@Mouse_House Happy birthday for fifty one minutes’ time, Mouse. x
“No, I am not going to do a ‘successful cook’ pose for Instagram, you cock.” instagr.am/p/WAf5DFJC4M/
@benjohnbarnes Only a very basic one. But it’s hopefully got it out of my system for a while :)
I didn’t realise so many of my friends were Daily Mail readers until I joined Twitter.
Mail: “Important information about your photos on Photoshop.com”? Can’t be that important, when I’d forgotten all about them…
@BlackDogDays *Cries*
@BlackDogDays Erm. I mean, I’ve gone. Clearly my poetry needs an editor.
@BlackDogDays I left a seat free/In BTP/For thee #poetry
mattgemmell Transparent phones, eh? Looking forward to loads of complaints that “everything on the screen is backwards, and touching it doesn’t work.”
tom_hartley Job interview:
“What’s your greatest weakness?”
“I don’t think honesty is a weakness.
“I don’t give a f**k what you think.”“
Minty! Erm… (Spotted at the Co-Op) @ The Co-operative Food instagr.am/p/V_tazlpC_C/
@hayles Don’t forget your gloves. It’s cold enough just walking. Not looking forward to today’s jog.
Time to kill a baby, I think. (Please don’t report me to the police. It’s writing slang. Honest.)
UK followers: I have a (one-use-only) code for 10% off any Kindle device. Anyone thinking of buying one before the end of the month?
@Duchamps_Brides Sounds about right. I’m trying to rein in a story that seems to be getting away from me. Gah!
@BlackDogDays By then, I will probably be back here to get out for a jog before writing class. Will happily join for late lunch another day!
@Duchamps_Brides Speaking of which, are you feeling any better?
Okay. Time to head for a cafe to finish off my writing homework.
@talkie_tim Either way, it’s nice to know what I’m writing isn’t completely implausible.
@talkie_tim Goodness. I’ve been there. Either he was easily impressed, or it’s gone downhill a bit recently.
@talkie_tim That’s actually close to something that happens in the short story I’m currently writing.
@njj4 The curse of perfectionism.
Sorry, telemarketer. If my phone rings and there’s three seconds of silence, that’s your call done with. Not that I’d buy anything from you.
@njj4 Yes. Mostly basing my plans on advice of “scratch your own itch”, and “get *something* out of the door, *then* refine it*”.
@njj4 *muses* Though maybe a guilt-inducing “It has been 9,248 days since your last three-minute meditation…” on the front page… :D
@njj4 Well, given what it’s for, I’m afraid I can’t make it too judgemental :D
@hayles *waits forlornly for more purchases, Milkybarless*.
@hayles Ah. No, I haven’t. *looks sad*
@hayles I might be able to run to a Chomp, too, if you’re lucky.
@njj4 …for now I just wanted to get something functional out there.)
@njj4 (In the end, I’m hoping to write one which records your history, and suggests a length for your next meditation, but…
@njj4 Aww, thanks! Does it work okay for you?
@ahnlak Well, I’ve got another fifty four sales to make before I claw back the developer sign-up fee for Play. At least it’s not annual!
The worst part of doing Facebook-based marketing is it means I can’t turn off Facebook while I’m trying to work.
My meditation timer managed to hit “1-5 installs”. I guess that means I made my first sale! 70% of 83 pence, minus VAT, is MINE. #kaching
@says_arline I’m handwriting mine from scratch. Luckily on the local test server, though, not the live site :D
geekpop Music - check. Scientist - check. Island-shaped dessert - check. Ready to podcast.
I appear to be doing WordPress development while listening to 10,000 Maniacs’ _Candy Everybody Wants_ on loop. Seems to be working…
@BlackDogDays Yes. Yes, it is. *cracks on*