Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

February 2013

Hrm. Slightly vinegary Gem from Waitrose. Unusual.

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@RamonYouseph Yup, sounds good. Free most days except Wednesday, by the looks of it.

via Echofon in reply to RamonWrites

Bristol52 LOL: New Punctuation Marks For The 21st Century…

via Twitter for Websites (retweeted on 10:39 AM, Feb 28th, 2013 via Echofon)

I think advertising a property as “a stone’s throw from the local park” might give the wrong impression about the area.

via Echofon

BookEndsJessica I have a client looking for an illustrator to draw sweet, cozy art for website banners, etc. Feel free to tweet me web links, etc.

via Twitter for Mac (retweeted on 7:59 AM, Feb 28th, 2013 via Tweetbot for iOS)

@andybeebristol Well, the tuna was a good deal. Even Waitrose will discount fish with a sell-by of “today”.

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Tonight’s concoction involves leftovers, and stuff that was cheap in Waitrose.

via Instagram

“Would you like to do this?” “No.” “I’m sorry, I’m afraid you can’t do that. Please click ‘Yes’ instead.”. Oh, government websites… *sigh*

via Echofon

@Kavey @ahnlak Thanks for the sponsorship, lovelies!

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@Jorence Thank you for the donation!

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@says_arline I suppose we’ll have to give himself a break, then… Thank you very much for the donation, by the way. x

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Website I accidentally killed for a week is re-building its visitor count. Note to self: don’t assume uploads to S3 default to “readable.”

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MichaelTheGeek Tweetbot Is Naming And Shaming Pirates On Twitter | Cult of Mac:… LOL!!

via Twitter for Mac (retweeted on 4:13 PM, Feb 27th, 2013 via Echofon)

*Kicks autodetected spammer off @getrunningapp forum* *Holsters banhammer* *Walks into the distance, dusting off hands.*

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netmag Big Mouth: Poppycock. Let’s keep the police out of our online conversations, says @garymarshall

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Classic mistake. Drank pot of tea before setting off for home. *Attempts cross-legged walking*

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Mmm. Irish Stew at the Folk House. Great warming winter food.

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@GreatGeorgeWMB I shall move my plans an hour earlier next time.

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GreatGeorgeWMB You climbed the wrong tower. MT @gothick: @GreatGeorgeWMB What? I climbed all the way up here & I only got one bong!?

via TweetDeck (retweeted on 2:28 PM, Feb 27th, 2013 via Echofon)

@GreatGeorgeWMB What? I climbed all the way up here and I only got one bong!? :)

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It’s not every day you get to look down on Wills Tower.

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@chrismarquardt Sorry, cancelling my TFTTF sub for now :( Need to rein in my finances while I’m starting freelancing…)

via Echofon

@BenPark No worries :) Stamps is ΓΡΑΜΜΑΤΟΣΗΜΑ (γραμματοσημα in lower case), if you’re interested. The rest is just subtotals, change, etc.)

via Echofon in reply to BenPark

@says_arline Our elite group needs to find an elite search engine.

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@BenPark Do you remember buying stamps for a couple of postcards, perchance?

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Bringing back some memories, though. I was one of the @OpenRightsGroup’s “Founding 1000”…

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Trimming my monthly outgoings can feel quite uncharitable. But I guess a freelancer’s got to be a bit ruthless with money.

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@BenPark Hah! If you’ve still got the receipt, I can take a stab at translating…

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I remember the heady days when Google would search for what I actually typed in, rather than guessing wrong about what I meant.

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@MsMottram @BlackDogDays Oop! Yup, I just can’t read a calendar :D Cool!

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@BlackDogDays @MsMottram I can do any of those.

via Echofon

Considering a lunch at the Galley sometime soon. @BlackDogDays @MsMottram ?

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@teacherdude All that money, and the lamp isn’t high enough to read a book by…

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shezza_t Yes I did buy purely on label

via Twitpic (retweeted on 6:53 PM, Feb 26th, 2013 via Tweetbot for iOS)

A Nissan Almera “Hurricane”? Seems about as incongruous as the Black Ops Assassin edition of My Little Pony.

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@Copy_Katie …but that probably boosts the circulation figures.

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@Copy_Katie Strategically, I wonder if it would be better to take as many as you can and then throw them away…

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@jukesie Which is a great advert for itself. I only took it in on the grounds that they must do a good job to be that full all the time.

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@ahnlak (Also, I had the works done. Even the tyres are shiny, and the interior is in a state of glossy shock.)

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@ahnlak Mine too, but my car’s *still* done fewer than 50,000 miles, so it’s a long time between services!

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@Dru_Marland I am so glad there is other music playing in here to avoid t’earworm.

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@amahnke Are you sure she just hasn’t secretly learned Mandarin?

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My car is shiny and clean for the first time in… Well, it’s probably counted in years. Car Wash place up on Gloucester Road did great job.

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@toodledo Hi! Is there a way of stopping this popping up so often? Also: “information” is spelled wrong. Ta!

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“Sorry. It was supposed to be a swan, but it didn’t work.”

via Instagram

@dangusset I do try to keep it simple. Doesn’t always work out, though…

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@dangusset Don’t think mine’s ever been *that* simple!

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@mhoulden If you get stuck somewhere remote, snap off the top and drink the contents. You’ll probably be able to fly home.

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Facebook is now smart enough to crop photos to squareness based on where faces are in the photo. Thus ballsing up my careful composition :)

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@mhoulden You can moonlight as the world’s smallest mobile rave.

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@claireellent With great power comes great responsibility. With great responsibility comes a massive bunch of keys.

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@claireellent Is the penguin standing for election? What are its views on corruption and economic recovery?

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The number of keys on your key-ring is roughly proportional to the complexity of your life.

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@MsMottram No, got to return soon to feed cats.

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@MsMottram I was only looking at it from Portsmouth. Last time I was there was childhood, too. School trip!

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Post-chip lie-down on the pub sofa :)

via Camera on iOS

“Morning” all. I have been fed bacon and had a shower and I can now function. Just.

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Trying Oakleaf Brewery’s Texas Red.

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@AlasdairStuart @Kavey @bexxi @misslo Thank for the re-tweeting, all.

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NatJohnsonband No, my clothes aren’t creased; these are smile lines. My skirt is happy.

via Twitterrific (retweeted on 2:42 PM, Feb 23rd, 2013 via Echofon)

@SimonPeevers I have found it oddly flaky at times. Seemed a lot worse on the old phone (3GS).

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@SimonPeevers Have you turned on “RunKeeper Live” at all? I found that turning it off really helped with screwy accuracy/crashes.

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Bloggity: Don’t be a fair-weather runner.…

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@Bingo_Little Thanks! And thank for being the first to donate, too :D

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…all donations gratefully received.

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My mum died of MS 19 years ago. Next Sunday I’ll be running the Bath Half to raise money for the MS Society…

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Anyway. Suppose I should probably drag myself out of bed b

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The tiny amount of spam that slips through Fastmail’s filters is often really quite weird.

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Oof. I may have broken the restaurant’s rules by eating slightly more than I can actually eat.

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@stillawake Yes. Definitely worth a try. Good food, good price.

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Shanghai Nights. @ Shanghai Nights

via Instagram

Time for a wander into town.

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Right. Very Long Bath called for, methinks.

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@TomJPKnight @paulawhite_uk I’m not starting my blog until I’ve finished knocking up the garden shed.

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The only time I miss the exercise bike I eBayed last year is when I want to stretch after a run. It was *just* the right height.

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@paulawhite_uk Not even I could do that *and* an all-you-can-eat Chinese in the same day :D

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Finished my little afternoon jog. 15K. Feel suitably prepared for all-you-can-eat Chinese tonight.

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@DrHairbear And me along with it. I’m doing 21 next weekend, mind…

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@mabismab Midnight EST would be 5AM UK.

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@Duchamps_Brides By all means! Will probably be posting the story on my blog, after editing in the light of any feedback from Billy…

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@Duchamps_Brides I very much enjoyed your “nonsense”, by the way :D

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@BlackDogDays @paulawhite_uk First you have to go fish the application form out of a canal.

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Hrm. Tired, and, apparently, a bit hungover. Should I really be thinking of going for a 15k run today?

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Seej500 “Oh hey” thought the Royal Mail “these electronic signature pads reduce fast cursive to a bunch of jagged polygons. PERFECT. ORDER 50,000.”

via twicca (retweeted on 11:50 AM, Feb 22nd, 2013 via Echofon)

@charlesarthur Phone the number in the footer and beg for a real copy? (Sorry.)

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@Pinky_princess @Selfridges I *knew* that Global Hypercolour tee I’ve had in the back of the cupboard since 1991 would come back in fashion.

via Echofon in reply to Spaghetti_Jo

Pinboard Just learned that Google Reader no longer offers direct JSON export. I guess they held the annual “What should we ruin next?” staff retreat

via YoruFukurou (retweeted on 8:11 AM, Feb 22nd, 2013 via Tweetbot for iOS)

@Mouse_House Happy birthday for fifty one minutes’ time, Mouse. x

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“No, I am not going to do a ‘successful cook’ pose for Instagram, you cock.”

via Instagram

@benjohnbarnes Only a very basic one. But it’s hopefully got it out of my system for a while :)

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I didn’t realise so many of my friends were Daily Mail readers until I joined Twitter.

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Mail: “Important information about your photos on”? Can’t be that important, when I’d forgotten all about them…

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@BlackDogDays Erm. I mean, I’ve gone. Clearly my poetry needs an editor.

via Echofon

@BlackDogDays I left a seat free/In BTP/For thee

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mattgemmell Transparent phones, eh? Looking forward to loads of complaints that “everything on the screen is backwards, and touching it doesn’t work.”

via Tweetbot for Mac (retweeted on 2:13 PM, Feb 21st, 2013 via Tweetbot for iOS)

tom_hartley Job interview:

“What’s your greatest weakness?”


“I don’t think honesty is a weakness.

“I don’t give a f**k what you think.”“

via Twitter for iPad (retweeted on 2:12 PM, Feb 21st, 2013 via Tweetbot for iOS)

Minty! Erm… (Spotted at the Co-Op) @ The Co-operative Food

via Instagram

@hayles Don’t forget your gloves. It’s cold enough just walking. Not looking forward to today’s jog.

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Time to kill a baby, I think. (Please don’t report me to the police. It’s writing slang. Honest.)

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UK followers: I have a (one-use-only) code for 10% off any Kindle device. Anyone thinking of buying one before the end of the month?

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@Duchamps_Brides Sounds about right. I’m trying to rein in a story that seems to be getting away from me. Gah!

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@BlackDogDays By then, I will probably be back here to get out for a jog before writing class. Will happily join for late lunch another day!

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@Duchamps_Brides Speaking of which, are you feeling any better?

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Okay. Time to head for a cafe to finish off my writing homework.

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@talkie_tim Either way, it’s nice to know what I’m writing isn’t completely implausible.

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@talkie_tim Goodness. I’ve been there. Either he was easily impressed, or it’s gone downhill a bit recently.

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@talkie_tim That’s actually close to something that happens in the short story I’m currently writing.

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@njj4 The curse of perfectionism.

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Sorry, telemarketer. If my phone rings and there’s three seconds of silence, that’s your call done with. Not that I’d buy anything from you.

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@njj4 Yes. Mostly basing my plans on advice of “scratch your own itch”, and “get *something* out of the door, *then* refine it*”.

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@njj4 *muses* Though maybe a guilt-inducing “It has been 9,248 days since your last three-minute meditation…” on the front page… :D

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@njj4 Well, given what it’s for, I’m afraid I can’t make it too judgemental :D

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@hayles *waits forlornly for more purchases, Milkybarless*.

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@hayles Ah. No, I haven’t. *looks sad*

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@hayles I might be able to run to a Chomp, too, if you’re lucky.

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@njj4 …for now I just wanted to get something functional out there.)

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@njj4 (In the end, I’m hoping to write one which records your history, and suggests a length for your next meditation, but…

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@njj4 Aww, thanks! Does it work okay for you?

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@ahnlak Well, I’ve got another fifty four sales to make before I claw back the developer sign-up fee for Play. At least it’s not annual!

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The worst part of doing Facebook-based marketing is it means I can’t turn off Facebook while I’m trying to work.

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My meditation timer managed to hit “1-5 installs”. I guess that means I made my first sale! 70% of 83 pence, minus VAT, is MINE.

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@says_arline I’m handwriting mine from scratch. Luckily on the local test server, though, not the live site :D

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geekpop Music - check. Scientist - check. Island-shaped dessert - check. Ready to podcast.

via TweetDeck (retweeted on 10:21 AM, Feb 21st, 2013 via Echofon)

I appear to be doing WordPress development while listening to 10,000 Maniacs’ _Candy Everybody Wants_ on loop. Seems to be working…

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@BlackDogDays Yes. Yes, it is. *cracks on*

via Twitter for Android

(I also have a FitBit, but sadly it doesn’t seem to make me exercise my blogging muscles as much as @hayles’s one.)

via Echofon

hayles I’ve just posted a review of my Fitbit - if you’re thinking about buying one, perhaps this will help you!…

via Twitter for Mac (retweeted on 4:01 PM, Feb 20th, 2013 via Echofon)

@Pockless Mine was last month. It wasn’t that bad, honest.

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Think I broke this computer. *prods with stick*

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@Pockless Do you happen to reach a fairly scary Big Round Number this year? :)

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Tired of waiting for something new.

via Instagram

Roight. This morning, I will mostly be working on a website. Catch you all later.

via Echofon

@Phooto @LardUK @tsunimee That’s probably because Ocado’s made a loss every year they’ve been running… They *should* be good value! :)

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@tsunimee @Phooto Braeburns for the mainstream, but I often go to little local shop and buy random British apples I’ve never heard of :)

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@tsunimee @Phooto I hate that. Apples are my thing. No idea how some supermarkets manage to make them lovely on outside but mushy on inside.

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@Phooto @tsunimee More likely with Waitrose, Booths and especially Morrisons, too. Much more local sourcing.

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@andreasibassi You’re very welcome to keep that.

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@tsunimee @Phooto S’true. I’d love to shop in little local shops all the time, but the nearest butchers & grocers are pretty damn pricey.

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@andreasibassi I wondered who had stolen our sunshine. Please send it back when you’re done with it.

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@Phooto @tsunimee Have you ever been in a Booths? They’re great! First supermarket I ever visited where you got to grind your own coffee…

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@tsunimee Ah. Up Norf I’d probably pick Booths.

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@tsunimee Well, it’s the way I’d vote, so maybe that answers that question! :)

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@Pockless The year after me, then. Youngster :)

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@StephenEThomas Ah, the newfangled up-and-comer that tried to outdo that Telnet-connected coke machine? :)

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@Kavey Aww, thanks for chiming in :D

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God, I feel old. Just discussing with a current Warwick student how I didn’t see my first web page until the second or third year at uni…

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@_pigeons_ Question: is there a reason to go the old-school periodical route, rather than just having a website?

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@_pigeons_ …I almost certainly wouldn’t bother with a PDF myself, but then I’m a geek, and probably not your target market :)

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@_pigeons_ I really don’t know the market at all, sorry. And I pretty much only read traditional websites, or traditional paper magazines…

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@_pigeons_ On the other hand, I’m no expert. I don’t even own am iPad.

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@_pigeons_ …but it probably depends how you define “online magazine”, among other things.

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@_pigeons_ I’ve certainly heard anecdotes about people trying both and finding only the iPad version earned money…

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@MandinaM You’re very welcome to come have a cuppa, you know :) Though Kate the Barista appears to have the World’s Worst Cold…

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Hrm. Must be handy for that. “2+” lane in the rush hour…

via Instagram

@MrMattAnderson You should read my Guru’s Top Ten Tips on How to Sound More Human on Social Media!

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@Sheridansmith1 Well, if you’re offering, I’ve never been to Paris…

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@stevenchapple I just set my own schedule. Worked shedloads last week, just chilling a bit more this week.

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@archidave Tough to drag self out of bed, but it is sunny and I have just bought a Natalie Merchant album. Could be worse… *plays album*

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Morning, Twitter.

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