@stuartcw @ttscoff Ah, yes. The heady days before you were the only person who could write to your tty ;)
@FozzTexx Doesn’t look any less reliable than ZX81 RAM pack. OH-GOD-DON’T-MOVE-A-MUSCLE-YOU’LL-LOSE-EVERYTHING is basically 80s nostalgia :)
@ttscoff @stuartcw …I think even back then it was mostly used for taping over the occasional cracks of uncooperative commands.
@ttscoff @stuartcw I have vague recollections of using it for unflaggable commands like maybe “yes | pkunzip foo” back in the early 1990s.

techreview The Newest 3-D Printing Ink Is Glass
bit.ly/1hV6Wfj pic.twitter.com/ud2wu6unWb
@ttscoff I seem to remember it being more useful in the olden days when more things asked for confirmation and didn’t take a flag to force.
@ttscoff Oh! This may be one of those commands I’ve known about for twenty years that I just assumed everyone else had tripped over too!
@ttscoff You didn’t know about the GNU version, or ‘yes’ in general?
@Pinboard Sure I’m safe. I’ve got all mine in ma.gnolia. Mind you, it’s been a while since I tested the recovery process…

MrsEmma This thrush comes to see us most days - very trusting of us & did not seem fazed by the film crew at all! pic.twitter.com/gHq3DUw9R3

@tommcfarlin My current fave is this one, which only ever pops up when I’ve not done anything in iTunes for hours. pic.twitter.com/JZVE0MNajO
@kshack22 Got mine from Whiteladies @BetterFoodCo shop :)

SciencePorn How angles are measured in radians, visually explained. pic.twitter.com/kbUYohksBr
@ShaneHudson The chives don’t look too bad. What’s the other poor thing?
@benjohnbarnes That actually might be true.

Tum-ti-tum. pic.twitter.com/mbVpGaoAWp
@hayles You think a recruiter is capable of cringing?
EdibleBristol Folks!!!
There is a mountain of veg ready for harvesting on College Green!!
Chard, kale, lettuces…
And it’s perfectly ok to pick!!
Pls RT
nxthompson “I shot the serif.” @asarahlarson’s amazing rant against Google logo. ow.ly/RNe7A
MsMottram Cliftonwood OpenAir Cinema this evening, it’s going to be a nice evening #leafy #Bristol
Details here: facebook.com/CliftonwoodOpe…
@robjmills @petedrinks @BoakandBailey Perhaps not new or crazy, but I may still take some convincing that it’s a good idea :)

Curious to hear @petedrinks’ thoughts on this terrifying idea my friend Neil snapped in Colorado last week! pic.twitter.com/RDnwRCRICm
SnoozeInBrief The correct way to dispose of used batteries is to put them in the bottom drawer in the kitchen and then eventually move house.
@4ndr3w Welcome!
@4ndr3w Used to annoy the hell out of me. If you never use it, turn off every speed except 1x in the settings.