At t’cottage.
Wandering Brandon Hill.
Head of a unicorn. As used by mythical mafia bosses.
@BlackDogDays I did belatedly wonder whether we should’ve had a voting party.
Dear wafting gaggle of students: I’m alone. I can’t walk down this narrow pavement any more single-filedly than I am. Any ideas? McFly?
Off to vote.
@TheLegalExpert Ta!
@dottyteakettle Depends. Is your mum good at selling things?

Malarkey “Bring your phones to the meeting and we’ll test my layouts” I said. Well I did ask!
Oooh! Post from @theindelicates!
*Rattles tin* I’ll be running the 10K for Children’s Hospice South West. All donations gratefully received. Thanks!
@guriben The Alternating Buttocks are definitely a punk band.
GeoffLloyd Don’t know how Brian May can call himself an astrophysicist AND claim that fat-bottomed girls make the world go round.
The Labour and Independent candidates for Clifton ward are earning bonus point from me for actually mentioning Hotwells on their pages…
@toddmotto I annoy *myself* with that one. Think I move too raggedly from loose prototype to “real work”-final-secondversion-new-bigger.jpg.
Guessing I missed the bit where I could vote for not bothering with a residents’ parking zone, then…
@guriben Good to hear.