@fretzolise My guess: River Song turns up for a 30-second cameo to snatch sunglasses, stamp on them, shake head, teleport out. #DoctorWho
@mathowie 4 times now I’ve wanted to show a friend a pic from iCloud and the conversation’s moved on while the spinner’s stuck at a quarter.

Would I trust an Apple car? Hmmm. Is this a self-writing text message, or should I perhaps HAVE A BLOODY KEYBOARD? pic.twitter.com/HV1F8F9jWS

I love this house around the corner from me in Bristol when its Boston ivy is in full effect. pic.twitter.com/AmQ6yGkSdM

This does look like fun. #bristol pic.twitter.com/MRNEHKcIm9
Photo: The Penny, Whiteladies Road. Shot on Ilford FP4 Plus with a Yashica Electro 35. tmblr.co/ZD7hNx1u-lZb7
@hover …so consider me reassured :)
@hover Cool, thanks. Double checked and I don’t think a delay will hurt as NS records pointing at a separate, continuing service…

@Bristolvor Just in case you needed convincing..pic.twitter.com/VMAhS8TYdCdC
@TimLees2 That’s the eighth time you’ve posted that question.

LordGrimdark They’re dropping fruit on Pat Cadigan. As you do. pic.twitter.com/I6dBjuDVw1
@Bristolvor Ahh Toots, St Nick’s (opposite Lucy Flowers.)
Right. That’s probably enough of a lazy weekend morning. Time to get showered and start ploughing through the stuff I should be doing :)
@hover How long does it take before you start work on a request, on average, please? Sent one in yesterday and no movement yet…