Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

February 26th, 2013

@teacherdude All that money, and the lamp isn’t high enough to read a book by…

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shezza_t Yes I did buy purely on label

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A Nissan Almera “Hurricane”? Seems about as incongruous as the Black Ops Assassin edition of My Little Pony.

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@Copy_Katie …but that probably boosts the circulation figures.

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@Copy_Katie Strategically, I wonder if it would be better to take as many as you can and then throw them away…

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@jukesie Which is a great advert for itself. I only took it in on the grounds that they must do a good job to be that full all the time.

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@ahnlak (Also, I had the works done. Even the tyres are shiny, and the interior is in a state of glossy shock.)

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@ahnlak Mine too, but my car’s *still* done fewer than 50,000 miles, so it’s a long time between services!

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@Dru_Marland I am so glad there is other music playing in here to avoid t’earworm.

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@amahnke Are you sure she just hasn’t secretly learned Mandarin?

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My car is shiny and clean for the first time in… Well, it’s probably counted in years. Car Wash place up on Gloucester Road did great job.

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@toodledo Hi! Is there a way of stopping this popping up so often? Also: “information” is spelled wrong. Ta!

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