Came out for a walk in the nice sunshine. Current status: waiting for hail to stop. instagram.com/p/xHK2MbJC8s/
Ambra Velo instagram.com/p/xCNd3IJCwu/
Camper. instagram.com/p/xCMlazpC-h/
If you happen to be driving the wrong way down this one-way street, remember it’s a 20 limit. #bristol instagram.com/p/xCGf1bpC-b/
@bexxi Butty Bach? One of my faves.
@beccarothwell I love them. Got the mugs, bowls & teapot, too :)

Thanks for the muffin, @stockbakery. I tried to do it justice :D #christmasbrunch pic.twitter.com/Bjaf3Rf7DI
@jamesshelley Merry Christmas, James.
@ahnlak Sourdough and claret for me…
@seb_ly Blind. And sneezing.
@seb_ly Probably :) #maths It’s linked as pilots uncontrollably sneezing is considered a possible hazard of shining lasers at aircraft.
@seb_ly Congratulations! You’re only 18-35% abnormal.
@seb_ly I’m already enjoying—mostly because I’m now readingen.wikipedia.org/wiki/Photic_sn…R having got there from the laser classes article :D
@alfredapp Thanks Vero! Completely missed that I should be scrolling down. Dopey moment. Got there now.

@alfredapp Hiya! Trying to do a “reload” in Alfred—should that still work? Ta.pic.twitter.com/OzANqaaLtii
This is Brunel, right? instagram.com/p/w1cyGHJC8i/
Bloggity: Favourite Photo of the Month 2014 gothick.org.uk/2014/12/19/fav…
@CarmErickson12 Aw, shucks :)
Micrograffiti. #bristol instagram.com/p/wyrlbmpCzR/
@laurakalbag @pvalentim Well, you’ve topped out my level of expertise, then :)
@laurakalbag @pvalentim May be something extra-odd going on, then. Perhaps try var * -1 as a workaround?
@laurakalbag -(variable)
@charwarz I first heard this as “Anything not worth doing is worth not doing well” in amazon.co.uk/Really-Need-Kn…
“Well, that’s put the seagull among the pigeons.” #bristolphrases
Current status: “Why won’t this bloody mysql process die on my local machine? KILL KILL KILL”. “Why is the live server down?” … “Oh.”
@toadkicker Reading twitter-bootstrap-rails docs. “if current_user.lives_in_hackney?…” LOL.
Dru_Marland upside down in cloud: the bicycle thieves dru-withoutamap.blogspot.com/2014/12/the-bi…
Has there been a paper published yet on whether we actually *do* put USB plugs in the wrong way round more than 50% of the time?
@OpinionatedGeek I remember the pain of that kind of thing. Proprietary NVIDIA binary kernel modules haunt me still.
@OpinionatedGeek Well, if it’s a decent 4K display, I reckon it’s got to be worth a punt. Linux support can only get better…
@OpinionatedGeek That’s not true for me, but it’s certainly more than my car is worth *now* :D

Independent This glorious open letter to Russell Brand is the best thing you’ll read today ind.pn/13b7ju1 pic.twitter.com/KCznclfRfq
@BabsBat *Stands closer to microphone* *Lowers voice* That’s right, baby.
@OpinionatedGeek (This month I have been mostly wishing that my boss could afford a retina iMac. Unfortunately it would bankrupt us.)
@OpinionatedGeek C) “Only 4K? And only one of them? What kind of cheapskates are you?”
@BabsBat These aren’t just silver-lined chinos. These are M&S silver-lined chinos…
Well, at least spilling the teriyaki sauce down my chinos helped me notice the enormous hole in them before I left the house.

itvnews London-New York flight returning to Heathrow after “maintenance issue”, @united says itv.com/news/update/20… #UA28 pic.twitter.com/FXZN2w8ER1
@_pigeons_ Ended up having a very nice Eggs Benedict in Zazus. Bit quiet at bang on nine, but good food, at least :D
@chubbybannister Had me all excited. I thought The Doctor was turning up.
@chubbybannister I wondered what that was.
@RellyAB Bloody bundle deals.
@RellyAB Have you got anything smaller? I find a size 8 generally won’t fit up a chimney.
Final Cut Pro is one of those programs that I fire up just infrequently enough that it’s always incredibly frustrating to use.
Zazu’s. They do a very fine Eggs Benedict, but I was too busy eating it to snap it ;) instagram.com/p/wtAgBvJCyj/
@_pigeons_ Ta!
@_pigeons_ Yo. Any recommendations for a breakfast place on North Street, pref. open before 9? Ta!

Enjoying this year’s Stack Overflow’s Christmas “hats”..pic.twitter.com/FoQ1kKpSaCaC
@sstarr In that case, I definitely recommend you carry on watching :D
@sstarr Then again, I’m a massive Walter Bishop groupie, so maybe that helps. That kind of character can carry a show for me.
@sstarr Well, I certainly think so.

NetflixUK “Protect the plan. At all costs.” Season five of Fringe is #NowOnNetflixUK pic.twitter.com/WljEvaaxU1
rands What a failing hyperdrive sounds like: randsinrepose.com/links/2014/12/…
@hayles Here’s a six-second video of us stamping “REJECTED” on some accounts. And here’s six seconds of us not telling the company why.
@hayles I bet it wasn’t as exciting as my notification today that Companies House had joined Vine.

The gadget cruft that rapidly accumulates at the side of a geek’s desk. pic.twitter.com/CGy19Y9OsY
@Bingo_Little The word “run” seemed to feature prominently.
@Bingo_Little I have some vague recollection of Warwick FilmSoc’s procedure if they had a nitrate film delivered by mistake…
@Bingo_Little Yeah, I hear it can lead to third-degree fun…
@AlexHamlin Indeed. Hurrah!
@caseyliss Pleasure. Figured it was better out than on the “abandoned blog posts” pile :D

Related: I didn’t think I’d end up sacrificing a filmstrip to make a blog post header today..pic.twitter.com/HWHtlS5iRpRp
Bloggity: Burn Rate. On comparing yourself to other photographers. gothick.org.uk/2014/12/15/bur… (@caseyliss :) )

@BaristasBristol Heh. Going back through old photos and found this :) pic.twitter.com/2UiH5pYhDR
Peugeot selfie. instagram.com/p/wi2guCJCyF/
Twins. instagram.com/p/wi1M0cJCwP/
Angles. instagram.com/p/wi1MbQJCwO/

*slow clap* @O2 pic.twitter.com/4ld2MZLHrY
Pleased that there’s a graduates email service provider called “Aluminati”.
petapixel I discovered a treasure trove of unpublished rock photographs: goo.gl/XDPsB3
@stillawake Thanks! The real trick is to get the photography gear ready so you can still eat you dinner while it’s warm :D
@BonjourBlogger Yo. Passionfruit link in the last sentence is 404.
@djelibeybi_meg Those may be my first vegetables of the day. Think of it less as asparagus and more as anti-scurvy meds. :)
hotdogsladies Do publishers constantly ask people for their opinions as a cynical way to increase traffic?
Let me know what YOU think.
Dev snap: It’s a lot easier to test text fields in iOS since the predictive text thing arrived. youtu.be/Ey9lTlbUkdQ
@BonjourBlogger Since about 2007, yeah…

@stockbakery Mmmm. Still warm when I got it home :) pic.twitter.com/VNTj9lwJSI
@ahnlak I recommend it. These ones are Gloucester Old Spot, and I can see the baker from where I’m sitting :D
Bit of work in Stock Exchange Bakery, accompanied by a sausage roll just out of the oven. Bonus! instagram.com/p/wbMG2UpCyk/
@salisbury_matt (Can I assume that they also stripped the hashtag..? twitter.com/gothick/status… )
@salisbury_matt Ah, so The Times must have nicked that from Buzzfeed; it’s years old…

Four years on, the Kindle edition of @GreatDismal’s Spook Country still hasn’t been fixed, e.g. Hollis’s name :( pic.twitter.com/R7PQuY1G9Z
Half an hour to go until the first batch of tickets go on sale!
@caitlinmoran Also an excellent cartoon superheroine.
@ShaneHudson Woah. I didn’t even know it could do that. Nice!

GreenScreenDays Seems legit. pic.twitter.com/eG28pSNpZV
@fanf @AthanSpod Did you get sidetracked while encoding a description of yak-shaving for transmission?

@mhoulden I’ve sampled quite a lot of post-Fish Marillion. Just not really my cup of tea, apart from _Brave_.
@antimitch Temporarily, and no. In that order. Still. Think I’m going to get some sleep. It often helps. Let’s see what tomorrow brings.
@antimitch Hrm. Feels like I’ve done pretty much the opposite.
(Okay, technically, I was born in 1973, but the romantic in me was born in 1985, with _Misplaced Childhood_…)
Thanks @FishDerekDick, from a wide boy, born back in the eighties, when he had no fucking clue what a heart of Lothian was ;)
Remembering where you’re standing at a Fish gig: “Right. I’m next to the balding middle-aged guy. … D’oh!”

@adamgasson funnily enough..pic.twitter.com/SXHp0yk4fNfN
TIL: There is an all-girl tribute act called The Sex Pissed Dolls.
@hayles I dare say there will be plenty of photos!
@hayles Nope. Watching Fish at the Fleece!
@samsneed12 *Waves*
@darwin I’m not. I’ll be at the Fleece.
@spyou Gotcha.
spyou Any idea for where to watch the fireworks this evening not far from bedminster?
@spyou (You know, this bit: instagram.com/p/wRSqhdJC8T/ )
@spyou Well, there’s railings and tannoy points up on that tip of the Cumberland Basin. Easy to get to from Bedmo.
@benjohnbarnes I’ve also heard good things about Press Here amazon.co.uk/Press-Here-Her… (from @_pigeons_)
@catherine_mayer I believe nailbed transplant surgery is still in its infancy, though, so you’re probably safe.
@BenPark Flat layout and concrete floors make routing things around annoying, too. Still, all good now.
@Harkaway Bizarrely, I actually find it strangely calming. Not when it’s busy, mind, but I quite enjoy IKEA at 3pm on a Tuesday, say.
@BenPark …which is what put me off drilling. I’d basically have to rent a drill and 70cm+ drill bit!
@BenPark I feel your pain. Odd blackout spots in my place, too, as it’s basement of big building put up in 1760s. Enormous walls in places.

Joelwillans Baroque Obama. pic.twitter.com/IZsnfZ4SL8
@jakepjohnson Um. That’s the point at which I’d start cutting holes in the ceiling. Fair enough.
@jakepjohnson Erm. The earth shouldn’t have voltage. And if you meant the neutral, you probably shouldn’t be doing wiring!
@BenPark …mine’s only a relatively small flat, mind. But cat5ing bits of the house and having a few proper access points might work.
@BenPark That would have been my next step if the Ubiquiti long range AP I just put in hadn’t worked. But…
@jakepjohnson Investment: diy.com/departments/bq… :)
Can anyone else hear the Casualty theme? RT @jakepjohnson: I may have to cut a hole in the ceiling with a Stanley knife. This won’t end well
@AhhToots Get well soon!
@liveindetail I heard that those were old runway landing lights?
benhorsleyco Guy in Sainsbury’s just asked me for proof of age, so I told him all about the miners’ strike.
arclight Why did it take 2 weeks to write 200 lines of code? Because I had to write 1000 lines of code to learn which 800 to throw away.
@tholder It’s working beautifully. Especially like the power over Ethernet; never had that before. Makes it much easier to site centrally.
This is pretty much me: dilbert.com/strips/comic/2…
rustyshelf Wow. That’s a Yota phone you got there:
@samsneed12 I realised how old my old pic was at the @Bristol52 meetup. Time for a change!
@samsneed12 Those are soooooooooo good.

benhorsleyco Exotic Woking, some moments ago. pic.twitter.com/UgJLylRbwH
@_pigeons_ Sorry, can’t manage this evening :(
Tempted to knock on the door. “So, you get a lot of annoying questions about the pretty plant, then?” instagram.com/p/wRT-YZpC16/
Temporary fencing up, I guess for tomorrow’s bridge fireworks thingy. instagram.com/p/wRSqhdJC8T/
@Kavey We’ve had a lot of it recently. Love these winter afternoons. x
@jukesie Thanks!
@jamesclay Ta!

This bit of the centre/harbour always feels slightly panoramic to me… flic.kr/p/pncYKf #bristol pic.twitter.com/WnrCCpxI6N

Kaskelot sunset pic.twitter.com/nufguU0LtM
@_pigeons_ Might manage lantern parade. Not sure yet.
@_pigeons_ (Ah, yes, it should work on 10.6. Make sure you download using the links on left hand side, under duck cyberduck.io/?l=en )
@_pigeons_ (Assuming it’ll still run in 10.6.8…)
@_pigeons_ Cyberduck, I’d say.
@mikedunn As far as I remember, Gruffalo poo isn’t actually mentioned in the books :)
@mikedunn Gruffalo poo!
@UrsulaWJ Basin and Hooves!
@hayles Walk in a forest?
garethmammal Telapathy: when you know what someone is thinking but you don’t really care.
I am *still* enjoying the Hipster Business Name Generator hipsterbusiness.name
@stockbakery Remind me never to visit on a fast day again!

Can’t quite believe I managed to resist this until this morning. @stockbakery pic.twitter.com/o9RKLSLDS7
@ollieflips Antipodean.
@Squonk I’ve still got some proper light-seal foam from fixing the Praktica, so I might even do it properly. Tape for now though :D

@Kavey D’oh. pic.twitter.com/7O7uRzhahV
@stockbakery I will!
nineweeks bbc.in/1FUZGGF << Seriously mad , hypnotist robber in London

Sometimes, you just need to get the message across. cafesigns.tumblr.com/post/104418321… #cafesigns pic.twitter.com/QTVVkwlA3X

@Kavey No? How about this one? pic.twitter.com/LsUgM5N2ov

So, my Yashica Electro 35’s got a light leak. Still, it’s a nice effect, sometimes… pic.twitter.com/vCb2DxGOW0

First time in the rather lovely @stockbakery :) pic.twitter.com/aJoZm8WKiY
Exchange. instagram.com/p/wOoJ3ZJCyO/
Lovely blues today, #bristol. Carry on. instagram.com/p/wOhZZ0pC73/
@Hello_Im_Nik Cool, thanks! Yes, I have feet of coldness. Especially when hungover, which is somewhat pertinent today :D
@Hello_Im_Nik @ChinaShopBull I would happily rent one of those right now. Failing that, is there a make/model on it? :D

Hoping to punch a wifi signal through the massive walls of this flat..pic.twitter.com/EvCQJpjFOXOX
Still considering buying an electric footwarmer. #elderly
@jakepjohnson Not entirely sure when the taxi delivered me home. But the dregs of the group were chucked out of Renatos at closing :D
@jakepjohnson On way home, I passed the Watershed, where that other do was on. Bumped into @nigellegg and decided I’d “just have the one”.
It’s not just tea time. It’s pot-of-tea time.
@waiyeehong Yeah, it’s been easier since I’ve been working from home. And put a scheduled “water the plants” on my todo list!
@waiyeehong It’s taken years of practice and experimentation. Only just saved this little fella when he nearly died in the bathroom.
Yah. Need to remember to rotate my windowsill plants more often. instagram.com/p/wOKf7XpCxu/
@BristolEating Trying to remember where I’ve seen signs still up. Sure there must be somewhere.
@MrGreenGus @SmallBarBristol And a very fetching back-of-the-head it is :D

@GemmaRWA @RWABristol @Anouk_Mercier Aha! Checked my notes from October, and look what made it to my “top picks”… pic.twitter.com/6IohS4MC9Z

Snappity: the very cosy upstairs of @SmallBarBristol pic.twitter.com/tT0c2Vq2ub
@benjohnbarnes No, the students haven’t changed. Talking to a friend’s mum the other day, she’d occupied Senate House as a student herself!
Ooof. Head a little sore this morning, but not too bad. And I did go to two events in a row and end up in Renatos…
@chubbybannister *waves*
@charlie_cat_esq @amberanima @chubbybannister @jakepjohnson Likewise!
nf6x Do the drippings from one slice of bacon contain enough usable energy to cook a second slice of bacon? #perpetualbacon
That retweet just for my fellow Warwick alumni #allhailthekoan

WarwickBoar Cops off campus demo crowds beginning to mass. #copsoffcampus pic.twitter.com/YyJMhROQtY
When something goes smoothly in iTunes Connect. gph.is/1pMxm3T
@richardjfoster @ahnlak @libbymiller Tea-freaks after my own heart. *raises mugs*
Me? Absent-minded? instagram.com/p/wLyIXypCxB/
Current status: listening to the Cowboy Junkies when I should be working. Oh well.
Apple TV tip: if you’re deep down in the screen hierarchy somewhere, holding down the menu button will pop you all the way back to the top.
theloop So what the fuck is Google+ for anyway? - loopu.in/1zQvs3M

Google Introducing “No CAPTCHA reCAPTCHA,” a simple solution to a simple question: Are you a robot? goo.gl/qAUn3c pic.twitter.com/H7DWB2sEiU
@DawnHFoster Looks like the video’s been made private?
@Bufty_Grifter @jukesie Ta!