Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

November 2007

Gah! I hate writing to a really tight wordcount. Sorry, just had to vent.

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Customising Wordpress is going surprisingly well. Waiting for the disaster that’s obviously coming

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Sitting in music cafe working on web design. This could be the career for me :)

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Research complete. Will now convert caffeine into something the size and consistency of an article

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@philcampbell “KONFRENCE.COM is available!” Web 2.0-enough for you?

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ECAFFEINE: Unexpected end of energy

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Writing an article on HDTV. This could be a challenge, bearing in mind I still have a CRT and have never actually _seen_ an HDTV…

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properly learning CSS, at long last

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Browsing exhibition of photos on climate change.

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Bashing out another couple of articles. Nearly to first draft on everything in this second batch now…

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Start of my week off. Will probably be busier than normal week at work

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Chilling out in North Finchley

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Eating deep fried Malaysian carrot cake in Oriental City!

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Actually designing a site on the literal back of an envelope…

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Writing article on A.I. This should be more interesting than the laser printer one…

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Spending more time correcting Wikipedia than I am researching!

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Wow! Off to bed before midnight for the first time in many days..

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@floyduk How are you finding the iTouch, now you’ve played with it for a few weeks?

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@floyduk So what does it mean, then? Enquiring minds want to know :)

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Installing Leopard, here there and everywhere. Sometimes twice.

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Ah, checking things off my to-do list while drinking morning coffee in fine indie coffeeshop. It’s a good start

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Going to visit an actual library to do research! Matt in”not everything’s on the web” shocker!

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Is this really November? Sure doesn’t feel like it…

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just back from taking what I hope will turn out to be awesome photos

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Watching fireworks on the Downs…

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