Yesterday I emailed @MasterOfMalt @MasterofMaltCS because Evri seemed to have misplaced my package. They not only replied very quickly but also sent out a replacement, and it arrived within 24 hours of that reply. Excellent service. Thanks, Tyler! #whisky pic.twitter.com/jzs3M3eg7f
4r7hr whenever I see “toing and froing” I mentally rhyme it with boing and I hope all of you do now too
TPreacher711 Here it is: the BETA test version of our latest #Blakes7 Video Game #b7rebellion is now up & running for all who want to play! It’s FREE & runs on PC, Android & iPhone via the ‘Roblox App’. It’s a single player game, playing through episodes of the show! roblox.com/games/10354027…

A pair of pairs by #maybepaints, Ashton Avenue Bridge #bristol pic.twitter.com/Q7baKAWJpm
@martr101 Today’s problem did seem to be the lock gate banging into some sturdy debris on the bottom, rather than any mechanical failure. They were still dredging for something with a grappling hook when I left so I don’t know what it turned out to be.

Then//Today pic.twitter.com/ewTlFaaCwe

Traffic jam #bristol pic.twitter.com/zLYdUQXQ4i
Lexialex The Saudis bribed a Twitter employee into handing them the names and IP addresses of Saudi dissident accounts. Those dissidents were arrested, probably tortured in prison. That Twitter employee is on trial right now and barely anybody is interested bloomberg.com/news/articles/…

Oops. Lock inner door is fouling on something. Nobody’s sailing out of town anytime soon..#bristolopic.twitter.com/bm0mJWiHCQCQ
Very much enjoyed #destroyertones at @CentrespaceBS1. Will have to go back when I have more time to immerse.
@chubbybannister I never have. Kept every one.
@DylanWa68690046 @juliaindelicate AVOID DOOR ‘C’, JANE
kibblesmith @DylanWa68690046 “Please like and subscribe.” twitter.com/dylanwa6869004…
mr_n0rris @RussInCheshire I’m sure I read that British tanks have a built in kettle so the crew don’t have to get out to make a cup of tea.
DanNeidle The Chancellor of the Exchequer, Nadhim Zahawi, has been sending threatening letters to people investigating his tax affairs. The letters are designed to intimidate & say they’re confidential and can’t be published.
One was sent to me. I am publishing it. taxpolicy.org.uk/2022/07/22/let…
@heawood Someone’s probably made the foolish mistake of installing it perfectly level. I’ve made that mistake in this elderly house before!

heawood The radiator in this £1.2m house is making me so happy inigo.com/sales-list/kee… pic.twitter.com/5mwHjmUB5o
@Bristolvor Try this: bbcrewind.co.uk
countmorget @gothick @martr101 Almost four weeks after war had been declared.
“Modern ingenuity had been employed on such trifles as locomotive engines, electric cables, and cantilever bridges; on elaborate devices for bringing uninteresting people nearer together…”
(Arthur Machen, _The Hill of Dreams_, 1907)

The Zig Zag from Hotwells to Clifton, postcard, 1914. #bristol pic.twitter.com/ha7ReoFInT
Christ, he wasn’t *that* evil. twitter.com/k8_lister/stat…
StuartMcP My gravestone will read “He was born. He seemed to somehow spend £30 every 2 days in Tesco express. He died.”
@David_on_a_bike @KeepBristolTidy @BristolWaste What’s the betting they put a new bin in the same spot next week 😂
paulisci A Brief History of Nobody Wants to Work Anymore
BacklistedPod New episode up now. The Midwich Cuckoos by John Wyndham, with guest David Farr @DavidFarrUK. backlisted.fm/episodes/167-j…

Arthur Machen on suburbia. No, Artie, don’t hold back, tell us how you really feel… (_The Hill of Dreams_, 1907.) pic.twitter.com/5jzj5vlauy
Tell people you had a ticket for Nirvana at the Kilburn National Ballroom in 1991, but didn’t bother going because you thought they were too commercial.
@avaragado @benjohnbarnes Those were the days. I had an A410/1 in the end. Still a tad surprised to be typing this reply on an ARM machine in 2022!

avaragado 35 years on, I think we can consider ARM a success pic.twitter.com/s6WrmC6kJp
Either the Guardian crossword was particularly hard today or, er, I might’ve overindulged at the Grain Barge.
@chubbybannister I went out. You had the right idea.

It Must Be Love #bristolharbourfestival #bristol pic.twitter.com/WmO5KiMvUm
@jukesie The Balloon Fiesta at least has fantastic, uncrowded morning launches if you’re prepared to get up early. I love those. The crowds later, not so much.
@jukesie Yes. But there may be snacks. And carnage does sometimes mean good street photography.
Not entirely convinced I want to go outside at all today, let alone to the harbour festival.

Hess2Love EVERYTIME someone talks about Ouija boards I’m like “did you know that Ouija boards were patented in Baltimore, and the man that patented them (Elijah Bond) is buried in Baltimore at Green Mount Cemetery, and that his headstone is a Ouija board??? Did ya? DID YA???” 😂 pic.twitter.com/bjqLLlOqQC
Alfred is beautiful, thoughtful, well supported, constantly updated and probably the first app I install on a new Mac. twitter.com/alfredapp/stat…

merrittk This is what every Twitter trending topic looks like to me now pic.twitter.com/WFwrIwmVRc
GeorgeMonbiot 4 months after my mother passed away, @VodafoneUK still won’t cancel her account. Our calls, when we finally get through, have been met with extreme rudeness and aggression, and demands that my frail, confused father answers impossible, irrelevant questions. But it gets worse …
@MittenDAmour I’m glad I can’t hear you over this episode of Blake’s 7.
McDougallSophia “Average novelist writes one novel a year” factoid actually just statistical error. Average novelist writes 0 novels per year. Adrian Spiders Tchaikovsky, who lives in cave and writes over 10,000 novels each day, is an outlier and should not have been counted. @aptshadow
@ShamblesAndFuss @4r7hr I feel some kind of revolving-door-on-a-border arrangement is called for.
@BrnyPwll @ArianeSherine Agreed. Especially if combined with depression.
@shezza_t Amen.
jlynn43xo Why are there pop tarts but no mom tarts
Because of the pastryarchy