Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

February 22nd, 2013

Oof. I may have broken the restaurant’s rules by eating slightly more than I can actually eat.

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@stillawake Yes. Definitely worth a try. Good food, good price.

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Shanghai Nights. @ Shanghai Nights

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Time for a wander into town.

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Right. Very Long Bath called for, methinks.

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@TomJPKnight @paulawhite_uk I’m not starting my blog until I’ve finished knocking up the garden shed.

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The only time I miss the exercise bike I eBayed last year is when I want to stretch after a run. It was *just* the right height.

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@paulawhite_uk Not even I could do that *and* an all-you-can-eat Chinese in the same day :D

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Finished my little afternoon jog. 15K. Feel suitably prepared for all-you-can-eat Chinese tonight.

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@DrHairbear And me along with it. I’m doing 21 next weekend, mind…

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@mabismab Midnight EST would be 5AM UK.

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@Duchamps_Brides By all means! Will probably be posting the story on my blog, after editing in the light of any feedback from Billy…

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@Duchamps_Brides I very much enjoyed your “nonsense”, by the way :D

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@BlackDogDays @paulawhite_uk First you have to go fish the application form out of a canal.

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Hrm. Tired, and, apparently, a bit hungover. Should I really be thinking of going for a 15k run today?

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Seej500 “Oh hey” thought the Royal Mail “these electronic signature pads reduce fast cursive to a bunch of jagged polygons. PERFECT. ORDER 50,000.”

via twicca (retweeted on 11:50 AM, Feb 22nd, 2013 via Echofon)

@charlesarthur Phone the number in the footer and beg for a real copy? (Sorry.)

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@Pinky_princess @Selfridges I *knew* that Global Hypercolour tee I’ve had in the back of the cupboard since 1991 would come back in fashion.

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Pinboard Just learned that Google Reader no longer offers direct JSON export. I guess they held the annual “What should we ruin next?” staff retreat

via YoruFukurou (retweeted on 8:11 AM, Feb 22nd, 2013 via Tweetbot for iOS)