@emma_cossey I would, but I’m too busy writing to my MP about typhoid-ridden badgers being given council houses for free.
@HarryMashed @hatsandbikes Heh.
@emma_cossey If you miss it, I could pretend to be an elderly relative with a tendency to casual racism?
@HarryMashed @hatsandbikes Is your date of birth definitely set right in your BBC ID?
@HarryMashed @hatsandbikes !? It lets me in, and I’m 43…
@FozzTexx I’m feeling dense. Why do those LEDs look like they’re the wrong way round to me?
@matt_fwyalchen @bexxi I think you misspelled “inestimable”.

jimchines Papal threat display. Popes can also spit holy venom up to twenty feet. pic.twitter.com/vQrt9tsTqE
Photo: Brew Coffee Company, a fount of knowledge :D tmblr.co/ZD7hNx1v8n7nF
I’m a fan of this elderly Mitsubishi. #igersbristol instagram.com/p/8LnrS_JC86/
Perfect decoration for these BT cabinets in #cliftonwood! #igersbristol #bristol instagram.com/p/8Lnh1LpC8p/