Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

September 2013

JamesManning Farage removes @thetimes from his Christmas card list

via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 11:08 PM, Sep 30th, 2013 via Tweetbot for iOS)

Last night I watched the Buffy episode “The Body” for the first time since 2001. Just as shocking and good as I remembered it.

via Echofon

@Kavey Heh. Happy birthday, sweetie.

via Echofon in reply to Kavey

@waiyeehong I can’t help it if they reach all the way to Eastville now I’ve hit 40.

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@MartinSketchley I don’t get to big supermarkets much. Never found anything better than @extractcoffee or @hasbean for my taste…

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That animation’s long enough for me to forget why I wanted the Home screen in the first place.

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@domwakeling The advice varies, but “leave overnight” seems pretty typical advice.

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@domwakeling Last week’s first batch was under-roasted. Second better. This is my first try with a blend I regularly drink *crosses fingers*

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Left: @hasbean’s Jailbreak blend, roasted by them. Right: roasted by me. Think I’m doing okay.

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@Kavey I’ve wondered that. But I’ve always had breakfast by the time I pass, so I’ve not looked at the food on offer…

via Echofon in reply to Kavey

@Kavey The coffee’s good, too.

via Echofon in reply to Kavey

Goodness. Up to 99 posts on my Cafe Typography tumblr thang.

via Echofon

Still, despite the blasting music from the neighbours, the coffee was great :) @SourdoughCafe

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But I’m probably just grumpy because I went for a quiet coffee in St Nicks and had Zumba music blasted at me over a PA for the duration.

via Echofon

Have to say, this traffic-free day thing isn’t doing a lot for Hotwells.

via Instagram

@claireellent Probably a UKIP member faxing in a protest about women on television.

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BBCNormanS Unfortunately security at won’t allow us to film demo outside conference centre

via Twitter for BlackBerry® (retweeted on 2:17 PM, Sep 29th, 2013 via Tweetbot for iOS)

Come out for a walk in the sunshine around the harbour. What ‘s with all the traffic on the Hotwell Road? It’s worse than rush hour!

via Tweetbot for iOS

@echofon Text of retweets is chopped off on Echofon for Mac if system preference set to always show scrollbars. Any chance of a fix? Thanks.

via Echofon

Got up, cooked bacon and eggs, cleaned the flat, listened to @FishDerekDick’s new album. Not a bad start for a Sunday.

via Echofon

@charlie_cat_esq I do love a bacon bagel. Possibly extra-nice because bacon and bagels really shouldn’t go together…

via Echofon in reply to CharlieEsq_

TlfTravelAlerts That Which Should Not Be has risen from his aeon of slumber and is currently causing delays to the Line Which Sometimes Works But Not Often.

via Twitter for Android (retweeted on 11:43 AM, Sep 29th, 2013 via Echofon)

sowerbyandluff Fat Chance 91 out now. How to suck out your brain through your ear + a man with a nose on his forehead.

via Libsyn On-Publish (retweeted on 11:14 AM, Sep 29th, 2013 via Echofon)

Right. On with the cleaning. Think I’ll listen to the last bit of The Archers while I do the bathroom, make it a proper middle-class job.

via Echofon

@hayles @_dibdib @guriben Admittedly, that’s mostly just me and the strange shouty guy with the shopping trolley, but still.

via Echofon

@hayles @_dibdib @guriben Hush, or I’ll set the Hotwells Posse on you.

via Echofon in reply to hayles

@davidcaolo @amahnke Enjoying the pen-holding discussion :) This is why I prefer CIAK to Moleskine - horizontal band.

via Echofon

@_dibdib Yeah. Makes it very unforgiving of “Oh, shit, I’m in the wrong lane” mistakes.

via Echofon in reply to C_J_Fox

@_dibdib Indeed. Worked in Swindon for three years and still have mates there, so I’ve been around/across it a lot!

via Echofon in reply to C_J_Fox

@_dibdib I’ve done about half of those, though I’ll admit I had to go around Hangar Lane twice last time to get the right exit :)

via Echofon in reply to C_J_Fox

So, the Apple TV is up to software version 6.0. And I still can’t make the font size bigger so I can read the show descriptions. Sigh.

via Tweetbot for iOS

@globalmoxie Wonder if there’s a site devoted to the evolution of early watch design? Might be interesting to revisit right now…

via Twitter for Android in reply to bigmediumjosh

@globalmoxie Hrm. Would you want to wear something that looked like a watch, but didn’t tell the time? Think there has to be a mix for me.

via Twitter for Android in reply to bigmediumjosh

@danielpunkass Incidentally, I got an effect I liked a lot by limiting the shading to certain pixels:

via Echofon in reply to danielpunkass

@danielpunkass I swing both ways :) The OpenGL book I’m working through is an Android one, so that’s where I had a skeleton project set up.

via Echofon in reply to danielpunkass

@danielpunkass Thanks for the help ;) I now have animated random noise!

via Tweetbot for iOS

@BlackDogDays @MsMottram @paulawhite_uk Few weeks works for me; I’ll be out of this contract and back working from home.

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@michelledh I’d reply to your tweet, but I don’t have your phone number.

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RellyAB Well, this is disturbingly accurate

via Twitter Web Client (retweeted on 5:03 PM, Sep 27th, 2013 via Echofon)

@alexjbutcher Fab! Wish I remembered more of mine beyond the first thirty seconds if waking…

via Tweetbot for iOS in reply to alexjbutcher

@hayles I think I’d rather be a clogger than a blobber, though…

via Tweetbot for iOS in reply to hayles

Oh humanity, you cocks. Do I report this to @FirstBSA or @BristolCouncil? (Gasferry Rd stop, Anchor Rd)

via Tweetbot for iOS

@johnfbraun @Phooto An array of pointers to arrays! Go on, you know you want to. *

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@Phooto @johnfbraun I remember the heady days of self-modifying 6502 code, before all this memory “protection” lark spoiled our fun.

via Echofon in reply to Phooto

Interesting. Opera have un-bought FastMail :)…

via Echofon

“…the performance and safety of languages like C or Java.” The *safety* of *C*?…

via Echofon

@psidnell No, they just made a little one as a demo. At the touch of a button. It was amazing.

via Echofon in reply to psidnell

Dreamed I found an electronics shop in Clifton Village. They had 1950s vintage 3D printer, which printed birds nests of varying size. Erm.

via Tweetbot for iOS

Oof. Police underwater search unit diving in Cumberland Basin. Hope it’s just training…

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Wandering down to the river to make sure it’s low tide, like @benjohnbarnes’ new app says it’ll be ;)…

via Tweetbot for iOS

Really don’t have the emotional energy to deal with chuggers this evening. Turning away from Park Street for my shopping.

via Tweetbot for iOS

@m1ke_ellis @t1mmyb Sorry, could you resubmit that tweet to me as a CSV file with its characters in codepage 1252? Thanks.

via Tweetbot for iOS in reply to m1ke_ellis

That’s some pretty stunning driving even by standards. Hope everyone walked away.

via Tweetbot for iOS

@_dibdib No worries. Lemme know if you want me to try mailing you; might work from here as you’re less likely to be cached.

via Echofon in reply to C_J_Fox

@_dibdib (For .coms I normally use Hover — they don’t let you change TTL, but it’s set to 15 minutes by default anyway.)

via Echofon in reply to C_J_Fox

@_dibdib …setting silly values permanently.

via Echofon in reply to C_J_Fox

@_dibdib It’s possible they’ll change it temporarily if you raise a support call. Some registrars do that to stop people…

via Echofon in reply to C_J_Fox

@_dibdib (Which I’m guessing is the same TTL as before the change?)

via Echofon in reply to C_J_Fox

@_dibdib Well, they look identical (and correct) from here. Though some changes are still propagating, by the looks of things. 24-hour TTL.

via Echofon in reply to C_J_Fox

@_dibdib Lemme know if you need a second pair of eyes.

via Echofon in reply to C_J_Fox

@_dibdib Ah. Odd how many mainstream providers don’t seem to provide decent controls for that.

via Tweetbot for iOS in reply to C_J_Fox

@adamgasson @LiveMusicScene Yeah, I used them for my last airport run and they were good.

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@_dibdib Did you forget to turn your TTL down, or are you waiting for someone else’s?

via Tweetbot for iOS in reply to C_J_Fox

@slicknic Yeah, she’s generally fab. Must’ve seen her a dozen times now, from Oxford Zodiac to the acoustic tent at Glasto…

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“This is the queue for the iPhone 5S, right?”

via Instagram

Lunchtime, then. *Heads out in search of bread-based comestibles*

via Echofon

@MitchBenn Cocky, John Wyndham’s story of an egotistical alien consciousness.

via Echofon in reply to MitchBenn

Oooh, it’s that @theagilmore on Radio 2. (Are you coming to Bristol this year, Thea?)

via Echofon

xor Amazing “Marriott hotel carpet” cosplay and a ridiculous cease-&-desist from carper designer:…

via Twitter for Mac (retweeted on 11:49 AM, Sep 22nd, 2013 via Echofon)

@tsunimee It’s not bad, but it doesn’t really say “Christmas” to me. Maybe try hanging a bauble off each nipple?

via Echofon in reply to tsunimee

Enjoying “Claims that ‘video games lead to violence’ lead to violence”, by @garwboy…

via Echofon

@liveindetail I have a magnet with a torch on the end of a telescopic pole for just those occasions. I highly recommend them.

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StudioBaum Call out to independent coffee shops in Bristol. We’re compiling the 1st map. Interested? Email RT!

via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 10:01 AM, Sep 22nd, 2013 via Echofon)

@aaron23_ I was going to tweet that, but had second thoughts. Let me know how many interesting @-replies and new followers you get now :)

via Echofon in reply to destroyordamage

@Kavey Erm. What was it an advert *for*?

via Echofon in reply to Kavey

Or at least if it’s not, I’m sure one of the other three BBM apps the developer is shipping will be.

via Echofon

No, I’m sure this BlackBerry Messenger app in the Google Play Store is the real, official one.

via Echofon

@charlesarthur What? But it’s in the store right now! Goodness, you don’t think these are crapware *fakes*, do you?

via Echofon in reply to charlesarthur

@domwakeling I probably would not have gone to this particular extreme had @Lillput not kindly given me the beast.

via Tweetbot for iOS in reply to domwakeling

@shezza_t Yup, too late. Oh well. Will just have to re-watch the original to take the taste out if my brain.

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Hrm. Think I under-roasted these beans a bit. Taking another swing at it.

via Echofon

@domwakeling I’ve roasted before, but only in a popcorn maker. This is my first time with a proper coffee roaster.

via Echofon in reply to domwakeling

@Kavey They were even better for being in stereo.

via Tweetbot for iOS in reply to Kavey

Right. Let’s give this coffee I roasted yesterday a try, then…

via Tweetbot for iOS

@UrsulaWJ It’s possible I could help you out on that

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@trekkie Not bad, no. Quite mild, not how you might expect, but in no way bad.

via Tweetbot for iOS in reply to trekkie

Should I watch the _Edge of Darkness_ remake? Can’t help but think that there can be only *one* Darius Jedburgh.

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@Padraig Thirty three, though there’s a couple of oddities (eg my huffduffer feed) and probably five or so I haven’t listened to in months.

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@Lillput I have what looks like nicely-done beans. But I’m leaving it until tomorrow to try them :) Thanks!

via Echofon in reply to Lillput

@Bristolvor Not bad. More subtle than I expected, just like it was when I tried it in a popcorn maker…

via Tweetbot for iOS in reply to Bristolvor

@Lillput Indeed. Running through a cheap bag first, as you said.

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Right then. Let’s give this beast a try.

via Instagram

“Colonel! Incoming! Ropey CGI at three o’clock!” “Quick! To the plot device!”

via Tweetbot for iOS

Lovely evening at @TheSpanishBar. Here’s a snap from the walk home back to Hotwells.…

via Echofon

@hayles I *so* need to cultivate that look. *Practises frowning*

via Tweetbot for iOS in reply to hayles

@Trangofarm Looks like a nice morning for queueing, anyway. How’s it going?

via Tweetbot for iOS

@RellyAB Ah well, worth a go. Sometimes they get stuck doing something intensive, which can be user-curable, but probably not if cool.

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Oh, Cowboy Junkies. My saviours.

via Echofon

@Trangofarm You ain’t the boss of me! Oh. Hang on. Arse.

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Which fool decided that going freelance was a good idea for me? Oh.

via Echofon

Morning all.

via Echofon

jeremyturner Today someone told me that smartphones were “turning people in to zombies” so I ate him.

via Tweetbot for iOS (retweeted on 7:45 AM, Sep 19th, 2013 via Echofon)

@lozicus Random passing observation: you can tap anywhere on the screen outside the folder to dismiss a folder, too.

via Echofon in reply to lozicus

Going by picture 4, I’d say the current residents are a teensy bit partial to tigers.…

via Echofon

amateuradam Apple Maps no better on iOS7

via Echofon (retweeted on 9:09 PM, Sep 18th, 2013 via Echofon)

@davidwalshblog Or possibly the best demo I won’t see all day. What browser does it work in? Ta!

via Echofon in reply to davidwalshblog

(Those of you on desktops can probably view the full Photo Sphere of that Hotwell Road shot by clicking the pic:…)

via Echofon

Google+. Because I’d much rather be known as 111822899171376012884 than “gothick”.

via Echofon

@ef060372 That was Photo Sphere; comes with the Nexus 4.

via Tweetbot for iOS

@Nose_in_a_book Watch _Hudson Hawk_. Bruce Willis will remind you.

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Someone appears to have parked a cafe on my route to work…

via Instagram

@framingfairy Hi! No, I didn’t do it, sadly just didn’t have the time or energy for training this year :(

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BabsBat There’s a special place in he’ll for autocorrect

via Echofon (retweeted on 9:18 PM, Sep 17th, 2013 via Tweetbot for iOS)

Perfect morning for walking to work in .

via Instagram

@Bristol_Jane In your “Save As” screen, do you have this drop-down box?

via Echofon in reply to Bristol_Jane

@Bristol_Jane Another option: while on the page, hit Cmd+L (to highlight the URL at the top) then hit Alt+Return and it should download.

via Echofon in reply to Bristol_Jane

@Bristol_Jane If I go to that page in Safari, then choose File->Save As… and save the file, it saves the mp3.

via Echofon in reply to Bristol_Jane

@Bristol_Jane No, no stupidity; it’ll depend on exactly how the page is set up. Can you send the link? Might give me more idea.

via Echofon in reply to Bristol_Jane

@Bristol_Jane If it’s Safari, I’d probably just go up to the “FIle” menu at the top of the screen, and choose “Save As…” from there.

via Echofon in reply to Bristol_Jane

@Bristol_Jane (If it opens up like that when you click a link on previous page, try alt-clicking the link instead of just clicking it.)

via Echofon in reply to Bristol_Jane

@Bristol_Jane If it’s just on its own web page, choosing File->Save As… should let you download it.

via Echofon in reply to Bristol_Jane

(That’ll probably be all for now. I’ll see if I can collect my fave photos from this morning into a little blog post later…)

via Echofon

@tsunimee (Note to self: Do not title this picture ‘spanking the banana’.)

via Echofon in reply to tsunimee

Also: Is it my imagination, or does that gorilla look hungry to you?

via Echofon

I seem to remember this particular chase having a happy ending…

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PTdavelewis @gothick that’s his Personal Trainer.

via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 11:46 AM, Sep 15th, 2013 via Echofon)

@RamonWrites Nope. Not enough time, not enough training :(

via Echofon in reply to RamonWrites

Hope all those lovely runners have a great time at the Bristol Half Marathon today :D

via Echofon

@ttscoff Lighting circuit? Don’t know about the US, but it’s normal for there to be no neutral to the *switches* in the UK, just the live.

via Echofon in reply to ttscoff

babyshamblesuk Lincoln With an L and Bristol With a Bang via @drewhelsinki @HuffPostUKEnt

via Twitter for Websites (retweeted on 6:15 PM, Sep 14th, 2013 via Echofon)

@rem Known issue with uploads at the mo following their server farm move —…

via Echofon in reply to rem

My new sounds: Inverigo, by Thea Gilmore… on

via SoundCloud

@thekarleighshow That’s only a bad habit if you’re going to fry something.

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@ahnlak Argh! I should have put it in the boot as soon as I saw it…

via Echofon in reply to ahnlak

@hatsandbikes Front and centre at a ‘shambles gig, I didn’t really notice the aircon :)

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Side note: Bristol is a centre for amazing real beer. Academy no longer sponsored by Carling. How come its beer is still so awful?

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