Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

February 6th, 2013

That’s a really helpful place to put the cooking instructions, @thecooperative! Grr.

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@trekkie It’s not dissimilar. More meat, less oatmeal. Bit less soft. Though as with haggis, the recipe varies.

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@jukesie I can barely get through one of their “singles”. Most of the people on the “I’ve beaten the Beast” blackboard were rugby players.

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@trekkie That would be the rather large lump of meat on the plate. You may not wish to know what lies therein.…

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I will be there, taking photos, and eating a much, much smaller burger.

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Tomorrow, an erstwhile colleague has foolishly agreed to try eating “The Beast” at @warrensgbco

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@ironicsans Ah well. Personally, I’m an Emacs man, so I won’t be happy until they support ctrl-P/ctrl-N :D

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@ironicsans It does support left/right arrow, if that helps?

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Thanks, Google. Quality user experience.

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ed_son Today’s lesson from the Daily Mail - Upskirt shots of women are only perverted if not taken on a red carpet -

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PMStudioUK Great guest blog from @gothick on his adventures in the Studio last week as part of the open doors day

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Was feeling quite pale and wan, but food and about a gallon of tea has perked me up a bit. Hurrah!

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Oh, yes, “meditation”, even. Hey, I’m from east London (almost), I’m allowed to drop letters :) @davidpatrick @guriben

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Just started writing a mediation timer app. So far, it doesn’t do much.

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@Ninja_lynneja I am doing the same. Kind of nice, isn’t it?

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The Galley are playing Tracey Chapman’s rather chilled back catalogue. I may never leave. *drinks more tea*

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@hayles Steal a jet ski. You’ll need one for the anyway.

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@hayles The Galley Cafe, near Grain Barge.

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In The Galley, awaiting lunch. Hurrah!

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@rbrwr nice! Bit of a chill wind today, though!

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I think I’d quite like to live here.

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They’re *up there*, damn it.

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Introducing Courier Prime. “It’s Courier, just better”… (via @daringfireball)

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