Oof. I may have broken the restaurant’s rules by eating slightly more than I can actually eat.
@stillawake Yes. Definitely worth a try. Good food, good price.
Shanghai Nights. @ Shanghai Nights instagr.am/p/WC8KfqJCxg/
Time for a wander into town.
Right. Very Long Bath called for, methinks.

@TomJPKnight @paulawhite_uk I’m not starting my blog until I’ve finished knocking up the garden shed. pic.twitter.com/uCBlPSyuXV
@paulawhite_uk @TomJPKnight :D
The only time I miss the exercise bike I eBayed last year is when I want to stretch after a run. It was *just* the right height.
@paulawhite_uk Not even I could do that *and* an all-you-can-eat Chinese in the same day :D
@paulawhite_uk Well, it did take me a while :) runkeeper.com/user/gothick/a…
Finished my little afternoon jog. 15K. Feel suitably prepared for all-you-can-eat Chinese tonight.
Awesome cycle track. instagr.am/p/WCajZhJC9l/
Reaching. instagr.am/p/WCVfWgJC4h/
Heading out. instagr.am/p/WCR_lqpC1X/
@DrHairbear And me along with it. I’m doing 21 next weekend, mind…
@mabismab (I normally use worldtimebuddy.com for stuff like that.)
@mabismab Midnight EST would be 5AM UK.
@Duchamps_Brides By all means! Will probably be posting the story on my blog, after editing in the light of any feedback from Billy…
@Duchamps_Brides I very much enjoyed your “nonsense”, by the way :D
@BlackDogDays @paulawhite_uk First you have to go fish the application form out of a canal.
Hrm. Tired, and, apparently, a bit hungover. Should I really be thinking of going for a 15k run today?
Seej500 “Oh hey” thought the Royal Mail “these electronic signature pads reduce fast cursive to a bunch of jagged polygons. PERFECT. ORDER 50,000.”
@Thehappyfatgirl @BenPark I think we need an action replay.
@charlesarthur Phone the number in the footer and beg for a real copy? (Sorry.)
@Pinky_princess @Selfridges I *knew* that Global Hypercolour tee I’ve had in the back of the cupboard since 1991 would come back in fashion.
Pinboard Just learned that Google Reader no longer offers direct JSON export. I guess they held the annual “What should we ruin next?” staff retreat