Happy Birthday @jacintuk
Much as I love the old Mini, passing the third guy today with his head in an engine compartment tells me buying the new one was the righ …
Off for an evening with Clement Freud
Back home after a week in Islay *contented sigh*
@jacintuk It’s me this time, though
At 55 deg 54.757 mins north by 6 deg 9.138 mins west. All is well :-)
Eating scallops flame-cooked in Bruichladdich :-)
Bowmore, even!
Just trying a 25 year old Bowore :-)
@jacintuk I know!
The older I get, the more my friends’ LiveJournal entries sound like the beginning of an episode of House.
Another lesson, another batch of Greek words I stand very little chance of remembering…
Why do anarchists drink herbal tea? Because proper tea is theft…
Hmm. Is image stabilisation _meant_ to make quiet yet strangely cement-mixer-like noises come from your lens?
OSX keyboard tip: Option+any Finder window close button = close all open Finder windows
Ahh, I’ve had several hours’ sleep, I’ve bounced out of bed, I’ve eaten my cereals — oh. And it’s 10:30pm.
@jacintuk It would have been if I hadn’t gone to bed at 6pm. Remind me not to stay up for 35 hours again at any point in the near future.
5.10am. Party seems to be winding up. Might think about heading home and sleeping through till Sunday.
Just went to Tesco rather than Somerfield purely because Tesco’s automated checkouts are politer to me than Somerfield’s human beings.
Heading to London for casino-themed party :)
@boagworld Wow; they’re outsourcing _everything_ these days…
This evening’s Greek lesson was Parts of the Body. Unfortunately, though, I still don’t know enough Greek to tell my arse from my elbow.
Google calendar’s daily agenda email reminded me at 7:30 that I was booked for MOT at 8:15. Was still in dressing gown. Panic!
Think I’ll go sit on a bit of University grass to read my XML textbook, recapture a bit of my youth :)
Practising my Greek while listening to upstair’s neighbour’s Spanish music. Think my accent might get confused :)
Not bad for a first attempt: http://tinyurl.com/4t4k69
@bexxi So do I! It’s hard to tell huddled under an anorak with a 2” screen :)
Standing on Observatory Hill trying to photograph lightning for the first time.
Next on my playlist: Get It Together, by The Go! Team. What’s next on your playlist? (as stolen from @chrismarquardt)
@chrismarquardt I had this bookmarked, which could be helpful: http://tinyurl.com/2mw8t2
@Artoo_UK if I don’t get on a diet soon, I might have to borrow your maternity ones…
My email is increasingly one big bacon-flavoured disappointment
Curse you, Microsoft! No, I still don’t want to install bloody Silverlight. Sometimes I long for the days of 80-column greenscreen internet.
Back from Greek lesson to unpack from the weekend, do laundry, do weekly review, sleep, go to work, then go to another Greek lesson. Sigh.
Yay! Looks like Neat Little Mac Apps, one of my favourite Mac podcasts, is coming back soon. http://www.neatlittlemac…
About to descend into Blue John cavern.
Chocolate covered Kendal mint cake is like After Eight mints on PCP
Just back from biking. Wet, muddy, cheerful :-)
Having fun in Derbyshire!