Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

February 19th, 2013

@Pockless The year after me, then. Youngster :)

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@StephenEThomas Ah, the newfangled up-and-comer that tried to outdo that Telnet-connected coke machine? :)

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@Kavey Aww, thanks for chiming in :D

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God, I feel old. Just discussing with a current Warwick student how I didn’t see my first web page until the second or third year at uni…

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@_pigeons_ Question: is there a reason to go the old-school periodical route, rather than just having a website?

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@_pigeons_ …I almost certainly wouldn’t bother with a PDF myself, but then I’m a geek, and probably not your target market :)

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@_pigeons_ I really don’t know the market at all, sorry. And I pretty much only read traditional websites, or traditional paper magazines…

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@_pigeons_ On the other hand, I’m no expert. I don’t even own am iPad.

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@_pigeons_ …but it probably depends how you define “online magazine”, among other things.

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@_pigeons_ I’ve certainly heard anecdotes about people trying both and finding only the iPad version earned money…

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@MandinaM You’re very welcome to come have a cuppa, you know :) Though Kate the Barista appears to have the World’s Worst Cold…

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Hrm. Must be handy for that. “2+” lane in the rush hour…

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@MrMattAnderson You should read my Guru’s Top Ten Tips on How to Sound More Human on Social Media!

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@Sheridansmith1 Well, if you’re offering, I’ve never been to Paris…

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@stevenchapple I just set my own schedule. Worked shedloads last week, just chilling a bit more this week.

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@archidave Tough to drag self out of bed, but it is sunny and I have just bought a Natalie Merchant album. Could be worse… *plays album*

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Morning, Twitter.

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