@MatStace Wouldn’t be much point, would there? They probably haven’t worked out how to use money yet.
@tiny_teapot SMUG MODE ENABLED. @t_pk
@Malarkey Bah. Probably about the time we get iCloud music sharing. I’m not holding my breath.
@tiny_teapot Have you turned it off and on again?
@RellyAB This is what mine looks like, if it’s any help. Mine’s 27” 3.06GHz Core 2 Duo. Hot, but not burning, to touch. lockerz.com/s/142712949
baratunde Let’s just be honest about what Facebook really is, guys: a birthday reminder service masquerading as a social network.
@BenPark Having similar issues. Now I’m home during the day I’m finding out how loud music lessons can be at the primary school opposite!
@daycoder Ah! Well, if you ever need to play with S3, Transmit can basically handle it okay, but Cyberduck does more clever things with it.
@hecticjeff That’s because it’s the worst keyboard ever made. Good riddance to it!
@daycoder I like it, but turn to Cyberduck more and more as its S3 capability is better and it’s also pretty cute.
@fakebaldur UK site just went live with the cheapy 6” one in last few minutes. £89. No sign of the others yet.
(Which is odd, bearing in mind that the keyboard is, by quite a long way, the Kindle 3’s worst feature.)
New 6” Wi-Fi #Kindle up on Amazon UK, for £89. Looks like existing Kindle renamed “Kindle Keyboard”. amazon.co.uk/Kindle-Wi-Fi-6…
@ahnlak This is normal. It’s probably upping that result based on your Google+ network, I’d guess. Never do ranking checks when logged in!
Score! New Bryant & May novel just fell through my letterbox@Peculiarllockerz.com/s/142705423PEnt
@mattgemmell My K3’s “good enough” for now compared to the Touch. Fire *might* tempt me, probably as an addition.
@ahnlak Ah, but does it do that if you’re not logged into Google?
@ahnlak Well, all the Kindle Touch stuff has been demoing with monochrome stuff on the screen, anyway, which I took as a clue :)
@ahnlak Looks to me like the Touch *is* e-Ink, and the Fire is not. Also a non-Touch which is just an even cheaper e-Ink one.
@ahnlak @mjh53 So unless they suddenly turn into Adobe, I’d hope to see some pretty damn cheap new UK Kindles.
@Runkeeper @szajbus Tip #1: Sleep in your jogging clothes. Much easier to get out the door if you’re a slow starter like me :D
@mjh53 @KaveyF @says_arline I’m not so worried about touch/non touch. I’d just like pages to turn faster!
@ahnlak Being announced at the moment. live.reuters.com/Event/Amazons_…
@mjh53 Their track record isn’t too bad, is it? Kindle 3 3G is $139/£109.
@mjh53 In that case, you can get the even cheaper non-touch one (apparently $79.)
Hmm. Kindle Touch. Looks like a nice incremental upgrade on the Kindle 3.
@KaveyF @meemalee @ahnlak Please note that all mentions of that song *must* be hashtagged appropriately. #awimbawe #twitterpolice
Tree. lockerz.com/s/142678797
Sitting on a bench on the Downs, listening to the susurration of wind through the trees.
Schofe Brilliant!! RT @AndrewRyan_: Best workplace sign I’ve seen so far. yfrog.com/o0ieforvj”
@cybermango Ha!
@Mouse_House Yes thanks. Reading, with a cat on my lap. You?
Me Me is a scaredycat, initially, who then turns into upside-down lap purball. instagr.am/p/OcYmL/
Hello, purr-monster :) @MissEmmeline instagr.am/p/OcXLI/