Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

September 2015

I don’t want an ad blocker. I want a European Cookie Law popup blocker.

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@uliwitness Yup, fine here, too. (Seems significantly faster for iCloud photo access, too, if you suffer from delays)

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Fujifilm_UK How do you ? Introducing the new… @FujiInstaxUK

via Twitter Web Client (retweeted on 5:40 PM, Sep 30th, 2015 via Tweetbot for iΟS)

@TwiceCircled @ahnlak’s PC is so old his keyboard’s got a “groat” symbol where the “£” should be.

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@MarianneBungo @heraldscotland @isleofislay Hear hear! (And regards to Morag, who served my my bacon sarnie last time I was there :) )

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MarianneBungo Small is beautiful: My @heraldscotland column on the joys of @isleofislay airport……

via Twitter Web Client (retweeted on 5:35 PM, Sep 30th, 2015 via Tweetbot for iΟS)

@iamdanw Nearly all the employers I’ve had ban social media access from the office…

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@hayles Yes, but it’s so secret the only news story I’ve seen about it was pulled within hours!

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@Bristolvor @hayles I’d like to not believe it, but having worked in IT for major financials for decades, I’m afraid it may be.

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Late Wessex 505 bus further delayed by angry Southmead-bound customers trying to find out where the hell their version of it has got to.

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@hayles Makes me wonder how they get new developers, though. Can’t be easy to find youngsters who want to deal with that stuff.

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.@hayles “In one case the core system converts customer account data in and out of… pounds, shilling and…ub

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@hayles It’ll be because of overnight mainframe batch processing window.

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@hayles And don’t forget their website’s early closing day is Thursday.

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hotdogsladies A new version of OS X comes out tomorrow, so this is the perfect time to do another (ANOTHER) full backup.

Because I love you. And I care.

via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 6:43 AM, Sep 30th, 2015 via Tweetbot for iΟS)

@Bristolvor Yur. Next time I’m getting the bus.

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@Bristolvor I was in there three hours ago! Don’t go as often as I used to, now I’m working at the top of Whiteladies.

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Good guesses, but no, it’s @BaristasBristol :)

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@Bristolvor If it helps, those tiled tabletops are blue.

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@corylus Nope. Smaller than the smallest Lounge, I think.

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Somewhere I’ve spent a lot of time over the years.

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_pigeons_ Me taking photos, taken by @gothick (so meta!)…

via Twitter Web Client (retweeted on 8:34 PM, Sep 29th, 2015 via Tweetbot for Mac)

@_pigeons_ Yeah, me too. Just got that film back from the beginning of the month :D…

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I always enjoy the gravity-defying push-offs of the @BristolFerry :) Ilford PANF+/Yashica Electro 35.

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@emma_cossey I would, but I’m too busy writing to my MP about typhoid-ridden badgers being given council houses for free.

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@emma_cossey If you miss it, I could pretend to be an elderly relative with a tendency to casual racism?

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@HarryMashed @hatsandbikes Is your date of birth definitely set right in your BBC ID?

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@FozzTexx I’m feeling dense. Why do those LEDs look like they’re the wrong way round to me?

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jimchines Papal threat display. Popes can also spit holy venom up to twenty feet.

via Echofon (retweeted on 6:27 PM, Sep 28th, 2015 via Tweetbot for Mac)

Photo: Brew Coffee Company, a fount of knowledge :D

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I’m a fan of this elderly Mitsubishi.

via Instagram

@R2UK Only the one for Peace (where Apple refunded everyone automatically anyway, but I claimed refund before that.)

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@psidnell Did you request the refund (Apple refunded most people automatically) and have you bought something since?

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Am now on Apple’s EU refund blacklist (this:…) since I requested refund for @marco’s Peace :/

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mattwritescode Only in Dursley could this happen….…

via Twitter for Android (retweeted on 8:44 AM, Sep 27th, 2015 via Tweetbot for iΟS)

jasongay There’s a guy in this coffee shop sitting at a table, not on his phone, not on a laptop, just drinking coffee, like a psychopath.

via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 7:30 AM, Sep 27th, 2015 via Tweetbot for iΟS)

@fretzolise My guess: River Song turns up for a 30-second cameo to snatch sunglasses, stamp on them, shake head, teleport out.

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@mathowie 4 times now I’ve wanted to show a friend a pic from iCloud and the conversation’s moved on while the spinner’s stuck at a quarter.

via Twitter Web Client in reply to mathowie

Would I trust an Apple car? Hmmm. Is this a self-writing text message, or should I perhaps HAVE A BLOODY KEYBOARD?

via iOS

I love this house around the corner from me in Bristol when its Boston ivy is in full effect.

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Photo: The Penny, Whiteladies Road. Shot on Ilford FP4 Plus with a Yashica Electro 35.

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@hover Cool, thanks. Double checked and I don’t think a delay will hurt as NS records pointing at a separate, continuing service…

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@TimLees2 That’s the eighth time you’ve posted that question.

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LordGrimdark They’re dropping fruit on Pat Cadigan. As you do.

via iOS (retweeted on 12:42 PM, Sep 26th, 2015 via Tweetbot for iΟS)

@Bristolvor Ahh Toots, St Nick’s (opposite Lucy Flowers.)

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Right. That’s probably enough of a lazy weekend morning. Time to get showered and start ploughing through the stuff I should be doing :)

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@hover How long does it take before you start work on a request, on average, please? Sent one in yesterday and no movement yet…

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@DazeEnd @andrewnicolle But really, I don’t know the rules from the US side. Best thing you can do is talk to your accountant.

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@andrewnicolle @DazeEnd Which is why I’ve never had to worry about it, as I understand it; I’m outside all the states.

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@andrewnicolle @DazeEnd But a lot depends on trade agreements, etc, so I can’t really give advice for a different country!

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@andrewnicolle @DazeEnd Talk to an accountant. There may be relatively easy ways of dealing with big markets (eg EU) as a whole.

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NaNoWriMo 28 years ago today The Princess Bride opened in theaters. Nothing but movie quotes today, yes? Yes. Very good.

via Tweetbot for Mac (retweeted on 5:53 PM, Sep 25th, 2015 via Tweetbot for iΟS)

And yes, I did tweet that idea during a break from putting together a bloody IKEA sofa on my own :D

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@Lillput @IKEA You’re more optimistic than I am. My worst-case scenario was wood shavings and murder.

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Idea: self-assembly dating. Singles team up to build a complex item of @IKEA furniture. If you don’t click, at least you’ve got a wardrobe.

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Okay. I’m now Matt “two sofas” Gibson. Hopefully not for long.

via Instagram

@Samfraggle Is one of the words on that sheet “Asda”? :)

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@andrewnicolle @DazeEnd …I think it’s mostly because Google *really* want you to use advertising, not to take payments :(

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@ahnlak Hey, it was about a decade ago. Would have been long shot if I hadn’t renewed for two years last time…

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@andrewnicolle @DazeEnd Yeah. It is incredibly annoying. And also hard to drag information out of Google on this…

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@ahnlak The old one was 123-reg, which many would say is enough to offend in itself. Was calling hover to kick off the transfer.

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@AlanaMassey I guess this means that in a year or two’s time I’ll start to understand what “basic” means. Or used to mean.

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So, IKEA are definitely delivering the new sofa. Hope @clearabee turn up to take the old one away!

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@justin I’ll upgrade your review to two stars once you’ve fixed Apple.

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ASPCallCentre Given the timescales involved on the M4 closure please start to think about your journey now. Diversions in place. Both bridges open. Delays

via Twitter for iPad (retweeted on 2:42 PM, Sep 25th, 2015 via Tweetbot for Mac)

If only one of the two vans I’m expecting today turns up, I’ll either have no sofa, or two sofas. Neither will be a great result.

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Okeating I’m writing a novel. It’s the old story:
Woman meets man
Man brings milk
Woman needs less milk.
Actually, seems it’s a note to the milkman.

via Twitter for Android (retweeted on 2:25 PM, Sep 25th, 2015 via Tweetbot for Mac)

@ahnlak I’ve already phoned a domain registrar and been up a ladder trimming ivy. And my last option makes you go blind, apparently.

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Hour four in the “Matt waits in for a delivery” house. Despondency is setting in. Cannibalism can’t be far off.

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Yeah, it’s never happened to me, either.

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That thing where you flamboyantly kick off a transfer of your primary domain to a new registrar, confident that nothing will screw up.

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@hayles Pretty sure I don’t like cancer either. SEND CAKE.

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@mattwritescode I think by the time I gave up and started using virtual machines, I had five different versions :(

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ASPCallCentre << M4 westbound J21-22 will remain closed for foreseeable time until recovery of vehicle can be arranged.

via Twitter for iPad (retweeted on 12:41 PM, Sep 25th, 2015 via Tweetbot for iΟS)

@tomasmcguinness How much data do you need to send? I’ve been toying with the idea of sending speaker->phone using DTMF tones for years.

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@tomasmcguinness …but perhaps this…o2 might be a good starting point for search terms.

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@tomasmcguinness Loud speaker and phone listener, you’d probably need a lower rate than 56K ( is a good example!)…

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@tomasmcguinness Well, the bit you heard would have been the negotiation or handshake.

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benjohnbarnes So, I’ve been writing this iPhone weather App for two years. TWO YEARS!? Er, Yeah, two years. It’s well ready for testing. Fancy it?

via Twitter Web Client (retweeted on 11:45 AM, Sep 25th, 2015 via Tweetbot for Mac)

@charlie_cat_esq Ah*.

* I’m sure you can imagine the voice I said that in.

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@Farkie Much of the energy must have been spent lifting the van up, I guess. Very lucky! Bet the police want a bit of a word, mind :)

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@Farkie @tmoitie Despite how it looks, I’m guessing it’s pretty lucky the Porsche is wedge shaped. Was everyone okay, d’you know?

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@Farkie @tmoitie Presumably, the operative question is “…!?”

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Farkie Sooo, just saw this outside Piccadilly station

via TweetDeck (retweeted on 10:55 AM, Sep 25th, 2015 via Tweetbot for Mac)

I’m thinking that what this really needs is a “DEAR HOLY GOD NO NO NO” button.

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@Kavey @ahnlak Yup, it definitely says “Drake”. Credited appropriately :)… @raayat @foxc

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@ahnlak @Kavey You know what? I think it actually says “Drake”!

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@ahnlak @Kavey I try to transcribe frequently enough that I can actually remember the conversation, too. Didn’t happen this time!

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@ahnlak @Kavey Hey, *you* said it! Also, I feel conductivity might be a problem with the metal ones. Metal with asbestos handles?

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Transcribing my notebook. Yes, that *does* say, “I don’t think you can eat magma with chopsticks.” @ahnlak @Kavey

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What I am mostly doing instead of working.

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@jonhickman Nobody whose job it is to set up a lectern PC has ever had to give a presentation.

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That thing where you could do lots while waiting for a delivery but you just procrastinate and look out the window whenever there’s a sound.

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BLOODHOUND_SSC SSC target date for 800mph (1287kmh) World Land Speed Record attempt: October 15th 2016

via TweetDeck (retweeted on 11:11 PM, Sep 24th, 2015 via Tweetbot for Mac)

Splitcoil Foodie: a word used by my coworkers to describe someone interested in dining anwhere other than a chain restaurant at a mall.

via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 10:20 PM, Sep 24th, 2015 via Tweetbot for Mac)

Hrm. Do school burglar alarms generally call the police themselves, or should I call 101, I wonder…

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(Though it seems watches don’t fit on people’s wrists in the future.)

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iCanuck The future has arrived.

via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 8:28 PM, Sep 24th, 2015 via Tweetbot for iΟS)

ChuckWendig … Facebook is down.


*runs to Twitter*

via Twitter for Mac (retweeted on 5:47 PM, Sep 24th, 2015 via Tweetbot for Mac)

Emzlina When you see leaves blowing in the wind, start catching them and posting them in letter boxes while singing the crystal maze theme tune.

via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 12:36 PM, Sep 24th, 2015 via Tweetbot for iΟS)

SamRFranklin Interesting looking new BBC Radio 4 series/podcast on the history of computing…

via Tweetbot for iΟS (retweeted on 7:13 AM, Sep 24th, 2015 via Tweetbot for Mac)

@Cookwitch Sadly I think my relatively new Morrisons Local hasn’t got around to that yet.

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Saddened to see the presumably-inevitable fall of my local Waitrose to robot checkouts :( Another reason to head for small indie shops.

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petapixel Selfies cause more deaths now than shark attacks:

via Twitter Web Client (retweeted on 12:30 PM, Sep 23rd, 2015 via Tweetbot for Mac)

mattgemmell Well played, Apple – from this . (Read the initials as a

via Twitter for Mac (retweeted on 4:58 PM, Sep 22nd, 2015 via Tweetbot for Mac)

“Salad” is a big word at Tradewind. @ Tradewind Espresso

via Instagram

teknoteacher Some BBC Computing programmes from the 1980s are now available on iPlayer:…

via Twitter Web Client (retweeted on 5:56 PM, Sep 21st, 2015 via Tweetbot for Mac)

paulrbrown Happy to find that hotels have started supplying folding stand-up desks for those of us who prefer it.

via Twitter for Mac (retweeted on 5:54 PM, Sep 21st, 2015 via Tweetbot for Mac)

ZombieKudos So S3 is finally airing in the UK. At 2:10AM on @BBC3, in two ep blocks, from next Sunday. Way to kill a fantastic show BBC…

via Twitter for Android (retweeted on 5:03 PM, Sep 21st, 2015 via Tweetbot for iΟS)

benjohnbarnes Teen prosecuted as adult at 17 for having naked images – of himself as 16 year old child. Peak…pU

via iOS (retweeted on 7:28 AM, Sep 21st, 2015 via Tweetbot for iΟS)

mutablejoe SPIN DOCTOR: We have no idea how to handle this
SPIN VET: *chest puffed out* this is my moment

via Twitter Web Client (retweeted on 12:46 AM, Sep 21st, 2015 via Tweetbot for iΟS)

No statement from @David_Cameron yet. Cat got your tongue?

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@EffBeeee Bet you a fiver he’s still PM this time next week.

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@thenicolabryant Yes; I was just thinking that there are some images you *really* don’t need right before bedtime.

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@RellyAB Also: loving the décor. *Runs very quickly in the opposite direction*

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@RellyAB Does this basically translate in your mind as “NO GAYS”, too?

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In other news, I may have had too much coffee today. *Vibrates violently*

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Photo: People in the background are often bemused by me snapping photos of cafe signs. These guys were more…

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Before I head out with my camera, I always take a test shot to make sure there’s a card and a battery in it.

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petapixel Photographer captures the bizarre beauty of Soviet bus stops:

via Twitter Web Client (retweeted on 5:49 PM, Sep 19th, 2015 via Tweetbot for Mac)

The very first time I’ve developed film and printed a contact sheet, thanks to Chris Waller’s course @folkhouse.

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Awash with photos :) @ The Folk House Cafe & Bar

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NolanBushnell Optimistic people live longer than pessimists. That makes both of them correct in their outlook.

via Buffer (retweeted on 1:03 PM, Sep 19th, 2015 via Tweetbot for iΟS)

Heh. The Great St Trinian’s Train Robbery :)

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@thekarleighshow Cool. Nice to know it’s still going, at least :)

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@thekarleighshow Oooh, is Maison Toareg still good? Must’ve been years since I’ve been there.

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@stroughtonsmith @ifraaannk Hurrah! So I could upgrade from the current Apple TV but still use my Harmony remote.

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@stroughtonsmith Can you use an IR remote to control the Apple TV? I’d be sad not to be able to use my Logitech Harmony for the new one…

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marcoarment I’ve pulled Peace from the App Store. Why:…

via Tweetbot for Mac (retweeted on 7:22 PM, Sep 18th, 2015 via Tweetbot for Mac)

@PollyVVore @linguatical That news story seems to have mysteriously disappeared now! Very odd.

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@Harkaway Someone who just gave LinkedIn permission to spam everyone in their address book, I’d wager.

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Also: gee thanks, Apple. I wonder what I’ll spend my *enormous* savings

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ggreeneva Wow, @VW—writing code to specifically detect & circumvent emissions testing. Just…

via Tweetbot for Mac (retweeted on 5:27 PM, Sep 18th, 2015 via Tweetbot for iΟS)

Much as the overall quality may vary, Doctor Who does deliver some stonking one-liners.… via @YouTube

via Mobile Web

ahnlak Once again I’m googling questions, only to taken to an answer from @gothick. Clearly, I can replace friends with Google!

via MetroTwit (retweeted on 3:15 PM, Sep 17th, 2015 via Tweetbot for iΟS)

@PollyVVore Yes, it’s repetitive criminals, but they’ve already been caught ;)…

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@tsunimee I am a long way behind the times. And that doesn’t feel too bad. I’m going to go back to LiveJournal and MySpace.

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@tsunimee I don’t have Snapchat, and from that description I think I have a very different Instagram from you ;)

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@jesseberney @dangusset Now I look closer, so’s this banana! BAN FRUIT NOW

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@djelibeybi_meg Ta! Surprisingly hard to find anywhere with a decent range.

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@Ihnatko Back when we were doing this stuff, it probably would have just counted as an interview for Texas Instruments’ missile division…

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Ihnatko I was Ahmed. Except I’m white, and that makes all the difference.…

via TweetDeck (retweeted on 6:01 PM, Sep 16th, 2015 via Tweetbot for Mac)

arthur_affect FB: “We want Dislike to be an empathy button, not a way to downvote ppl you dislike”

…When did you guys get the Internet, on Monday?

via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 5:23 PM, Sep 16th, 2015 via Tweetbot for Mac)

One of the first digital circuits I made as a schoolboy was a countdown timer with big red numbers. Ah, the age of innocence.

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@uliwitness Yup. My company sells contract computer programming services. And stock photos through Getty, because two companies is overkill!

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TheRoot Muslim teen arrested after school believes homemade clock is a bomb.

via Buffer (retweeted on 4:51 PM, Sep 16th, 2015 via Tweetbot for iΟS)

Where’s a good place to buy pots for indoor plants in ? Decorative, ceramic, actually-hold-water sort of thing? Ta!

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@DlGlTAL_MEDIA Sorry, on a full-time contract until February.

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@Kavey …and get the old one out. So having gone through all that, now thinking I should make it nice and saleable & put books in storage.

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@Kavey Well, the carpet needed doing either way, and I had to get the bookshelves out temporarily anyway, to fit a new sofa through…

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@Kavey Yeah. If I don’t put them back there’ll at least be a hall table and a bunch of pictures on right hand wall, I think.

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@Kavey Aww, thanks! Transatlantic guest post ahoy…

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@shezza_t The old carpet was there in 1999, when I moved in! Also: nice man called Wayne from Carpetright did the fitting.

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benhorsleyco Just updated my phone to the latest OS and my life is exactly the same. What the hell.

via Twitter Web Client (retweeted on 8:57 PM, Sep 15th, 2015 via Tweetbot for iΟS)

@TechCorrect I believe Jeph Jacques has created the perfect shirt for you, given the latest…oY

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My memory is poor enough that all my future TV needs might be met by just alternating watching all of _Buffy_ and all of _House_.

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@mistymaria @R2UK @floyduk …though it was probably several years overdue an upgrade by the time that happened!

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@mistymaria @R2UK @floyduk Ah. Yeah, know what you mean. Seemed a shame to ditch my old TV until it started actively playing up…

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@bexxi Thank you. Now to decide whether to put all the bookshelves back or not…

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Mission: New Hall Carpet accomplished.

via iOS

@lukeredpath AirPlay can be incredibly frustrating when it doesn’t quite work. Good luck!

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