VernorsHerzog Fox News has done to our parents what they thought gangsta rap would do to us pic.twitter.com/7tv5SRb6Xz
@imyke I hope part of the extra content tells us which one of you wanted “Moretex” and which one wanted “Cortextra” and how the battle was won…

_A_n_d_r_e_w_s Love this picture of Adele being driven around by Noel Gallagher pic.twitter.com/dVTD1mcvmQ
@AllianceWalking @_pigeons_ @Avon_Stories @Bingo_Little Er, no. *looks shifty*

Avon_Stories Avon, after rain (probably between the rain!) pic.twitter.com/odZwAO0gxo

emmabo WAKE UP if you don’t think poetry is Extreme Intensity, THIS IS THE SIZE OF AN ALBATROSS, Coleridge was MAX REAL and POETRY IS NOT F*CKING AROUND pic.twitter.com/q1h8w2veYP
@hayles That was my guess just based on colour and menu items, but it wasn’t entirely apparent.

From a wander with @_pigeons_ and @Bingo_Little #bristol #chocolatepath pic.twitter.com/1WsQTmhCh6
📷 The holy trinity. Wapping Wharf, Bristol. tmblr.co/ZD7hNxYYPe30Gu…
locusmag The #LocusAwards2020 Novella Winner is This Is How You Lose the Time War, Amal El-Mohtar & Max Gladstone (Saga).
@tsunimee 😄Nothing too serious with the nuts. I just don’t particularly like any of them. There’s a few I’m okay with but I don’t think I’d miss them if they all disappeared as a species.
IMcMillan Britain’s desperate lack of public toilets says so much about our country. A good piece; more public toilets please! theguardian.com/commentisfree/…
@tsunimee Football. Christmas. Nuts. Lord of the Rings. Dancing.
@MarkSkinner_ @ambrwlsn90 Same here. I remember vaguely thinking, “oh, that looks interesting…” and I’ve not made a website since 😀
@chubbybannister I’m sitting here with a psychology book in front of me, but in front of *that* is TikTok on my phone. Just happened about five minutes into my planned half-hour reading session…
My thoracic spine is regretting the fact that my day job and my weekend hobby now involve sitting in the exact same chair all day long.

Low ceiling. pic.twitter.com/Z6aLV4o5eq
JohnCarmack Hans Asperger said in 1944 that autistic children “lack humor” and “do not get jokes” but what if Hans Asperger wasn’t funny
paul_haine @shakespeareanLK @EwaSR Ophelia should be played by Patrick Stewart

@iamtheshunt1 @dangusset I didn’t get a snap of that one this morning. But yes, they do get about a bit! #followmyrabbits pic.twitter.com/P8Np4pGRUI

Black and white. pic.twitter.com/jNYFuZebqq

Morning wander. pic.twitter.com/FbHvaxNuoa
_pigeons_ This morning’s pre-work walk, meeting @gothick for conversation and fish-spotting twitter.com/avon_stories/s…
ahnlak It’s been too hot to garden this week, so instead I’ve dusted off my (wildly out of date) Ruby knowledge, embraced the wonder that is #DragonRuby and … rewritten Tetris.
“Your call is important to us.” I feel that if it were that important, you could have better hold music than the demo mode from a 1987 Bontempi electronic organ.

CARAA_Center Plaster cast of a wooden table from the Minoan site of Akrotiri on the Greek Island of Santorini, 17th cent. BC. 😳 Μuseum of Prehistoric Thira, Fira. Foto: Kostis Talos /Αθηνολόγιο RT Ioannis Georgopoulos pic.twitter.com/Q3DkqQqauN
Finally (inevitably) bit the bullet and bought @devontech’s DEVONthink. Now all I have to figure out is what I’m going to do with it…
Day off. Went on a mini-walk first thing with @_pigeons_ and have done nothing useful or productive since. Feels good.
@tsunimee Angle grinder?
Annoyed by apparently random red notification dot on the Creative Cloud app menu bar. Turned off *all* notifications. And it appeared again this morning. SHUT UP ADOBE.
@njj4 *Notes down “gules” as a word that will inevitably come up in a Times crossword at some point*

stroughtonsmith The SF Symbols 2 glyph for ‘PC’ 😂 pic.twitter.com/Ck7Rz2lDIj

@SofieHagen If anyone else is getting “Embed is disabled on this page” on a Mac: I got that in Safari, but when I used Chrome it worked. pic.twitter.com/zDGxjoCvp5
@adanceaday17 @deeferdonk @SofieHagen Same here! No login…

Back garden buddy. pic.twitter.com/PvHRMIdXIU
megelison I wish I’d done more things before the world ended.
DuncanBSS Dear Microsoft,
I never ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever want to paste formatting.
jukesie I’m treating the relaxed lockdown like updating my Mac OS - going to wait another month or so and let everyone else identify all the problems first before risking it.
I’m still targeting August Bank Holiday for my grand return to the world basically.

Noisy book! pic.twitter.com/DrWJZeLkR7

June 25th at 9pm UK TIME.
I’ll talk about How To Love Your Body, Exercising Whilst Fat, Body Positivity, Being Fat In Public, Talking to Fatphobic People, How To Be An Ally and I will tell funny stories.
Tickets £7 👉🏻 sofiehagen.com/streamshow pic.twitter.com/9EG5o8TsCE
@ladymoonray Schitt’s Creek.

CuriousUkTelly Camberwick Green does Airwolf pic.twitter.com/ZAwjunXQVv
griffinkate Am I Getting Less Fit With Every Cycle Ride Or Should I Pump Up My Bike Tyres More Than Once A Year? Medical Questions To Ponder
@chubbybannister Likewise.

dankthemanc I see Johnson’s plane is nearly finished pic.twitter.com/W9qGc5wu7P

GrumpySkeletor Everything I am I owe to this guy.
Happy Father’s Day. pic.twitter.com/aIs37aorMy
@chubbybannister It’s a little too close to reality for me. I’ve had virtually nothing but an interior monologue for 96 days now and I don’t want to hear more of the same!

PaulTobin I really love this “Public Figures” statue by Korean artist Do Ho Suh. pic.twitter.com/AqDsWGJ0i0
@chubbybannister I have given up on it for the duration, I think.

Bonger. pic.twitter.com/8XlaMJXq70

1scottishbanter Cut yer own grass pic.twitter.com/3GTNgyfwGW

ArtifactsHub 20 sided die - Egypt 200 BC pic.twitter.com/CUOytqOb5r

Jury rig. pic.twitter.com/vpcxZpJzCj
davidschneider In today’s Everything They Say Is A Lie:
Matt Hancock:
“We’ve agreed to join forces with Apple on our latest app”
Apple: bbc.com/news/technolog…
HickeyWriter And further to this, the API itself *prevents* the Government — or anyone — tracking you. See ncase.me/contact-tracin… for details on how it works. twitter.com/Cavalorn/statu…
“I don’t really like you saying his name, because it gives him the oxygen of publicity and I’m not happy with him having the oxygen of oxygen.” — Linda Smith#ThoughtForTheDayy
@ovationchris SIGH.
“Relax” the 2-metre rule? I’ve just been for a walk in Clifton and you wouldn’t know it had ever existed.
Rentaghost. twitter.com/curiousuktelly…
@tsunimee *Polishes beard nonchalantly*
@tsunimee @laurenella_ @arnwal @GlitteryAllsort @face_1985 @Lexington_75 @maybeDB @richardjfoster Thank you. (I hope there won’t be a test later…)
@tsunimee @richardjfoster Current status: sitting on the floor saying the word “lingerie” over and over in a variety of faux-French accents. It’s a good job I’m alone in lockdown.
@tsunimee Voilà!
Grateful to letsencrypt for having rate limits, as my fucking up verifying this production certificate five times within an hour is probably a sign that I should take a break…
@Lucyvfreeman @JanetEmson Thanks!
@Lucyvfreeman @JanetEmson Can you recommend a Campion to try for someone completely new to the character?

eBay Meccano haul. pic.twitter.com/e1nuFYOqX0

dmoren Oh, god, I hope one of them is butter. pic.twitter.com/qe04R9WoGc

CoconutChilli As a brown woman, it’s been increasingly difficult for me to come here lately, but I’m here to sell curries, so here goes.
Open Thursday to Sunday, 5pm - 9pm & this @JonCraig_Photos pic includes veg snack samosas, lamb kofte on paratha, mini poppadums & lamb keema meatballs pic.twitter.com/3Y3zX5juF9

kuangrf my friend got me the coolest freaking bookshelf insert i’ve ever seen and it lights up and when it’s dark i’m just utterly transfixed pic.twitter.com/V3V3s8shJQ

BizarreLazar I’m just gonna leave this here for everyone to enjoy pic.twitter.com/vbwR2jTeEF

NONBlNARY yesterday i served someone a magical potion of become not alive pic.twitter.com/OBMqFrWCNN
adamsmet66 A THREAD:
On Friday it was my birthday. I celebrated at home with my family. I had cake. I was spoiled. I couldn’t have been happier. But it was different of course this year. And not just because of coronavirus and lockdown.
BristolCon Geoff Collard from Paulton in Somerset recently built the bridge from Star Trek, TNG - bbc.co.uk/news/av/uk-eng…

Highly scientific test of the effect of voltage level on solenoid force. pic.twitter.com/An9UCLj5Fl
@Dempster2000 I really wish they weren’t. As an aging tubby white bald guy I find it quite disturbing, what with coincidentally not being a massively racist moronic cockwomble.
cstross Sitting in my office on a rainy Saturday afternoon, despairing that it feels like my imagination is broken because I can no longer front-run the tsunami of insanity that’s sweeping over the human landscape and drowning us in surreal horrors.

“I wonder if I can find out much about making music with solenoids,” I wonder idly. Humanity, you do not disappoint. pic.twitter.com/sQ37MnS5Nt
tony_bridges_el @cpan_pevans It would also be possible to make a USB C device that doesn’t work until you’ve flipped it around a couple times. For nostalgia’s sake.
cpan_pevans Someone on IRC points out that since USB-C connectors can detect their orientation, it would be possible to make a double-sided USB flash disk
Label it “Side A” vs “Side B”

Solenoid. pic.twitter.com/eXfa5P5MR1
@benjohnbarnes Who doesn’t?! Psychopaths, that’s who.
francesc HTTP status codes as emoji .. this might be a good idea?
- 200 👍
- 201 🆕
- 301 👉
- 400 👎
- 401 🔒
- 402 💰
- 403 🚫
- 404 🤷♂️
- 408 ⌛️
- 410 💨
- 418 🍵
- 500 💩

RobinFlavell Ah, the pencil I ordered from Amazon has arrived. pic.twitter.com/Clk6eLJI8m

Bare essentials. pic.twitter.com/YB0ITXyVG4
@HarryJRowland Super pumped to be here here! Air smells amazing, maaaan. #newestthane #rideordie
@DrAlakbarov Shoutout from Bristol.
@hayles The boat’s pointing in the opposite direction though and I’m very confused.
@Avon_Stories I have been trying to work out whether the birds are particularly loud this year or if it’s just that everything else is quieter.

BrandyLJensen once again browsing zillow and i am obsessed with the mind behind the decision to put a toilet on the stairway landing pic.twitter.com/w1EvSDypHv

RobertCorp OK peanuts. pic.twitter.com/IxDw0Zrste
@RobertCorp Sad Porridge.
@ridiculous_fish Hear hear. I first moved to the Mac when they went Intel, and I am *still* impressed with how little I ever needed to find out about Rosetta. Virtually every PowerPC app I encountered “just worked”, and that must have been *so* hard to do.

AlsBoy All I’m saying is all the good comments are on YouTube pic.twitter.com/ZqZBgmmXeq
@petedrinks You’ve got a leaf blower and an office chair, right? #TikTok vm.tiktok.com/oBttXM/

ASPolice A message from Chief Constable Andy Marsh following an act of criminal damage at yesterday’s Black Lives Matter demonstration in Bristol. pic.twitter.com/gVc023u9AI
@FelicityMorse Gosh. Imagine not having any national debt *at all*…

doeeyedlettuce As you can see, Bristol has now fallen into violent anarchy. Headless statues litter the streets, the cries of Waitrose shoppers ring out in fear as black vegans pelt them with lentils. WHEN WILL THIS END. pic.twitter.com/UuexGhwPv9
@tsunimee Shame. I could’ve done with that.
@skottk @Harkaway Seconded. Lovely people. They also have a legacy downloads page for old versions of Scrivener, which might at least get you access to the document. literatureandlatte.com/legacy-download
At this stage I might be prepared to consider Fun Boy Three… twitter.com/hambevan/statu…

mottssauce @nadinebh_ @jpbrammer Lmao they updated its location on google maps pic.twitter.com/2cypsznnOR
webradius Why is it we are unable to keep even the most important things secret? twitter.com/jvharris_1965/…
Only just found out that Sonic Youth wrote a song inspired by William Gibson’s _Pattern Recognition_. #latetotheparty open.spotify.com/track/0nVsFQPD…
@basil_gg M-x witty-reply
@iamtheshunt1 It gets better after the first thirty years or so.
@tsunimee *hug*
Raspberry Pi-induced nostalgia as waiting for Emacs to drag itself into memory reminds me why we used to ^Z-suspend it or use the built-in shell to run the programs we were writing, back in the 1990s…


_jackgrey Edward Colston statue pulled down by BLM protesters in Bristol. Colston was a 17th century slave trader who has numerous landmarks named after him in Bristol. #BlackLivesMattters #blmbristol #ukprotests pic.twitter.com/JEwk3qKJx2
sueturton Today I had an egg for breakfast.
I’m telling you this because I feel lately I’ve disappeared.
No job, no income, no social life & no company.
If you’re single I’m guessing you’re feeling the same way.
Egg. Breakfast. That’s my news.
I’m here if you want to share yours
ellajredden I quit my job today because it turns out my boss is a massive racist. 🙃If anybody knows of any social media marketing jobs available in Manchester, please let me know! 🖤 #manchesterjobs #manchestercareers
MrJoeKeenan This is without question the whitest thing I have ever seen… And I wrote for *FRASIER*. twitter.com/thehill/status…
@FelicityMorse Typically, about three years later than I should have done, with the benefit of hindsight.
GreatDismal End Times twitter.com/levinduke/stat…
Sigh. Upstairs neighbour’s builders are back and are now working with power tools at both the front and back of the house. THIS WAS MEANT TO BE MY RELAXING LONG WEEKEND OFF YOU BASTARDS.

Peculiar Today is mad.
It’s the 1st day of my cancer recovery.
I received 3 separate award nominations, for ‘The Washing’, ‘Bryant & May and the Devil’s Triangle’ & ‘The Lonely Hour’. And I got this. Out next month. pic.twitter.com/bqzCacIr9V

craigmod A friendly reminder: If you want your three-finger dictionary definitions to popup more quickly (i.e., instantly) in macos, turn this option off in sys prefs > spotlight: pic.twitter.com/QFK4ERx1wx
@DrAlakbarov Also worth a try. In both cases, you should only need to watch the first episode to know whether it’s a yes or a no.
@DrAlakbarov I loved it. (Have you seen Happy?)
MariaWNorris Do I or anyone I know on twitter know someone who lives or lived in Warwick?
@Kavey Seriously, though, their intelligence level is up there with chimpanzees, so it *might* be trying to tell you something…
@Kavey They’re incredibly clever birds. Is it possible that little Jimmy’s fallen down the well next door?
@craigmod Oh hell, yes: Alfred. So dependable and constantly in use that I looked right past it while thinking about this question. D’oh!

Pier and Holm. #somerset #isolation pic.twitter.com/M0csdg1p04
@jukesie I plan to have at least one day of this long weekend I’ve got be as technology-free as possible.

Morning off. pic.twitter.com/1L8Z7qZ65B
@jedschmidt @craigmod Emacs. Turns out that if you just wait thirty years, eventually every program gets fast :D
@craigmod Omnifocus, though for actually *doing* the things on my “to-do” list, probably Lightroom. It’s certainly solid, and beautifully designed for getting things done; the fact that it’s not fast is probably more due to my 2014 fusion-drive iMac than Adobe’s programming team…

A circuit board? You must have too much time on your hands. #raspberrypi #making pic.twitter.com/4AQCNSkVw0

PodcastsInColor Welcome! I am Berry, I run Podcasts in Color. I am a Black woman in Denver, CO and in 2015 I was unemployed, loved podcasts and decided to create a space to find the poc podcasts that I rarely saw other places back then PodcastsinColor.com pic.twitter.com/pvPCmuI1NJ
@Juggzy Which one’s the cyclist again?
@chubbybannister Yes. This.
@LegalWeasel @shezza_t Ta!
@shezza_t I do not know. The last few years’ worth have been blackbirds, but I only knew that because I’d seen mum and dad. Haven’t spotted the parents this year.

twlldun Lads you might want to take a look at that desk design pic.twitter.com/bqvk5kv5uz

Had a visitor in my garden this afternoon. Maintained strict social distancing. #fledgling pic.twitter.com/4Ty9SSCyae