Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

February 17th, 2013

@Ninja_lynneja Am now watching Dexter while eating crispy beef. This could be a bad move.

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Hrm. I appear to be watching a Toy Story film while awaiting crispy beef.

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@RamonYouseph Seems to be a lot of it about. Yeah, next week’s good. Give me a shout when you reckon you’re less laid low.

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There is still a part of me that giggles when I see the Bristol ice cream van called “Dom’s Super Whips”.

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@RamonYouseph Lunch this week? Busy tomorrow & Wednesday, free apart from that.

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@RamonYouseph Sometimes. Plus I try to get out just to talk to the occasional human being ;)

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@RamonYouseph It is, though I failed yesterday because that was full, too.

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Just there in the distance is Emily, back in service. Hurrah!

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I actually came here to do my writing homework, but there’s nowhere to sit and write.

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@_dibdib @hayles I may have to go home via the Chinese take away on the Hotwell Road..KS

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Well, I *think* I’m on the prow. Actually quite hard to tell from here. But I vaguely remember seeing a rudder at the other end :)

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@TheHomemadeMama @GrainBarge *Clinks virtual glasses*

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@aallan Couldn’t you just mute the client? It’s what I do… Been a lot more peaceful since.

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Standing on the prow of the @GrainBarge, watching the sun set with a pint of Double Acer. Nice.

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@Copy_Katie @boagworld I thought that was crumbling to dust? I get confused. It’s Python programmers you stake through the heart, right?

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@hayles Can you send her out with a note?

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Yeah. Couldn’t stay indoors, as it turns out.

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I wish I could just get away with showing guests photographs of my house when they come round. I could just crop instead of tidying.

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Hrm. I have a fair bit of indoorsy stuff to do. Seems a shame with those blue skies out there.

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Ah, the Cowboy Junkies’ version of _Sweet Jane_. *Melts a bit*

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@BlackDogDays @Bristol_Culture It did not appear to be Minnehaha, though.

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@BlackDogDays @Bristol_Culture I saw him there on Friday. For the first time ever, though, he was actually *with* someone.

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@RellyAB …turned out team were emailing letterheaded Word documents out by printing on letterhead paper & scanning back in.

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@RellyAB My erstwhile IT department once had a request for new scanner from a team…

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(And given how long I just took to run 11K, I’m very glad to hear that!)

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petabeeuk New study suggests long, low intensity exercise has more health benefits than short HIIT style workouts…

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The sun rises over the upper slopes. Well, okay, it’s my arm and a Lumie clock.

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