1scottishbanter Cut yer own grass pic.twitter.com/3GTNgyfwGW

ArtifactsHub 20 sided die - Egypt 200 BC pic.twitter.com/CUOytqOb5r

Jury rig. pic.twitter.com/vpcxZpJzCj
davidschneider In today’s Everything They Say Is A Lie:
Matt Hancock:
“We’ve agreed to join forces with Apple on our latest app”
Apple: bbc.com/news/technolog…
HickeyWriter And further to this, the API itself *prevents* the Government — or anyone — tracking you. See ncase.me/contact-tracin… for details on how it works. twitter.com/Cavalorn/statu…
“I don’t really like you saying his name, because it gives him the oxygen of publicity and I’m not happy with him having the oxygen of oxygen.” — Linda Smith#ThoughtForTheDayy
@ovationchris SIGH.
“Relax” the 2-metre rule? I’ve just been for a walk in Clifton and you wouldn’t know it had ever existed.
Rentaghost. twitter.com/curiousuktelly…
@tsunimee *Polishes beard nonchalantly*