teknoteacher Some BBC Computing programmes from the 1980s are now available on iPlayer: bbc.co.uk/iplayer/group/…
paulrbrown Happy to find that hotels have started supplying folding stand-up desks for those of us who prefer it. pic.twitter.com/s24D84pEal
*Gently weeps* pic.twitter.com/SqsGJEJHoO
ZombieKudos So #OrphanBlack S3 is finally airing in the UK. At 2:10AM on @BBC3, in two ep blocks, from next Sunday. Way to kill a fantastic show BBC…
benjohnbarnes Teen prosecuted as adult at 17 for having naked images – of himself as 16 year old child. Peak Americatheguardian.com/us-news/2015/s…pU