bitchwhocodes Falsehoods programmers think about addresses
Got a tattoo with my dram at Bunnahabhain :)
A man tries his hand at casting at Bunnahabhain. #islay
Turned out nice again.
Went shopping. Somehow ended up drinking Bruicladdich gin and elderflower and watching a band. That’
@hatsandbikes There but for the grace… I’m booked on 406 from Glasgow at the weekend!

Rules of the inn, at Portnahaven.

Kilnave panorama.
@LaphroaigWhisky It was a fantastic tasting ;)
Tasting at Kilchoman.

The Thalassa in the Sound of #Islay, with the Paps of Jura in the background.



Finally getting around to reading my second holiday book. @Harkaway
@juliancheal It smelled pretty amazing, too.

From Bowmore.

Oooh. It’s @petedrinks. With some peat.

The kiln at Laphroaig.
@Thehappyfatgirl It’s in the Inner Hebrides. If it’s peaty, it’s probably from Islay. Queen of the Hebrides and mostly made of peat :D
@Thehappyfatgirl At the Islay Whisky Festival :D
A wee dram of Laphroaig.
My square foot of Islay.
@BinkysBoudoir @oxfamcothambook Sorry; my advice capabilities are somewhat limited by occasional broadband in the Hebrides right now!
The Still Room, Laphroaig.
I’m not sure this horizon’s level :D
A cloudless day on Islay.
@tsunimee Yeah, it’s enough to give you a headache.
Back garden.

Snap from the @LaphroaigWhisky “Old and Rare” tasting earlier.

I *think* @ahnlak was happy to find the @MasterOfMalt bottle.

The @ahnlak in his natural environment.
@SpikyZebra @xabl @rabidbee @DrHairbear I was lucky; flew to Glasgow and then got picked up by friends who were driving from there :)
Lapgroaig “old and rare” tasting :)
@DrHairbear @rabidbee We’re not far from a great seal spot. Near a good pub, too…
@DrHairbear @Mathobal Eeeees soooooo niiiiiiice.
@rabidbee …at least a year in advance.
@rabidbee Islay is bloody lovely. Sure it’s lovely whether there’s a whisky festival or not, but if you want festival, needs booking…
Morning all :)
Zinfandel. That I like. Odd.
At Caol Ila
Mornin’ all.
Queue for the Bruichladdich Open Day.
@says_arline Sorry, only getting data through about twice a day up here! Can you wait until next week?
It might be from 1965, but £882.50 a bottle is a tad outside my price range.
Back garden.
Through binoculars.

Found a good place for dinner :)

Loch Fyne.
It’s a hard life.
@psidnell Very much, yes ;)
@lizpscully Will do!
The Willow Tea Rooms.

No, not even Apple are capable of stripping spaces from a string in a web form yet.
@andybeebristol Hah! That was the place we were already eyeing up for breakfast…
Mmmmmmmmmblackpudding :) @ Cafe Gandolfi
@Lillput Booked! Thanks :)
This @innisandgunnUK is really rather lovely. Moving on in search of a slightly more local beer, though…
@chubbybannister …but such are the trials of dropping into a big city without doing enough research :)
@chubbybannister It’s really nice! Just expected to have an easier time finding a local beer from closer than Edinburgh!
@SpikyZebra Ta! Seem to have found myself in Generic High Street UK. Attempting escape velocity… :D
Settled for a place called the Drum & Monkey. Nice enough place, but nothing local on tap. Trying
Hunting a good pub near Sauchiehall Street.
@Kavey Let me know if you want me to meet you when you get in. Just checked into hotel.
@Indiechops Well, it’s definitely the smell of the seaside :)
@LaphroaigWhisky @Kavey Hurrah! Found my certificate :)
Someone’s not in for a great time. Just spotted a solitary toothbrush on the baggage reclaim carousel…
@emmafurious Hope you’re feeling better. X
@Kavey I took the high road, and have got here afore ye :)
@hatsandbikes Just have to look when I get back to a desktop, I guess. Ta for trying!

@hatsandbikes Can’t see it. It pops up a survey box in front that jumps around when I scroll so I can’t dismiss!
@hatsandbikes …maze of download links to PDFs.
@hatsandbikes Is there anywhere I can get to see specific proposals for an area (Hotwells)? Am on phone at mo and council site seems…
@hatsandbikes If I weren’t on Twitter I doubt I’d know anything about the #RPZ. Still don’t know much as it is. Hrm.
Someone is trying to sell me something with non-ironic use of the word “synergy”.
PhotoInsomniac I’m having trouble staying focused this morning, so I’ve dropped everything to read an email that just came in about staying focused.
@benjohnbarnes Yo. About to head airside. Could do afternoon call from Glasgae? :)
Photo Series Uses Face Detection to Spot Faces in Clouds… <— Clever use of technology in art…
@Swishrelic That’s not the four-letter word that springs to my mind.
@Mouse_House Moti, on Whiteladies Road.
@Mouse_House Yeah. Easy Runner, I think. Not been there, but heard good things about them.
@kurrik A revocation wake? Good name for a band, anyway.
@Mouse_House *crosses fingers*
@Mouse_House I’ve hardly ever had blisters. Good running socks, and shoes fitted by a decent shop go a long way to help.
@Mouse_House …though whether it’s something you’ll really end up liking in the end.
@Mouse_House I found that it took me a fair chunk of practice before I really started enjoying it more often than not. Hard to tell…
@Mouse_House I think it was worth it in the end.
@Mouse_House Motivation’s a toughie. I pretty much only do exercise I (mostly) enjoy. It took me a while to enjoy running, but…
@Mouse_House Hope you feel less broken soon, Mouse. (Damn, I love long baths but if I do them in the evening, I just can’t sleep…)
@julienbob Ah! Looks interesting. Might try that next time I just need a cab, rather than doing an advance booking.
@chubbybannister I shall bear that in mind.
@bertpalmer @sean_robbins @Pockless @Bristol_Talk @sstarr @fishtankteam Thanks all :)
Thanks all. Turns out that V Cars (two recommendations) has same number as the old reliable firm I always used to use. Going with them.
@says_arline Should be. Not sure about coming there; just kicking off a three-month contract, I think!
@Pockless They used to be Swiftline, I think. Remember number from first driver I had telling me “Christmas Day, Boxing Day, Boxing Day…”
@Pockless Interesting! That’s the same phone number as the old firm I used to use on the Hotwell Road.
What’s a good taxi firm in Bristol, then?
TlfTravelAlerts We thought everyone knew it was pronounced ‘Joodge Street’…
@liveindetail I might have to do that too. Accidentally.
@paul_a_young You’re probably one of the few people on the planet where “eat some chocolate” isn’t a good solution for that problem.
@skeddy Ah, gotcha. I was lucky enough to be grandfathered in to recurring pro sub, so I’ll be paying the same (and not seeing ads…)
@skeddy Seems to be back up now. You were going to downgrade?
Hrm. Flickr seems to be dead. *pokes with a stick*
Strikes me that $1.1bn is a lot to pay just to get infinite scrolling for Flickr…
BrendanMcKeigan Every time you cut pieces of cheese, you always cut one more for immediate consumption. Those aren’t my rules. Those are cheese’s rules.
@hayles Ah. That gives less opportunity for play. Damn!
@hayles Tip: tell him you’ll get him back on track, and direct him to your front door. It’s what I’d wished I’d done when it happened to me!

Hrm. Well, I suppose #androidstudio is an early-access preview…
@chrisbrogan That could hardly have been more timely advice. *Closes Twitter*
BangsandaBun Getting into running & need a little push? I’ve written an eBook for that! –>
Into the lock.
@shezza_t @OpinionatedGeek Happy birthday!
@shezza_t I don’t know what Daft Punk Day is.
BenedictEvans Yahoo users are like people who click on banner ads. We know they must exist, but we’ve never met one.
@quantick On time? I thought they let you keep them as long as you liked?
@BangsandaBun Has it moved recently? I thought it used to be at the very top, but now it’s below, at top of page Timeline for me.
Oooh. The National have a new album out today…
@mistymaria @RadioVicky Cool! (Cc. @benjohnbarnes, who wrote the iPhone version :D )
engadget Yahoo to acquire Tumblr in $1.1 billion cash deal -
Pero. @ Pero’s Bridge
@wood5y We’ll mostly be on Islay; shouldn’t be that much transport involved ;)
End of the day.
This way. @ Workhouse
Going on a UK holiday soon. Sad that I’m so excited about being able to access data on my phone without risking bankruptcy.
@AlexHamlin PS: Hadn’t noticed you were a whisky lover, too. I’m off to Islay for a week soon :D
@AlexHamlin Oh, gosh! Sorry I didn’t spot you. Feel free to say hi next time! Yes, it was a good one, wasn’t it?
@Kavey Good good, I did start wondering if I’d cocked up. Not that an extra night in Glasgow would be a terrible outcome :D
On the other hand, the cocktails *were* very good. And I don’t have to do anything taxing today :D
Lovely meal in Kohi Noor last night. Possibly shouldn’t have followed it with cocktails, though. *Shakes head wanly*
@Kavey Just realised that as that last tweet wasn’t a DM, it might be more sensible if I just include @ahnlak in the reply :D
@Kavey Can Pete please forward me the hotel confirmations, if easy? I use TripIt; if I forward it to them it’ll add details automatically.
@Kavey EasyJet 403 arr GLA 1:25pm Thu, going home EasyJet 406 *Sunday* 3:45pm.
What a nice evening ;)
Old Fashioned & White Russian. @ Charlie’s Bar
@EffBeeee *crosses fingers*
@EffBeeee …just called them and they’re on it. So I can relax, I think.
@EffBeeee Me too, which is why I pay an accountant for that crap. Sadly, their reminder got lost in the post. On the plus side..
@chubbybannister Oh. I discovered him in school. Might be one of those things where you don’t notice the constant talk until you discover!
Oops. Just opened Companies House reminder to send in a return. Last month.
@chubbybannister Suddenly? Pretty sure I always was.
@guriben Well, it wasn’t me. *Remains sadly indoors*
Dru_Marland I really ‘got’ that exhibition at the Arnolfini #ThingsBristolPeopleDontSay
I’m so glad for Google when I’m trying to decipher notes from my notebook.
@Lillput Luckily I’m not skilled enough to do harmonic analysis!
@Lillput I get too distracted by words. Normally have instrumental music of some kind.
Buffy! On Netflix! Did you hear that sound? That was my productivity flying out of the window.
NetflixUK “The world is doomed” no longer… Buffy The Vampire Slayer Season 1-3 is available now on Netflix.
WaterstonesTCR To find out your author name, simply take your first and last names, write a book, get it published and read the name on the cover.
Current status report on The Matthew*:… (*That’s the ship, not me.) #bristol
@Kavey Fuck. Anything I can do to help?
@Kavey Arsebiscuits. Will be in all morning.
Right. Dumbness confirmed. But at least I had a nice walk and the problem is now solved.
Grand claim.
@tyronem Given the thought I just had, I think I need to revise my estimate of personal dumbness upwards quite heavily…
.@tyronem 50% chance that the walk clears my head enough that I realise what really dumb mistake I’ve made, too…
Reached that point in programming where the best idea is to go for walk and hope someone answers my Stack Overflow question in the meantime.

FelicityMorse BREAKING NEWS: a man is stuck in a high chair at a McDonald’s in Cork (h/t @jodythompson)
Satisfying technique: write bug details on index card. Fix bug. Shred index card. Has a nice sense of finality to it.
@wood5y Police are now searching for a drug-dealing mouse who’s currently in cheese withdrawal.
chrismarquardt FYI, Lightroom will *not* be subscription only:
@liveindetail I’m lost.
@liveindetail Huh? You mean the one on the Triangle?
TEDavis They should’ve called it ‘The Sugar Cube’ #theapprentice
@hayles @stillawake @princesspurling @waiyeehong @guriben Okay, what did I miss? Sorry, Weds is generally my “switch stuff off & work” day!

Quite an ironic article title, given Scientific American’s site design.
waxpancake Virgin America flight attendant on landing: “If your mobile device is within reach, you can stop pretending it’s turned off now.”
@BenPark It’s one of my favourite traffic-free routes to Bedminster, with lots of cycle paths adjoining. I’d rather it didn’t get traffic.
I think I’d rather eat here on Thursdays, frankly. @ El Rincon
As it stands.
Bus lane?
philgatt @gothick @jackkholt …and if you swipe upwards, you go straight to direct messages. It’s ok, I only found out by mistake just now.
@BenPark Of course, most people won’t have spotted that, because the Twitter apps don’t show the client ID any more…
@BenPark That tweet was sent by Echofon on Mac. On iOS I use Tweetbot…
Want to switch between accounts quickly in the Twitter iPhone app? Swipe left from the “Me” button on the toolbar. You’re welcome.
@nickie72 @R2UK The Couch to 5K is a nine-week programme, so the RFL plan might be better for your case. Good luck, whichever you choose :)
Just saw first attack on my site targeting mfunc vulnerability. Using WP Super Cache? Make sure you’re up to date.…
Remember when room temperature in May was warm enough to let you spread butter on bread?
So far, my day has mostly felt like this.…
@BabsBat *raises hand*
All Play Store developers can now reply to reviews. Be respectful, folks……)
itsdrenthe I don’t want your fucking app!
Don’t think they should have made the T-shirt red. It’s sure to clash with the trousers.
BristolPost George Ferguson’s four-letter outburst turned into T-shirt design
@faerietalefoody (But I don’t have my one lying around to check. Worth asking in an Apple Store?)
@faerietalefoody If it’s the standard charger, think that adding the mains cable (which has an earthing pin) might help.
aedaily There’s a man in space posting David Bowie covers to his YouTube account and some people still need hover boards for it to be the future.
@Jorence Happy birthday!
@faerietalefoody Probably not much to worry about. Honest.
@faerietalefoody Also: what does your power adapter look like? Has it got both a long lead to the Mac and a long lead to a mains plug?