@antimitch Hrm. Feels like I’ve done pretty much the opposite.
(Okay, technically, I was born in 1973, but the romantic in me was born in 1985, with _Misplaced Childhood_…)
Thanks @FishDerekDick, from a wide boy, born back in the eighties, when he had no fucking clue what a heart of Lothian was ;)
Remembering where you’re standing at a Fish gig: “Right. I’m next to the balding middle-aged guy. … D’oh!”

@adamgasson funnily enough..pic.twitter.com/SXHp0yk4fNfN
TIL: There is an all-girl tribute act called The Sex Pissed Dolls.
@hayles I dare say there will be plenty of photos!
@hayles Nope. Watching Fish at the Fleece!
@samsneed12 *Waves*
@darwin I’m not. I’ll be at the Fleece.
@spyou Gotcha.
spyou Any idea for where to watch the fireworks this evening not far from bedminster?
@spyou (You know, this bit: instagram.com/p/wRSqhdJC8T/ )
@spyou Well, there’s railings and tannoy points up on that tip of the Cumberland Basin. Easy to get to from Bedmo.
@benjohnbarnes I’ve also heard good things about Press Here amazon.co.uk/Press-Here-Her… (from @_pigeons_)
@catherine_mayer I believe nailbed transplant surgery is still in its infancy, though, so you’re probably safe.
@BenPark Flat layout and concrete floors make routing things around annoying, too. Still, all good now.
@Harkaway Bizarrely, I actually find it strangely calming. Not when it’s busy, mind, but I quite enjoy IKEA at 3pm on a Tuesday, say.
@BenPark …which is what put me off drilling. I’d basically have to rent a drill and 70cm+ drill bit!
@BenPark I feel your pain. Odd blackout spots in my place, too, as it’s basement of big building put up in 1760s. Enormous walls in places.

Joelwillans Baroque Obama. pic.twitter.com/IZsnfZ4SL8
@jakepjohnson Um. That’s the point at which I’d start cutting holes in the ceiling. Fair enough.
@jakepjohnson Erm. The earth shouldn’t have voltage. And if you meant the neutral, you probably shouldn’t be doing wiring!
@BenPark …mine’s only a relatively small flat, mind. But cat5ing bits of the house and having a few proper access points might work.
@BenPark That would have been my next step if the Ubiquiti long range AP I just put in hadn’t worked. But…
@jakepjohnson Investment: diy.com/departments/bq… :)
Can anyone else hear the Casualty theme? RT @jakepjohnson: I may have to cut a hole in the ceiling with a Stanley knife. This won’t end well
@AhhToots Get well soon!
@liveindetail I heard that those were old runway landing lights?
benhorsleyco Guy in Sainsbury’s just asked me for proof of age, so I told him all about the miners’ strike.
arclight Why did it take 2 weeks to write 200 lines of code? Because I had to write 1000 lines of code to learn which 800 to throw away.
@tholder It’s working beautifully. Especially like the power over Ethernet; never had that before. Makes it much easier to site centrally.
This is pretty much me: dilbert.com/strips/comic/2…
rustyshelf Wow. That’s a Yota phone you got there:
@samsneed12 I realised how old my old pic was at the @Bristol52 meetup. Time for a change!