Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

September 2011

@guriben Not bad for a first try, I recon :)

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@DaveHamilton Odd. Let me know if it’s a particular file type, and I’ll give it a go…

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@jontangerine I used to work on Victoria Street; probably popped in there for morning coffee a few hundred times!

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@DaveHamilton Don’t *think* I’ve seen that happen outside Private Browsing.

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@jontangerine George would be the guy who owns the place (as pictured on the right-hand end of this photo of mine:… :) )

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@jontangerine Purty. You doing some work for George?

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@mskittypurry Thanks! They certainly *felt* well done by the time I’d finished :)

via Echofon in reply to BabsBat

@KaveyF New year celebrations are two days, I think (you’d think I’d remember more of this stuff, having been brought up in Gants Hill!)

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Charity update: Thanks, sponsors! Raised £272.50 running the Bristol Half Marathon for St. Peter’s Hospice.…

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@KaveyF @ahnlak Maybe just beefing things up for the New Year celebrations?

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More discoveries from being at home during the day: our binmen all appear to have cockney accents. Maybe they’re issued with the job.

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@Lillput They know you’ll have to give them the money anyway, so why waste their time making it easy for you?

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@KaveyF Didn’t @ahnlak say they were there the other day, too?

via Echofon in reply to Kavey

@benjohnbarnes Yup. Certainly would be an interesting project. (Bet the audio stuff’s a bitch, mind.)

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@benjohnbarnes It’s relevant to me — want to play with Android, and here’s an affordable device I might actually *use* as well! :)

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@Easybourne Have you considered a system of hooks, ropes and pulleys that keeps it hanging just to the side of the monitor?

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@iamdanw So, that’s narrowed down to two. At which point, for *books*, I’d buy the one with the 2 month battery life, rather than 8 hours.

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@iamdanw Definitely without ads. The 3G has been awesome on my Kindle 3, in and out of the country, so 3G.

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On frontpage, Jeff Bezos’ message is nicely rendered text. gets a dodgy-looking PNG you can’t copy/paste from. Odd.

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Bah. Tired and headachey again. Maybe I’m going down with something.

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@MatStace Wouldn’t be much point, would there? They probably haven’t worked out how to use money yet.

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@Malarkey Bah. Probably about the time we get iCloud music sharing. I’m not holding my breath.

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@RellyAB This is what mine looks like, if it’s any help. Mine’s 27” 3.06GHz Core 2 Duo. Hot, but not burning, to touch.

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baratunde Let’s just be honest about what Facebook really is, guys: a birthday reminder service masquerading as a social network.

via WhoSay (retweeted on 4:47 PM, Sep 28th, 2011 via Echofon)

@BenPark Having similar issues. Now I’m home during the day I’m finding out how loud music lessons can be at the primary school opposite!

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@daycoder Ah! Well, if you ever need to play with S3, Transmit can basically handle it okay, but Cyberduck does more clever things with it.

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@hecticjeff That’s because it’s the worst keyboard ever made. Good riddance to it!

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@daycoder I like it, but turn to Cyberduck more and more as its S3 capability is better and it’s also pretty cute.

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@fakebaldur UK site just went live with the cheapy 6” one in last few minutes. £89. No sign of the others yet.

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(Which is odd, bearing in mind that the keyboard is, by quite a long way, the Kindle 3’s worst feature.)

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New 6” Wi-Fi up on Amazon UK, for £89. Looks like existing Kindle renamed “Kindle Keyboard”.…

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@ahnlak This is normal. It’s probably upping that result based on your Google+ network, I’d guess. Never do ranking checks when logged in!

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Score! New Bryant & May novel just fell through my

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@mattgemmell My K3’s “good enough” for now compared to the Touch. Fire *might* tempt me, probably as an addition.

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@ahnlak Ah, but does it do that if you’re not logged into Google?

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@ahnlak Well, all the Kindle Touch stuff has been demoing with monochrome stuff on the screen, anyway, which I took as a clue :)

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@ahnlak Looks to me like the Touch *is* e-Ink, and the Fire is not. Also a non-Touch which is just an even cheaper e-Ink one.

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@ahnlak @mjh53 So unless they suddenly turn into Adobe, I’d hope to see some pretty damn cheap new UK Kindles.

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@ahnlak @mjh53 Right. Sorry. Wi-Fi Kindle 3: $139/£111. 3G Kindle 3: $189/£152.

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@ahnlak @mjh53 Sorry, you’re right, also forgot I needed to avoid comparing the “with offers” ones.

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@Runkeeper @szajbus Tip #1: Sleep in your jogging clothes. Much easier to get out the door if you’re a slow starter like me :D

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@mjh53 @KaveyF @says_arline I’m not so worried about touch/non touch. I’d just like pages to turn faster!

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@mjh53 Their track record isn’t too bad, is it? Kindle 3 3G is $139/£109.

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@mjh53 In that case, you can get the even cheaper non-touch one (apparently $79.)

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Hmm. Kindle Touch. Looks like a nice incremental upgrade on the Kindle 3.

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@KaveyF @meemalee @ahnlak Please note that all mentions of that song *must* be hashtagged appropriately.

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Sitting on a bench on the Downs, listening to the susurration of wind through the trees.

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Schofe Brilliant!! RT @AndrewRyan_: Best workplace sign I’ve seen so far.

via Osfoora for iOS (retweeted on 1:52 PM, Sep 28th, 2011 via Tweetbot for iOS)

@Mouse_House Yes thanks. Reading, with a cat on my lap. You?

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Me Me is a scaredycat, initially, who then turns into upside-down lap purball.

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@djshandy Must be. I follow someone who’s at 95,000+, and I can’t imagine that’s the end of the bell curve.

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@rhodri @scissorkicks Just wait till their deliveraptor bursts it through your door. After it’s been vannified, obviously.

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@robohannah @hannahnicklin I wish there were a good way of favouriting an entire exchange on Twitter.

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@talkie_tim I have it counting down (in a slightly sinister fashion) and triggering the EOS shutter :)

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@Jorence Playing with an Arduino. In the first instance, making a time-lapse intervalometer to control the Canon :)

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@r0bb1eh Who’s hoarding? I’m using this stuff…

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@r0bb1eh What, you got some odd aversion to electronics?

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@r0bb1eh That? That’s a relatively small chunk of this lot: :D

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Right. Thinks are about to get geeky round here.

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I just found a book called “30 Days to a Simpler Life” buried at the bottom of a stack of filing I’ve not looked at for a year. Hrm.

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@umairh What, the one accompanying this BBC article?…

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robjmills I reckon its now quicker to walk to the cashpoint to check my balance than it is to access my HSBC internet banking

via Twitter for Mac (retweeted on 12:33 PM, Sep 27th, 2011 via Tweetbot for iOS)

@codepo8 Has it? I can almost not bear to look…

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Just got some post from Google addressed to “Head of Marketing, Basement Flat…”. Now less worried about their omniscience.

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James1am Found out yesterday the Blue Peter dog (Barney) has his own security pass for BBC buildings. He’s listed in the system as a freelancer.

via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 9:26 AM, Sep 27th, 2011 via Echofon)

@mhoulden Oh yeah! I guess I didn’t try because that stuff normally only works on _CSI_ and _Spooks_ :)

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RT @mhoulden: @gothick It’s the DVD production company for the old Dr Who series:… <— Ah! That explains it.

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What is this building in London, and — for this is why I’m curious — why does it have a Dalek in the lobby?

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@archidave *dance-steps off stage, waving hat*

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@bpm140 Click on the arrows to expand; “Cached” is under the headline on the expanded view.

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@thomasvenables I’m watching _The Prisoner_. I’m not sure it would benefit much from adding more technology.

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@Pockless @Swishrelic Look at me closer when you say that, baby.

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@Swishrelic @irkafirka To be firked once is fortunate. To be firked twice would probably diagnose me as a serious Twitter attention-whore.

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.@archidave You say that almost like you expect me to have a swannee whistle to hand.

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I just accidentally closed a window by dropping a kazoo on my trackpad. I am the Harold Lloyd of computing.

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@hayles I will not be getting a Blu-Ray player then.

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@hayles Ah, yes. That. Luckily I’m watching _The Prisoner_, which has a couple of seconds copyright notice and nothing else.

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@archidave Have you identified the big metal cupboards in your kitchen yet? Remember to write down which does “cold” and which does “hot”.

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God, I love watching DVDs. It’s so nice not having the end credits cut in half and spoken over.

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Ah. An old Type 17 TARDIS. No, this is pre-invention of the Chameleon circuit. They were just a bit crap.

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My mistake. Finding the Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch in a drain would have been silly. It was actually a fire hydrant.…

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Cambridge bomb scare:… Last time there was a bomb in a drain, didn’t it turn out to be the Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch?

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@KaveyF @BristolBites Ah, okay, one of these things, then. I think I’ve only bought them as “porcini”…

via Echofon in reply to Kavey

@KaveyF I dunno. What’s cep in English?

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@chantalcoady @ahnlak It does seem to be quite a longwinded way of turning trees into yellow compost.

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@AndyMcCarthyUK No parts yet. Waiting a display and an opto-isolator (sure Maplin used to be faster than this. Should’ve gone to the shop!)

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RT @zeldman: At Download in the Dumps <— Yup, sounds like my usual kind of Adobe “experience”.

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@AndyMcCarthyUK Yup. All of these calls are from overseas (& most pretending to be the type of call that isn’t covered by the TPS.)

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shiflett I’ve never moderated my salt consumption, so it’s interesting to read that maybe it’s not so bad after all.

via Twitter Web Client (retweeted on 4:51 PM, Sep 26th, 2011 via Echofon)

Wish caller ID worked properly when my dad called from Greece. Then I could just ban unknown numbers.

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I hadn’t realised just how many scammy phone calls my home phone got until I stayed in for a few working days.

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Hoping they don’t have to use this too often. @ Royal Mail Delivery Office (Clifton)

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meemalee @gothick One day it will just be a sheet of paper saying “

via TweetDeck (retweeted on 11:21 AM, Sep 26th, 2011 via Tweetbot for iOS)

‘What’s a “Yellow Pages”, grandad?’ Can’t believe they’re still delivering these things.

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@talkie_tim Just seems a bit mad spending money painting all this stuff on the roads if you can’t find out what it means…

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@emmafurious Whoo! Take some deep breaths and enjoy the enjoyable bits of all this :D

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@JamesCridland Is the Full Screen proper Lion Full Screen now? *updates*

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@says_arline Curtain geek. (They’re IKEA’s c̶h̶e̶a̶p̶e̶s̶t̶ finest, by the way.)

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@talkie_tim Okay. Don’t think I’ve seen a chevron. Is there anywhere that actually tells you what they mean? *searches*

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@talkie_tim Just tried the council cycle route planner from Hotwells to Victoria Street. Routes through Clifton Village & Tyndall’s Park Rd!

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@talkie_tim (Because I don’t think I’ve seen any of those. Just green bars like a thick hyphen. I think.)

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@talkie_tim Incidentally, am I getting confused? Are the chevrons you’re talking about actually >> chevrons?

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@Gary_Bainbridge Oh, I dunno. “Have you tried…” *little dance* “…turning it off and on again? Olé!”

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@talkie_tim There aren’t actually many ways that could have gone worse, then? Oh well. Still, I’ll be getting back on my bike soon anyway.

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@talkie_tim Oh, is that what those coloured bars are under the pictures of cycles on Cotham Hill?

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@mhoulden Argh! Oracle books! *makes cross with fingers to ward off evil*

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@Mouse_House *prepares mouse-sized cattle-prod*

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@redlegoman Well, I reckon I’d probably burn more calories chasing the buggers than eating them.

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@nineweeks The masters can insult you with the same blow that kills you.

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@doubledodge Have you seen before? You really think they *have* a technical advisor to fire?

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Gah. My healthy snack just rolled under a cupboard. Bloody grapes. A nice flat chocolate bar wouldn’t have done that.

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@hayles Yes, but let’s face it, you’d be happy eating a washing machine as long as it was with sweet chilli sauce.

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@benjohnbarnes Goodness. It’s almost like you’re saying that you want your printer to just *print stuff*.

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@Thehappyfatgirl Well, he did use the sonic screwdriver quite a lot.

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@CasJam Er. It doesn’t. Well, mine doesn’t, anyway.

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@hayles I plan to take it fairly easy for the next few weeks. “Human” sounds quite an attractive step up.

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@hayles I’m hoping it’s still ongoing shell-shock from doing a dull job for too long. Maybe one day I will have energy again.

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Checking the output of my first Arduino sketch using an oscilloscope I built myself. Doesn’t get much geekier, fo

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@hayles Ah, you did go along. Sorry I didn’t join you, I think I overestimated my energy levels this weekend :(

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@djelibeybi_meg :) It’s amazing the prettiness you find just growing out of a crack in the pavement…

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@IreneB9 Mornin’. I guess it must be particularly hot rain, then :(. Bah. Hope it stops, want to go for a run later.

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@IreneB9 That noise I can hear must be someone having a shower in my back garden, then.

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@johnfbraun That tweet needed a lot more context.

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Cyberman: Does my bum look big in this?

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@Nose_in_a_book Aw. Here, I just found this. It might cheer you up like it did me:…

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@ahnlak I think that seems wise. Though I’m saving mine for teatime.

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Randomly stopped to rearrange shopping outside Oddbins’ window display and ended up with two bottles of @BrisBeerFactory’s Southville Hop!

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I have tidied up a bit, and made an Arduino blink. I think today is probably going to go downhill from this high point.

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codepo8 Unexpected item in the bagging area:…

via TweetDeck (retweeted on 2:41 PM, Sep 24th, 2011 via Echofon)

I have only been off work for a few days. My flat is starting to look like some kind of tramp’s nest. Need some energy.

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@BenPark I intend to do camera controlly things, but you can make robots, and all sorts. Very flexible, quite easy to use. Apparently.

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@BenPark Yeah. Easy interface for programming, and a shedload of handy inputs and outputs.

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@tsunimee I didn’t realise you could *eat* that stuff. I’ve been throwing my No 7 vouchers away…

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@BenPark Arduino board. Me makey flashy lighty buttony thingys.

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@guriben Kewl. As far as soldering goes, at the height of my skills, I put this together. Been a long time, though.

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@guriben Good to know, ta. Probably won’t be playing until end of month, but will shout in your direction if I get stuck :)

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HeardinLondon The sat nav lady just said “bear left”. I mimed a frightened face out of the left window. I am an idiot.

via Birdhouse (retweeted on 9:15 AM, Sep 24th, 2011 via Echofon)

Nothing like a big syringe full of drugs to get you started in the morning.

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@Mouse_House Yup. I like Gruffalo-defeating mouse. Though I prefer doing the Gruffalo voice when reading to my honorary nephews :)

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@Mouse_House Have you seen “The Mouse That Roared”? Though I guess it’s probably terrifyingly dated by now…

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For @stillawake and others curious about lovely meal at @runciblespoon1 earlier on, here’s an idea of said loveliness.

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@hayles Ah! No, ignore me. I was getting my Twitter confused with my Instagram.

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@hayles Did you un-tweet something earlier?

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@stillawake That’ll have to wait until I see if the pictures from the big camera come out okay :)

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Yogurt & pistachio cake with

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Celeriac & apple free bonus starter :) @ The Runcible

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@penelopeelse Yeah, standards are really slipping. I had to peel my own grapes earlier on.

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@penelopeelse Don’t you have to swoon and be carried to those?

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@johnfbraun There are more important things to be done with this technology.

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stephen_abbott Best Guardian correction ever: ‘This article was amended to clarify the relevance of the speed of light to causality’

via TweetDeck (retweeted on 3:45 PM, Sep 23rd, 2011 via Tweetbot for iOS)

Mmm. Naughty take-out falafel on the Centre :)

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Emerging from my flat into… Er… Sunshine? What’s going on? I wrapped up warm…

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MrsStephenFry I don’t know why people are worrying about being hit by a bus-sized . You’re far more likely to be hit by a satellite-sized bus.

via Twitter Web Client (retweeted on 11:41 AM, Sep 23rd, 2011 via Tweetbot for iOS)

m1ke_ellis “When bits of Skylab fell in Australia, no one was injured but the local authorities did fine NASA $400 for littering”

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