@andybeebristol Hah! That was the place we were already eyeing up for breakfast…
Mmmmmmmmmblackpudding :) @ Cafe Gandolfi instagram.com/p/ZqcZhrJC0B/
@Lillput Booked! Thanks :)
This @innisandgunnUK is really rather lovely. Moving on in search of a slightly more local beer, though…
@chubbybannister …but such are the trials of dropping into a big city without doing enough research :)
@chubbybannister It’s really nice! Just expected to have an easier time finding a local beer from closer than Edinburgh!
@SpikyZebra Ta! Seem to have found myself in Generic High Street UK. Attempting escape velocity… :D
Settled for a place called the Drum & Monkey. Nice enough place, but nothing local on tap. Trying a..instagram.com/p/ZqE_HdpC13/Ps
Hunting a good pub near Sauchiehall Street.
@Kavey Let me know if you want me to meet you when you get in. Just checked into hotel.
@Indiechops Well, it’s definitely the smell of the seaside :)
@LaphroaigWhisky @Kavey Hurrah! Found my certificate :)
Someone’s not in for a great time. Just spotted a solitary toothbrush on the baggage reclaim carousel…
@emmafurious Hope you’re feeling better. X
@Kavey I took the high road, and have got here afore ye :)
@hatsandbikes Just have to look when I get back to a desktop, I guess. Ta for trying!

@hatsandbikes Can’t see it. It pops up a survey box in front that jumps around when I scroll so I can’t dismiss! pic.twitter.com/r4GM8DdnSZ
@hatsandbikes …maze of download links to PDFs.
@hatsandbikes Is there anywhere I can get to see specific proposals for an area (Hotwells)? Am on phone at mo and council site seems…
@hatsandbikes If I weren’t on Twitter I doubt I’d know anything about the #RPZ. Still don’t know much as it is. Hrm.
Someone is trying to sell me something with non-ironic use of the word “synergy”.
PhotoInsomniac I’m having trouble staying focused this morning, so I’ve dropped everything to read an email that just came in about staying focused.
@benjohnbarnes Yo. About to head airside. Could do afternoon call from Glasgae? :)
Photo Series Uses Face Detection to Spot Faces in Clouds petapixel.com/2013/05/22/pho… <— Clever use of technology in art…