tony_bridges_el @cpan_pevans It would also be possible to make a USB C device that doesn’t work until you’ve flipped it around a couple times. For nostalgia’s sake.
cpan_pevans Someone on IRC points out that since USB-C connectors can detect their orientation, it would be possible to make a double-sided USB flash disk
Label it “Side A” vs “Side B”

@benjohnbarnes Who doesn’t?! Psychopaths, that’s who.
francesc HTTP status codes as emoji .. this might be a good idea?
- 200 👍
- 201 🆕
- 301 👉
- 400 👎
- 401 🔒
- 402 💰
- 403 🚫
- 404 🤷♂️
- 408 ⌛️
- 410 💨
- 418 🍵
- 500 💩

RobinFlavell Ah, the pencil I ordered from Amazon has arrived.

Bare essentials.
@HarryJRowland Super pumped to be here here! Air smells amazing, maaaan. #newestthane #rideordie
@DrAlakbarov Shoutout from Bristol.
@hayles The boat’s pointing in the opposite direction though and I’m very confused.
@Avon_Stories I have been trying to work out whether the birds are particularly loud this year or if it’s just that everything else is quieter.

BrandyLJensen once again browsing zillow and i am obsessed with the mind behind the decision to put a toilet on the stairway landing