Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

September 21st, 2011

@KaveyF I am terrified by playing in “public ” :(

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By channel-flipping, I’m watching _Folyle’s War of the Worlds_, where a posh British WW2 detective played by Tom Cruise fights off aliens.

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@hayles Yeah, but at least the hours are good.

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@hayles I’m self-employed by a modest genius with good taste.

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@hayles Well, it worked for me. *flicks hair* *pulls off glasses*

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Home. With chocolate, beer and wine. Must. Show. Self. Restraint.

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@twittl3s That’s the plan. But freewheeling for a while first.

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Leaving drinks not that messy, luckily. Slowly heading home.

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@skinsrocks That’s a different *country*, isn’t it? Crazy lady. PS: Thanks :) x

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In the Commercial Rooms, talking nostalgia :)

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Another leaving pressie. And well-chosen, I feel :)

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@Easybourne It must have had *really* clean toilets.

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aaronsw “University officials say about an hour after the class’s start time, they emailed that the professor had died.”…

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Wow. Nice wheel you’ve reinvented there. Interesting shape.

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@StJamesPT You might want to add a caveat: “If this course overlaps your leaving a job, add three extra weeks to compensate.”

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@StJamesPT It’s a balanced diet. As you can see, the beer is balanced on a box of chocolates.

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These people know me quite well.

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@archidave Wish there were an easy was of retweeting that.

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@boudledidge @MadamJMo Poor, but with a clear conscience?

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@hayles Haven’t you heard? Nerds are fashionable now. Oh. Wait. That was seven seconds ago. Damn.

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Lloyds building, ferry window.

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@hayles Damn it. Trust me to turn to looting just as it’s gone out if fashion.

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@hayles I should get a wheelbarrow on the way in. Is Gardiner Haskins open yet?

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@stillawake Thank you. Sure it will be. Though vaguely possible it’ll get a bit messy later.

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@hayles I WILL! Of course, by “smash things up” I pretty much mean “steal a stapler.”

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And another launch. It’s rare for me to be jealous of another mode of transport when I’m on a boat!

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@Mouse_House I got bored with my insurance day job. Saved up a few months money. Planning on learning more web & iPhone development stuff :)

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Item @BBCr4today about “supercomplaint” against banks. Surely banks could beat it with a superinjunction? Or am I superwrong?

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@Mouse_House Yup. I am taking a few months to head my career in a new direction/learn new stuff. :)

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@Mouse_House Mmm hm. Last day of work. Starting with breakfast in Wetherspoons.

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