(But sadly trying more than a teaspoon of the spag bol will have to wait for a day I’m not already full of chilli.)
Cooked twice tonight; bit of a big-batch-for-freezing-frenzy. This chilli Marrakech and a spag bol that smells ace…twitter.com/i/web/status/7…Hd
@chrisphin Thank you. Just tried that and it worked a treat.

Mise en place. pic.twitter.com/imTk1OvFXL
@BonjourBlogger I had a 50mm in my hand when I read that.
BonjourBlogger 50mm lenses are such a blogger cliche, but for a good reason! bonjourblogger.com/photography/ne…

Domestic. pic.twitter.com/poOyKd2Gxi