@opsGordon Hi Gordon. Trying to submit the support form, but it gives me this odd error message… pic.twitter.com/PsxQmZO0
@stillawake Their “forgotten password” thing will send username and a link to set new password to your registered email address.
@markrglover Thanks!
@stillawake @liveindetail @Thehappyfatgirl I can do 4 May, but can’t drink or stay out late - 5 May is Bristol 10K!
Love. instagr.am/p/VT8w7tJC1-/
Zig Zag. instagr.am/p/VT8Z0GpC1v/
Right. Clifton Village for a late lunch, methinks.
Get Running for Android promo video finished and uploaded :D youtube.com/watch?v=tMbIDd…
Not good! instagr.am/p/VTzMO1pC_v/
@Thehappyfatgirl Good for me.
@Thehappyfatgirl Maybe we’ll just have to do it in instalments. Or someone will have to appear on video :D
@Thehappyfatgirl Amusingly, I am free on pretty much every other date that’s been mentioned so far, I think.
@Thehappyfatgirl Saturday 13th. Mate’s birthday is 11th, so likely to have party on that Sat.
@Thehappyfatgirl @bathsaints @stillawake @liveindetail @nineweeks @BenPark Erm. That’s likely to be my best mate’s birthday party. Sorry.
@stillawake @Thehappyfatgirl @liveindetail @nineweeks @BenPark @bathsaints Oooh, hello. Yes! I can do that.
@stillawake ah! Last time I had a caffeinated coffee was about this time last week. Might explain my slowness in getting references :)
@stillawake Where am I? Still in bed. A situation I need to remedy shortly.
@stillawake Scooby Doo?
Picking up huge spilled tray of biscuits in office with sporting celebrity I didn’t recognise and his PA, Gareth. #dream #odd
Yeloop *Spins around in chair, stroking white cat* Hello there, Monday. We’ve been expecting you *Presses button, Monday falls into piranha tank*