule #173: On a restaurant website, NEVER place the physical address of the restaurant anywhere a user is likely to find it.

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@mattwritescode ICMP is boring. Oh, sorry, I thought that was an echo request.

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BristolFerry Police Divers volunteered to save our treasure which we’re donating to charity!! Read more!!…

via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 1:33 PM, Oct 31st, 2016 via Tweetbot for Mac)

mattdoveywriter It’s the holy grail. It’s impossible. It’s incredible.

A triple layer Golden Crunch Cream, straight out of the…KY

via Twitter for Android (retweeted on 1:03 PM, Oct 31st, 2016 via Tweetbot for iΟS)

@griffinkate I have never heard of A Streetcar Named Bob.

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Feeling boystalgia for Airwolf after The Lady came up in random conversation earlier

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rygorous FUN FACT: “Internet of Things” is the colloquial short form of the longer term “Internet of Things that should not be on the Internet”.

via Twitter Web Client (retweeted on 11:22 PM, Oct 30th, 2016 via Tweetbot for Mac)

@NikaHarper Make sure you do it in Marrakech or perhaps somewhere in the Caribbean.

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VisitAvebury NT staff repositioning the Avebury stones in preparation for the end of British Summer Time tomorrow

via Twitter for Android (retweeted on 9:58 PM, Oct 29th, 2016 via Tweetbot for iΟS)

ememess I can neither defend nor endorse this but someone’s played Voodoo Chile on a uke and we may as well accept it……xu

via Buffer (retweeted on 9:31 PM, Oct 29th, 2016 via Tweetbot for iΟS)

@porthjess Gimme three minutes and it will be :D

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@brentsimmons I’d read your tweet but it’s stuck at “Waiting”.

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@CharlieEsq_ Bao place awesome. Try not to fall backwards off the decking if you sit outside though.

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@hayles @CharlieEsq_ Clearly I *need* to decide for myself.

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@CharlieEsq_ So, *do* they have one of those boxing gloves on a concertina? PS *waves from ferry*

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@CharlieEsq_ May have just been teething problems. First week’s never easy, is it?

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Drinking in the rain because it was a better option than next to the three smokers.

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@CharlieEsq_ Had some fine bao downstairs yesterday. Been told good and bad things about 🐷 place.

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holly @Keris Fun fact: helicopter isn’t heli+copter, it’s helico (spiral) + pter (wing)

via Twitter for Android (retweeted on 10:18 AM, Oct 29th, 2016 via Tweetbot for iΟS)

Handily, also Bristol’s weather forecast for today.…

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LibyaLiberty I’m not sure what you’ve left for the terrorists to destroy.

via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 10:12 PM, Oct 28th, 2016 via Tweetbot for iΟS)

@DJFLevesley @FelicityMorse IKEA do a flat-pack one. I think it’s called PÖNTIF.

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@hayles Ah, nice. Poked my nose in the Pigsty last week but haven’t eaten there yet.

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@hayles Did you lunch at Wapping Wharf too?

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@FozzTexx They had direct communication before the Great Hegemonising Virus of 2258. Now they’re airgapping for safety.

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@TechCorrect Naming my new band The Maxint Pasties.

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@steevbishop I wasn’t using macOS for work at the time!

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Gah! Sierra update tricked me into turning on fucking Documents/Desktop iCloud thing. *Fetches crowbar*

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@mcelhearn Did you reboot? Worked for me. App Store always do bloody flaky.

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SimonMaloy TWITTER: something just isn’t clicking here
HORDE OF RACIST EGGS: [cacophony of immoral filth]
TWITTER: eliminate the looping video service

via Twitter Web Client (retweeted on 11:19 PM, Oct 27th, 2016 via Tweetbot for iΟS)

@DazeEnd Sorry; I’m not sure I’d even know where to look. If it is, it’s not headlining…

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@DazeEnd Watching it now on Apple TV Apple Events channel.

via Twitter for iPhone in reply to DazeEnd

@ahnlak My budget doesn’t run quite that far back ;)

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Ooh! Season 3 of Miss Fisher’s Murder Mysteries has arrived on Netflix. Come right this way, comfort TV. 📺

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tithenai In TO at security about to be Randomly Selected as usual

via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 4:48 PM, Oct 27th, 2016 via Tweetbot for iΟS)

@domwakeling (Oh, and Leigh Woods, a fair old walk from my front door.)

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@domwakeling My “everyday carry” is the Parker Urban. Pilot Namiki black ink.

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@danbarker Yup. For some years, though I can’t remember when I first heard about it. Before the Jeopardy appearance, I think.

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@ChidgChidg Oh, wait, that’s phished, not hackers ;)

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@ChidgChidg I am a Nigerian prince and I will agree with you and send you ONE MILLION DOLLARS if you just send me your bank details.

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Am now entirely full of tea and have Written. Time to head home.

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@Easybourne This may be the time to deploy an ombudsman.

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Different desk for my “morning” pages today.

via Twitter for iPhone

Thrillingly, I believe this is the Northern Stormwater Interceptor Outlet.

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Jumper and rucksack can be an annoying combination. Keep on having to perform the “reverse Picard”.

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@tomasmcguinness …and I seem to remembe@benjohnbarneses having similar problems with the iOS version.

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@tomasmcguinness What platform? As someone who maintains an app that talks, I’d love it if Android gave you the bloody option to code that.

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@RellyAB Yeah. At this point the Mac is feeling more like “least worst” than “best”.

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Can’t quite imagine waiting on hold for 1/2 hour to report something that, by definition, isn’t that important……

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@aallan (I have, sadly, run Windows 10 quite a lot recently, and dear Christ, it’s still pretty awful. Maybe Surface is better.)

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@aallan Do you feel, as I do, that the last few years of Apple has softened you up for a change?

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@mcelhearn Noted. If you’re considering a switch, my tip for avoidance is the incompetent banditry that is npower.

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@mcelhearn (Last time my supplier pissed me off I used the ofgem data to pick a new one!)

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@AshleyEsqueda The 27” retina iMac price point felt quite painful, too, but I still bought one. Worth if it most of your work is done there.

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AshleyEsqueda Wowzer, this is a gorgeous product video. Nice work, MS~ via @YouTube

via Twitter Web Client (retweeted on 5:44 PM, Oct 26th, 2016 via Tweetbot for Mac)

Think I may still be a little bit hyper from the chocolate shot early. @stnicksmarket is a dangerous place.

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@bleedsixcolors @dmoren You know, I *think* this might mean I could control my clunky old X-10 lights with the Echo. Scary.

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@hayles Surely that should read Holy Health Breakthrough, BATMAN!

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@mathowie Wonder what happens if someone mistakenly sets their recovery email address to your email address?

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EJBrand Waterstones in Oxford pulling no punches, eh

via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 7:02 PM, Oct 23rd, 2016 via Tweetbot for iΟS)

Seem to remember finding Black Mirror excellent in the past. First ep of new series seems mind-wrenchingly tedious

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Kavey Gulp! I’ve launched my Etsy shop… the first of my little owls are on sale!
Likes, RTs and visits appreciated!…qM

via Hootsuite (retweeted on 5:23 PM, Oct 23rd, 2016 via Tweetbot for Mac)

cursedimages cursed image 27162

via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 5:21 PM, Oct 23rd, 2016 via Tweetbot for Mac)

Bloggity: acknowledging my odd cafe sign photography habit.…

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📷 Yakumama—which sounds like it should be Japanese to my clearly-uncultured ears, but is in fact Latin…

via Tumblr

sebpatrick This is incredible. After 27 years, someone has discovered that Howard G sings “RED DWARF!” through a vocoder in…9V

via TweetDeck (retweeted on 12:27 AM, Oct 23rd, 2016 via Tweetbot for Mac)

It was only when I got home and digitally zoomed in on the images that I realised someone had lost their string…s3

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I spent ten minutes look up and trying to figure out what strange bird was hovering high over the harbour today.

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@saltwateritch Hah! I only have to get up as far as Hope Chapel and I still feel like I need “steadying” quite often.

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@RedQueenCoder @mdhughes @jterhorst That’s programming. The ability to sew your foot back on with one hand while the other’s still shooting.

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@RedQueenCoder @mdhughes @jterhorst …much more important than trying to code for possible futures that may never arrive.

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@RedQueenCoder @mdhughes @jterhorst Whatever’s cleanest at the moment is all you need. Refactoring in face of real future changes…

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@ahnlak Wasn’t it just a montage of people fighting against a background of a burning crisps aisle?

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@RedQueenCoder @mdhughes @jterhorst (Though if someone might want to leave/join your game at an arbitrary position a list would be easier.)

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@RedQueenCoder @jterhorst @mdhughes But you’re asking for trouble with a card game, beloved example of CS textbooks everywhere 😃 ♣️

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@RedQueenCoder @jterhorst @mdhughes No, I can’t recall using one in the last decade or two. Well, not one I wrote myself, at least.

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@RedQueenCoder @jterhorst Sorry. It’s what sprang to my mind first, too. Call it a “ring” instead as a compromise ;)

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@ahnlak No baskets, no thyme/Nor any hope for mankind/A Tesco Express.

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In an awful Tesco Express. Wander from desolate shelf to desolate shelf. “Help is coming,” intones a robot, repeatedly. I am not reassured.

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Shane_Conneely So, yesterday, a coalition of fridges attacked my meme supply by shouting at the internet’s invisible phone directory. The future is weird

via Twitter for Android (retweeted on 2:48 PM, Oct 22nd, 2016 via Tweetbot for iΟS)

The end of a Hotwells institution? Have enjoyed many a drunken takeaway from this fine establishment over the…EU

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@C_J_Fox It’s mostly practice and the ability to cope with dreadful puns.

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@C_J_Fox Well done. Doing the cryptic right now and it’s a bugger.

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@HungryTrees @BeardyHowse Hah! Excellent that there’s an account for this. Here’s a yew that’s eating a parish…tJ

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And the slightly posher version of that image.

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D2BMcG Me: Are you okay?

Her: I’m fine.

Morgan Freeman: she was not fine.

via Twitter for Android (retweeted on 10:04 AM, Oct 21st, 2016 via Tweetbot for iΟS)

Bloggity: A little gush about the Amazon Echo.…

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@chubbybannister Wonder how hard it is to stage entirely fake FB communities and try feeding them something preposterous.

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@benjohnbarnes …but it’s hard to tell what difference it might make to binocular vision with a brain doing a lot of processing.

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@benjohnbarnes Aperture shape doesn’t make much difference to things in focus—many (most?) camera apertures aren’t circular, for example…

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@MillieBooLewis Yes, it was excellent. Just not really the cheery pick-me-up I probably needed!

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@benjohnbarnes Someone’s definitely done this, but I haven’t found comparison round/cateye shots…

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hrtbps ⚡️ “Anti-Brexit traitors outed on twitter”…

via Twitter Web Client (retweeted on 10:24 PM, Oct 19th, 2016 via Tweetbot for Mac)

@benjohnbarnes …presumably a pre-lens aperture wouldn’t be in the right place to simulate a sheep.

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@benjohnbarnes The only playing with aperture I’ve been tempted to do was for bokeh:…

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Thought there was a happy film on the way to help me recover from the trauma of Tyrannosaur. LoveFilm are sending me Don’t Look Now.

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Tastes great, and I didn’t break the Hollandaise, but it’s hard to plate a Benedict and have it look nice.

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@benjohnbarnes Only thing I’ve used was a lens (with interchangeable-lens cameras the aperture is in the lens.)

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@FoxHedgehog @BrendanLarvor “Julian, I hear there’s an ethernet port at the top of the mountain. You just have to roll the laptop up there.”

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HaraldDoornbos Stray cat enters studio during live tv broadcast in ; finds convenient spot on laptop of presenter……PN

via Twitter Web Client (retweeted on 11:15 PM, Oct 18th, 2016 via Tweetbot for Mac)

NorthantsPolice Man sought following theft of venetian blind from Dunelm Mill, Northampton!/News/28925

via Twitter Web Client (retweeted on 11:09 PM, Oct 18th, 2016 via Tweetbot for Mac)

Fantastic mural by @gagegraphics for Bristol Cider Shop’s move fro…

via Tumblr

@_pigeons_ I’ve decided I’m going to call it Whapping Warf from now on.

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@shezza_t Yur. Means I eat more healthily too, as I’ve normally got a decent meal in.

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(But sadly trying more than a teaspoon of the spag bol will have to wait for a day I’m not already full of chilli.)

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Cooked twice tonight; bit of a big-batch-for-freezing-frenzy. This chilli Marrakech and a spag bol that smells ace……Hd

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@chrisphin Thank you. Just tried that and it worked a treat.

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BonjourBlogger 50mm lenses are such a blogger cliche, but for a good reason!…

via Buffer (retweeted on 1:16 PM, Oct 17th, 2016 via Tweetbot for Mac)

@hatsandbikes Couldn’t you just ask them not to stand so… Sorry. I’ll get my coat.

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@majicDave Your tweet just switched off my Blu-ray player in the middle of a film.

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@psidnell Yup. Might try it next time. Went for eggs Benedict myself.

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Hash brown. @ Zazu’s Kitchen Restaurants

via Instagram from Bristol, England

@aajuk Thanks for the lift! That was much nicer than walking all the way home.

via Twitter for Mac

petapixel Canon 5D Mark IV review through the eyes of a wedding photographer:…

via Twitter Web Client (retweeted on 3:41 PM, Oct 13th, 2016 via Tweetbot for Mac)

@antimitch It’s lush. And hard to take a good photo of.

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Two massive loud bangs in Leigh Woods. *Looks nervous* *Wishes he’d worn orange*

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@siracusa Lightroom tip for finding sensor dust: Develop->Spot healing tool->”Visualize Spots”.

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@Bristolvor I am surprised by how well it went. Magnetic catches so there’s easy access, too.

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Review corner: a folding Bluetooth keyboard…

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