@FoxHedgehog @BrendanLarvor “Julian, I hear there’s an ethernet port at the top of the mountain. You just have to roll the laptop up there.”
HaraldDoornbos Stray cat enters studio during live tv broadcast in #Turkey; finds convenient spot on laptop of presenter…twitter.com/i/web/status/7…PN

NorthantsPolice Man sought following theft of venetian blind from Dunelm Mill, Northampton northants.police.uk/#!/News/28925 pic.twitter.com/emAU2R0ucE
Fantastic mural by @gagegraphics for Bristol Cider Shop’s move fro… tmblr.co/ZD7hNx2DYjmCW
@_pigeons_ I’ve decided I’m going to call it Whapping Warf from now on.

Hard hat. #cumberlandpiazza pic.twitter.com/i7D36abEpR
@Smylers2 @griffinkate Double quotes to the rescue! twitter.com/search?q=%40gr…

Ripple. pic.twitter.com/BwVXyJ73mp
@shezza_t Yur. Means I eat more healthily too, as I’ve normally got a decent meal in.
@porthjess Morning!