Lucyvfreeman Crikey. An expert in women’s orgasms is following me. Am trying to follow back but so far it’s taken me 20 minutes and my hand hurts.
Working out the intro to Gunga Din :) #TheLibertines

OpinionatedGeek Bit of a pricing irregularity… I’m not sure it’s worth £22.50 to /not/ get the CD.

ValaAfshar 30 years ago he spoke to his watch and owned a driverless car. A true tech visionary and pioneer.
I got “Professional editor”. Now all I need to do is write something to edit…… #quizzes via @Kavey
@_pigeons_ Hah! Fab. Where’s that?
@_pigeons_ Thanks!
Pretty sure the only way to deal with an intermittent phone line fault is to move house.
@Kavey Why what? Why use it? Because it’s quick, powerful, comes with the Mac, and is also good on remote servers.
@harryo Sure the bottom half of YouTube will never run dry on that score.
Woke up tired and headachey. Been out for coffee, had lunch, now to see if I can actually do useful things this afternoon.
@Kavey I still use Emacs a few times a week. And probably cling to the same few tricks I learned with it in 1991 :)
@Kavey I’m sure we’ve all been there! :q!

Budzaya Parenthood in one picture.
(Fan mail made by @theawkwardyeti for @Lunarbaboon)

recantha What programmers say vs What they mean. Well spotted @ryanteck

Gradually waking up.
Bridge swing.
peterholt99 What heresy is this!?,
“@NHSChoices: Stretching before exercise is a common practice, but is it effective?”