Old Fashioned & White Russian. @ Charlie’s Bar
@EffBeeee *crosses fingers*
@EffBeeee …just called them and they’re on it. So I can relax, I think.
@EffBeeee Me too, which is why I pay an accountant for that crap. Sadly, their reminder got lost in the post. On the plus side..
@chubbybannister Oh. I discovered him in school. Might be one of those things where you don’t notice the constant talk until you discover!
Oops. Just opened Companies House reminder to send in a return. Last month.
@chubbybannister Suddenly? Pretty sure I always was.
@guriben Well, it wasn’t me. *Remains sadly indoors*
Dru_Marland I really ‘got’ that exhibition at the Arnolfini #ThingsBristolPeopleDontSay
I’m so glad for Google when I’m trying to decipher notes from my notebook.
@Lillput Luckily I’m not skilled enough to do harmonic analysis!
@Lillput I get too distracted by words. Normally have instrumental music of some kind.
Buffy! On Netflix! Did you hear that sound? That was my productivity flying out of the window.
NetflixUK “The world is doomed” no longer… Buffy The Vampire Slayer Season 1-3 is available now on Netflix.
WaterstonesTCR To find out your author name, simply take your first and last names, write a book, get it published and read the name on the cover.
Current status report on The Matthew*:… (*That’s the ship, not me.) #bristol
@Kavey Fuck. Anything I can do to help?
@Kavey Arsebiscuits. Will be in all morning.