Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

February 23rd, 2013

Trying Oakleaf Brewery’s Texas Red.

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@AlasdairStuart @Kavey @bexxi @misslo Thank for the re-tweeting, all.

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NatJohnsonband No, my clothes aren’t creased; these are smile lines. My skirt is happy.

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@SimonPeevers I have found it oddly flaky at times. Seemed a lot worse on the old phone (3GS).

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@SimonPeevers Have you turned on “RunKeeper Live” at all? I found that turning it off really helped with screwy accuracy/crashes.

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Bloggity: Don’t be a fair-weather runner.…

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@Bingo_Little Thanks! And thank for being the first to donate, too :D

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…all donations gratefully received.

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My mum died of MS 19 years ago. Next Sunday I’ll be running the Bath Half to raise money for the MS Society…

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Anyway. Suppose I should probably drag myself out of bed b

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The tiny amount of spam that slips through Fastmail’s filters is often really quite weird.

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