@AndyMcCarthyUK *Hums bond theme* *Dons tuxedo*
@andybeebristol Well, the tuna was a good deal. Even Waitrose will discount fish with a sell-by of “today”.
Probably just spam, right? instagr.am/p/WP66lDpC8_/
Tonight’s concoction involves leftovers, and stuff that was cheap in Waitrose. instagr.am/p/WPtqYzpC-A/
“Would you like to do this?” “No.” “I’m sorry, I’m afraid you can’t do that. Please click ‘Yes’ instead.”. Oh, government websites… *sigh*
@Jorence Thank you for the donation!
@says_arline I suppose we’ll have to give himself a break, then… Thank you very much for the donation, by the way. x
Website I accidentally killed for a week is re-building its visitor count. Note to self: don’t assume uploads to S3 default to “readable.”
MichaelTheGeek Tweetbot Is Naming And Shaming Pirates On Twitter | Cult of Mac: cultofmac.com/217685/tweetbo… LOL!!
*Kicks autodetected spammer off @getrunningapp forum* *Holsters banhammer* *Walks into the distance, dusting off hands.*
netmag Big Mouth: Poppycock. Let’s keep the police out of our online conversations, says @garymarshall netm.ag/VKNljn
Classic mistake. Drank pot of tea before setting off for home. *Attempts cross-legged walking*
Mmm. Irish Stew at the Folk House. Great warming winter food. #bristol
@GreatGeorgeWMB I shall move my plans an hour earlier next time.

GreatGeorgeWMB You climbed the wrong tower. MT @gothick: @GreatGeorgeWMB What? I climbed all the way up here & I only got one bong!? pic.twitter.com/7aEm4zvPZU
@claireellent I’m at the top of Cabot Tower :)

@GreatGeorgeWMB What? I climbed all the way up here and I only got one bong!? :) pic.twitter.com/dT5iHI1Ren
It’s not every day you get to look down on Wills Tower. instagr.am/p/WPDSJSpC11/
#Bristol, I am up you. instagr.am/p/WPDBwsJC1m/
@chrismarquardt Sorry, cancelling my TFTTF sub for now :( Need to rein in my finances while I’m starting freelancing…)
@BenPark :D
@BenPark No worries :) Stamps is ΓΡΑΜΜΑΤΟΣΗΜΑ (γραμματοσημα in lower case), if you’re interested. The rest is just subtotals, change, etc.)
@says_arline Our elite group needs to find an elite search engine.
@BenPark Do you remember buying stamps for a couple of postcards, perchance?
Bringing back some memories, though. I was one of the @OpenRightsGroup’s “Founding 1000”…
Trimming my monthly outgoings can feel quite uncharitable. But I guess a freelancer’s got to be a bit ruthless with money.
@BenPark Hah! If you’ve still got the receipt, I can take a stab at translating…
I remember the heady days when Google would search for what I actually typed in, rather than guessing wrong about what I meant.
@MsMottram @BlackDogDays Oop! Yup, I just can’t read a calendar :D Cool!
@MsMottram @BlackDogDays Friday 8th, then? Midday?
@BlackDogDays @MsMottram I can do any of those.
Considering a lunch at the Galley sometime soon. @BlackDogDays @MsMottram ?